A Proposal on How Arming Teachers With Guns Influence School Shootings in the U.S. Essay
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Over decades, the United States has encountered severe issues, particularly with school shootings. However, even if different measures have been incorporated to avert the issue of school shootings, the number of cases continues to improve. For example, the public, the American government, and police have tried to seek various solutions to terminate school shootings, but the number continues to increase. In fact, some prosed ideas to stop school shootings, but all is in vain. The government has improved school security, and even it has been emphasized to change the operating tactics of the police to aid in finding solutions but siting the issue is improving. There is much debate on How arming teachers with guns influences School Shootings in the U.S. Most of the investigation that has already been completed indicates that arming educators with guns may significantly impact their safety. Therefore, the research will be designated to analyze how the arming of teachers with guns in the school setting within the United States. The document will generate a piece of basic information, and an analysis of existing literature, especially addressing the need for more attention on teachers’ mental health. It will embrace measures that school stockholders can utilize to potentially moderate cases related to school shootings in the United States. A Proposal on How Arming Teachers With Guns Influence School Shootings in the U.S. Essay
The investigation also examines some of the proposed ideas by evaluating policy deviations that influence school shootings based on strain theory. Also, a survey method will be required to help attain a wide range of quantitative information on the study. Therefore, this investigation will evaluate the practical realities of arming teachers with guns to facilitate a new social environment with a call for the future of American democracy.
Operation Definition of Significant Terms
School shooting: It is a prepared attack at different learning institutions, including tertiary levels, high schools, and primary schools. However, the phenomena emphasize the application of weapons such as guns and firearms.
The United States has encountered severe issues for many years, particularly with school shootings. However, the impact of school shootings on the direct victims is very embarrassing. Shootings have cut short the lives of several students and their instructors for the past few years. Many students, instructors, and other educators have lost their lives due to gun violence at various schools. As a result, school shooting has left behind a huge percentage of grief-stricken family members and loved ones (Flannery et al., 2013). In this regard, the American government and police have tried to seek various solutions to terminate school shootings, but the number continues to increase. The government has improved school security, and even it has been emphasized to change the operating tactics of the police to aid in finding a solution but siting the issue is improving. However, there is much debate on How arming teachers with guns influences School Shootings in the U.S. Therefore, this research is designated to provide an analysis of arming teachers with guns in the school setting within the United States. The study will generate vital information, the analysis of existing literature, especially addressing the need for more attention to teachers’ mental health. It will embrace measures that school stockholders can utilize to potentially moderate cases related to school shootings in the United States.
Statement Of the Problem
Several schools across the United States have encountered various instances of shootings. The cost of school shooting for the direct victims is very embarrassing. Shootings have cut short the lives of several students and their instructors for the past few years. Many students, instructors, and other educators have lost their lives due to gun violence at various schools. As a result, school shooting has left behind a huge percentage of grief-stricken family members and friends. Therefore, various analysts have exposed a more profound concern in studying how arming teachers with guns can be an effective proposed measure to stop school shootings. Thus, the research will explore a suggestion the American state needs to implement as it seeks various solutions to terminate school shootings. A Proposal on How Arming Teachers With Guns Influence School Shootings in the U.S. Essay
Purpose Of the Study
The analysis in this study will evaluate how arming teachers with guns in the school setting will help to reduce shooting cases within the United States. The document will generate a piece of basic information, and an analysis of existing literature, especially addressing the need for more attention on teachers’ mental health. It will embrace measures that school stockholders can utilize to potentially moderate cases related to school shootings in the United States.
Objectives And Aims of The Study
A good number of recent analyses have emphasized the cases in which learners in the learning environment seriously injure, or other community members kill teachers. Therefore, the call for an effective approach to curb school shootings improves teachers’ mental well-being, thus providing a conducive environment for learning in schools. However, the goals of such approaches or programs involve enhancing the economic competitiveness among teachers, creating a more impressive environment that provides students engagement in learning, and enabling teachers to practice their profession as per the demand of the education sector.
Therefore, the following are the objectives of this analysis:
- To investigate the impact of school shootings in various learning environments in the U.S.
- To analyze the role of the government in improving school security.in the United States.
- To discover the need for arming teachers with guns in education, particularly in schools in the U.S.
Research Questions
The general framework of this research and literature will rely on the following questions:
- How to arming teachers with guns terminates school shooting within the state of America?
- Is arming teachers with guns an effective approach solution to terminate school shootings?
- Which other approaches can be utilized to avert school shootings in the U.S.?
The Scope of the Study
The research will cover students and teachers from different high schools in the United States. The research population for this study is teachers and students since they are the leading group affected by various school shootings. However, a key focus will be assessing and learning more about arming teachers with guns and its influence on schools’ learning environments. Therefore, the prominence will be on arming teachers with guns for safety, particularly in the evolving world.
Limitation Of the Study
The analysis will be done among teachers from different high schools in the United States. The teachers will be selected because they are the leading group affected by school shootings. However, the investigation can have various restrictions, but the key limitation is the scarcity of information About different measures to be incorporated to avert the issue of school shootings.
Assumptions And Hypothesis of The Research
The analysis will assume that the targeted people will be available, and they will reliably produce a wide range of suggestions and ideas requested accordingly.
Theoretical Framework
The analysis is conducted to investigate whether or not there is a substantial gap between students who participate in sports and those who don’t engage in athletics. Therefore, applying strain theory will play a significant role in the study. Strain theory was implemented in the early 1930s to resurface the mindset of Americans in the increase of various cases of mass shootings (Rocque & Duwe, 2018). Also, the concern of strain theory is to illustrate 6he repercussions of mass shootings and the gap between the different types of people in American society. Hence, the critical matter of strain theory will focus on various analyses that embrace the challenges of mass shootings and how such practice negatively impacts citizens in the United States. As a result, this theory provides the degree to which people identify the challenge of mass shootings and trace the source of the problems to social strains in the life of Americans.
Literature Review
A good number of recent analyses have emphasized the cases in which learners in the kerning environment seriously injure or kill other community members. Therefore, different possibilities of school shootings are reviewed here by various sources to aid in understanding the impact of school shootings on teachers and the learning environment. A Proposal on How Arming Teachers With Guns Influence School Shootings in the U.S. Essay
Over decades, the rate of shooting cases in the United States has been increasing; for example, according to portrayed that more than one hundred thousand students attended different schools where shootings occurred between 218 and 2019 (Paradice, 2017). However, even though mass school shootings attain appropriate media attention, several cases are less widely publicized. In fact, most analyses portray that 75% (three-quarters) of mass school shootings between 2028 t0 2019 result in few deaths and fatalities.
Shootings have cut short the lives of several students and their instructors for the past few years. According to the APUS online database, many students, instructors, and other educators have lost their lives due to gun violence at various schools in the U.S. (Flannery et al., (2013). For instance, based on various posts about school shootings in Washington, DC, portrayed that at least one hundred and eighty-six students, instructors, and other educators have lost their lives by gun violence in various schools within the state of America Since 1999 at the era of Uvalde massacres. In this sense, school shooting has left behind a considerable percentage of grief-stricken family members. From this perspective, the need embraces appropriate measures in addressing school s shootings can aid in maintaining security in learning environments.
According to Farr (2018). The study investigates the part of failed masculinity in adolescent conservatory shooting rampages. The article portrays that the shooters encounter a suspect of their presentation of traditional prescriptive masculinity, which has been a history in American culture and is especially noticeable in the success of insider positions in different secondary schools. In this context, the youngsters may become progressively irritated and violent in their gendered exercise once they perceive that the rejection of their peers is unfair injustice. Therefore, younger teenagers may become violent in their acts ending up involved in a curious attitude.
The information from the study embraced by Comer & Connolly, 2020) portrayed the factors connected to carrying guns in school. In review, this study reflects on adolescents’ social concerts at school. Therefore, the article complements my hypothesis because the younger shooters also varied in the intensity and prevalence of insider masculinity-connected activities, such as excursion and shooting planning. Hence, relying on this article’s results, various techniques for averting adolescent rampage school shootings are anticipated.
Research Methodology
Outline Of Study Methodology.
This section aims to highlight different methods implemented to gather vital information regarding arming teachers with guns in the school setting within the United States. The section starts by outlining the techniques incorporated to help collect ideas and concepts linked to the gap between the two types of students. However, following the account of the particular methods, the chapter proceeds to portray the necessary procedures to be embraced when collecting appropriate research information. Moreover, the section outlines the development of validation and instrument needed for this research. Hence, the information collected undergoes qualitative and quantitative analysis for future reference and investigations.
Research Design:
This analysis utilizes a descriptive research approach to understand well the significance of arming teachers with guns in the school setting within the United States. This research design needs to aid in attaining appropriate information systematically to describe the population and a particular area of study. This is because a descriptive research design aid in answering how, where, when, and what questions about the study problem. Therefore, my analysis extensively used a descriptive research approach and athletic identity theories. Therefore, applying athletic identity theories plays a significant role in the study. Also, the concern of strain theory is to illustrate the repercussing of mass shootings and the gap between the different types of people that exists in American society. Hence, the key concern of strain theory will be to focus on various analyses that embrace the challenges of mass shootings and how such practice negatively impacts citizens in the United States.
Definite Research Methodsimplemented
This research incorporated both inductive and deductive means to attain the necessary information. The inductive means was emphasized to lay the basic work for enhancing concepts and ideas regarding this research. Therefore, the need to embrace inductive reasoning is significant in enhancing an inclusive and comprehensive conclusion based on examples and evidence from the conditions in real-life situations.
Conversely, there was much significance in applying the deductive method. This approach begins by scheming the working hypothesis (assumptions). However, the subsequent points contain collecting and analyzing vital information to introduce the degree to which the hypothesis is strengthened. Therefore, according to Soiferman (2010), deductive reasoning has to be emphasized to incorporate empirical validation of the theories applied in this research. Therefore, employing inductive and deductive procedures enhances a comprehensive conclusion based on particular examples and evidence in real-life situations.
The research had to employ various techniques to collect vital data. The common approaches implement surveys to collect Appropriate information from different sources. Applying a survey method is needed to help attain the required information more in-depth. For this reason, athletics education programs will aid in alleviating the condition.
A Survey: A survey method was required to help attain a wide range of quantitative data on the significance of arming teachers with guns in the school setting within the United States. The major aim of emphasizing a survey is to generate viable information regarding the research.
The essential for accompanying a survey is to gather a wide range of data from teachers, educators, and some education stakeholders regarding their thoughts and perceptions of the substantial gap in arming teachers with guns. In this sense, the survey entails different close-ended questions to aid in collecting viable data that help analyze the significance of arming teachers with guns in the school setting. Surveys will be implemented to acquire data for the study. However, such surveys will involve various probing questions. The information will be self-reported and obtained anonymously. A Proposal on How Arming Teachers With Guns Influence School Shootings in the U.S. Essay
However, descriptive survey research will be significant for its reliability and precision; since it simplifies the summary of the information collected through the project (Salaria, 2012). Therefore, a descriptive survey research strategy is adopted to enhance comprehensive and high-quality information collection.
Furthermore, examining publications, particularly peer-reviewed journals, relevant books, and periodicals from APUS online database, yields useful information on analyzing how arming teachers with guns aids in generating secure school environments. As a result, surveys will be implemented to obtain comprehensive information about this research. Consequently, the methodologies used in the analysis of this research underwrite the process of providing quality support services to busy student-athletes to encourage their participation in athletics. Thus, making our student-athletes feel welcomed and honored.
The Significance of The Research
The Ministry of Security will utilize the necessary findings from the research to promote security and flexibility in the school environment. Also, the results investigated will aid in educating the government, particularly the security sectors, on how to protect students, teachers, and different learning environments in schools to meet societal norms.
Research Timeline
The analysis will involve approximately four months to accomplish its aim. However, during this grace period, various activities will be involved. Some of these activities include an investigation of the literature review, analysis of the research design and procedure, gathering the vital data, confirming various reports of the field site, cross-case study, and conclusion of the project. Generally, the research timeline will be summarized as follows:
The Budget
The analysis will involve approximately $ 602 every month to accomplish its aim. However, the cost that will be involved during the project will include the following expenditures:
Expense | Cost ($) |
Participant transportation | 302 |
Catering | 88 |
Material and handouts | 110 |
Contingencies | 102 |
Total expenses | $602 |
Conclusion, Implications, Recommendations.
The United States has encountered severe issues, particularly with a school shootings. However, even if different measures have been incorporated to avert the issue of school shootings, the number of cases continues to improve. For example, the public, the American government, and police have tried to seek various solutions to terminate school shootings, but the number continues to increase. Therefore, the need to find appropriate intervention profoundly influences students’ and educators’ lives. In this regard, guns have been perceived as a lodestone for enhancing security in the school environment.
The Implications of Technology for Education Work Profession
School shootings influenced the learning environment and educators in different aspects. Therefore, arming teachers with guns will help them safeguard their life, thus making their profession more engaging and collaborative. Hence, arming teachers with guns will influence School Shootings in the U.S.
School shootings have left behind a massive percentage of grief-stricken family members. Most individuals have lost their loved ones through shooting. Thus, shooting cases have led to a mental disturbance among many. However, to avert this problem, there is a need to consider different interventions. Therefore, it is recommended for the public and the American government apply the following measures that help in preventing or instead find the solutions to put an end to the cases of school shootings:
- Creating public awareness to Teach responsibility and conscious behaviors related to ethnicities and races.
- Improve school security by emphasizing effective communication at all levels to enhance the collaborative culture within the learning environment in various schools.
- Inspire teamwork to ensure students, teachers, and other instructors work together to improve various learning environments. A Proposal on How Arming Teachers With Guns Influence School Shootings in the U.S. Essay
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