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Application of Concepts From Caring Science Assignment Paper

Application of Concepts From Caring Science Assignment Paper


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The effective utilization of available healthcare resources is the nursing practice outcome that can be strengthened in the context of my area of nursing practice. This is an especially important issue in the modern period, when expenses associated with medical treatment are climbing at an alarming rate and resources are becoming increasingly constrained. Because it enables healthcare practitioners to optimize the impact of the care they offer and to guarantee that every patient receives the best possible care, the efficient use of healthcare resources is an important aspect of providing excellent care. Application of Concepts From Caring Science Assignment Paper


Because of the ongoing increase in medical treatment expenses and the shrinking availability of resources, one of the most pressing issues facing the nursing profession today is how to make the most effective use of available healthcare resources. This is an especially important issue in the modern period when the demand for healthcare is rapidly increasing, and healthcare providers are faced with the task of delivering quality care despite having limited resources (Sturmberg & Bircher, 2019). Because it enables healthcare practitioners to optimize the impact of the care they offer and to guarantee that every patient receives the best possible care, the efficient use of healthcare resources is an important aspect of providing excellent care.

The most important step in ensuring that healthcare resources are used effectively is ensuring that nurses have received adequate training and are informed about the most efficient methods to use the resources currently available (Namburi & Tadi, 2020). To achieve this goal, nurses must be equipped with the information and abilities necessary to determine which resources are the most valuable, rank them in order of importance, and apply those resources in a way that is most beneficial to the patient. In addition, nurses are required to have the knowledge and abilities necessary to evaluate the requirements of their patients and to distribute available resources in a manner that is most likely to benefit the patient’s health. The capacity of nurses to communicate successfully with their patients is essential to properly using healthcare resources (National Academies of Sciences, 2018). This allows nurses to comprehend the requirements of their patients better and guarantee that the resources are being utilized in the most effective manner possible. In order to guarantee that resources are utilized in a manner that is both coordinated and effective, registered nurses are required to have the ability to interact with other medical professionals.

Nurses must also be able to accurately record data and share that data with other healthcare professionals. Nurses who can accurately evaluate the results of their care on the health of their patients and pinpoint areas where improvements may be made are crucial to making the most use of limited healthcare resources (Takura, 2018). In order to do so, nurses need to have a firm grasp on assessment techniques and the ability to formulate a treatment strategy that makes the most of all available tools. The nurses’ ability to track their care results and adjust the treatment strategy is also crucial. Application of Concepts From Caring Science Assignment Paper

Clinical Nursing Theory:

Providing effective communication between nurses and patients | improves | the efficient use of healthcare resources.


The process by which nurses engage in meaningful dialogue with their patients to understand their requirements and ensure that the available resources are being utilized in the most effective manner is meant to be understood as part of the concept of providing effective communication between nurses and patients. Effective communication is essential for nurses to assess their patient’s needs accurately and to develop an appropriate plan of care that takes into account all of the resources that are available(Afriyie, 2020). This concept is highly relevant to the efficient use of healthcare resources, as effective communication is required for nurses to do so.

Utilizing available resources in a manner that is most advantageous to the patient and maximizes the impact of the care provided is what is meant by the term “efficient use of healthcare resources.” This idea refers to the procedure described above. This idea is of utmost significance in the modern period when resources are increasingly constrained, and there is a continually expanding need for medical treatment(Simonovich et al., 2021). Nurses need to be well-trained and informed about the most effective ways to use existing resources in order to ensure that resources are used efficiently. Moreover, nurses must monitor their treatment’s effectiveness and alter the care accordingly.

Measuring the Concepts

Assessing the quality of communication between a nurse and a patient is one method that may be used to evaluate the efficacy of effective communication between nurses and patients. Determining the frequency of communication, the length of time spent addressing the patient’s needs, the level of information offered by the nurse, and the level of understanding shown by the patient are all examples of things that fall under this category(Simonovich et al., 2021). In order to determine how successful the communication was, it is possible to run polls asking patients about their level of contentment with the exchange of information. Application of Concepts From Caring Science Assignment Paper

Several different metrics may be used to evaluate the efficiency with which healthcare resources are used. One approach would be to evaluate the expense of treating a patient about the result that is anticipated to result from receiving treatment. The patient’s level of contentment with the care they have received can also be compared to the number of resources put into providing the care for the patient. It is possible to conduct surveys of medical professionals to evaluate how efficiently available resources are utilized and locate specific areas in which further progress may be made.

Matching Watson’s Theory of Caring

The concept of providing effective communication between nurses and patients can be found in Jean Watson’s Theory of Caring, along with the concept of efficiently using the resources available in the healthcare system. The Theory of Caring, developed by Jean Watson, is a humanistic and holistic approach to nursing that emphasizes the relationship between the nurse and the patient as well as the psychological, spiritual, and physiological requirements of the patient (Gunawan et al., 2022). In this theory, Watson asserts that the essential process of caring is predicated on the relationship between the nurse and the patient, which is predicated on communication, trust, and respect between the parties involved. The theory emphasizes communication, trust, and respect in providing care. It asserts that these three components are necessary for nurses to assess the needs of their patients accurately and to devise an appropriate care plan that takes into account all of the resources that are currently available. The theory also asserts that providing care holistically and compassionately is essential for quality care because it enables healthcare providers to maximize the impact of their care and ensures that every patient receives the best possible care (Elahi et al., 2021). This is because it allows healthcare providers to provide care in a manner that is compassionate toward the patient.

The theory also highlights the necessity of self-care for nurses, as it allows them to maintain their physical and emotional health to deliver the best possible care to their patients. Watson’s Theory of Caring also highlights the significance of employing available resources effectively in order to ensure that patients receive the greatest possible care. The theory asserts that the nurse-patient connection should be based on love, empathy, and respect to ensure that the care delivered is of the best quality. Watson further believes that effective communication is crucial for nurses to assess the patient’s needs effectively and for them to be able to establish an appropriate plan of care that takes into consideration all of the available resources.


Match the proposition in her theory.

There is a connection that can be made between Jean Watson’s Theory of Caring and the Caritas Processes and the concepts of enabling effective communication between nurses and patients, as well as the concept of making efficient use of the resources available in the healthcare system. The Caritas Processes are a set of core values fundamental to the practice of caring and are based on the principles of love, empathy, and respect (Riegel et al., 2018). These values are fundamental to the practice of caring because they are fundamental to the practice of caring. Caritas 1 Embrace is the Caritas Process that most closely reflects facilitating good communication between nurses and patients (Knutsson et al., 2022). CarThe Caritas Institute developed Caritas 1 Embracehis approach emphasizes the significance of communication, trust, and respect in providing care. It claims that these three components are necessary for nurses to effectively assess the patient’s needs and design an appropriate care plan.

Caritas 4 Optimize is the Caritas Process that corresponds the most closely to effectively using the resources available in the healthcare system. This procedure highlights the significance of making effective use of the resources at one’s disposal to provide patients with the highest level of care that is humanly possible (Knutsson et al., 2022). According to the Caritas 4 Optimize initiative, nurses need to be able to continuously analyze the efficacy of the care they provide and adapt the care plan accordingly to guarantee that available resources are utilized most effectively.


When applied correctly, a clinical nursing theory can help maximize the effectiveness of healthcare spending and ultimately benefit patients. Healthcare practitioners can make better use of available resources and deliver more restorative care to patients if they are adept at managing their time more efficiently. Providers can guarantee optimal treatment for all patients if they are aware of how to make optimum use of available resources to achieve the greatest possible health results. However, the effect of this method on healthcare outcomes and expenditures needs more investigation. Application of Concepts From Caring Science Assignment Paper

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