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BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 3 Cultural Competence PS

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 3 Cultural Competence PS


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BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 3 Cultural Competence PS
BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 3 Cultural Competence PS

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 3 Cultural Competence PS

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 3 Cultural Competence PS

Cultural Intelligence (CQ)

Cultural intelligence in health care settings promotes effective health and care control in health care settings. It ensures effective health care control to those people who belong to diverse cultures, attitudes, and beliefs (Baranova, Kobicheva and Tokareva, 2021). Cultural intelligence in health care settings promotes health and care safety based on differentiation in culture and linguistics. Differentiation in factors regarding health care plays a dynamic role to influence the health conditions of inpatients, span to recovery from disease, cooperation of patients with health care staff to promote efficacy in clinical treatments and medication. Cultural intelligence covers all aspects of the health of inpatients based on ethical and racial disparity in health care settings. More difference in the culture and linguistics of patients and health care providers restricts the adequate level of communication among them.

Results of a Cultural Diversity Assessment

Lack of communication and understanding leads to increased limitations in the health and care of patients (Wongjarupun et al., 2019). For instance, a health care provider is unaware of the introverted nature of any patient as he is not paying attention to the suggestions of the health provider. And he became the reason for hampering the health process of patients by not recommending patients about a diagnostic test. The patient’s introverted nature thinks to behave respectfully before the health provider keeps him away from moving towards the quality of health care. Health providers tend to deliver ineffective and low-quality of services to the patients. Cross-cultural training improves communication among patients and health providers to achieve clinical treatments in a society where diverse people reside. 

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 3 Cultural Competence PS

Patients of diverse cultures need empathy in clinical sessions to receive more attentive health and care sessions. There is a need to build a specific group of health providers who know diverse languages. They serve by goals to promote a high quality of health in patients who come up with diverse cultures. Inappropriateness in language promotes disruption in health care settings, and patients face trouble delivering their symptoms to the health provider. A specific group of health providers possesses knowledge and information about diverse cultures and languages. They help health providers play a role as interpreters among health providers and patients to ensure the availability of health care by having complete quality control. 

Areas of Improvement for Cultural Diversity Skills

Health care providers tend to conduct training sessions to experience among patients who belong to diverse cultures and linguistics by promoting effective communication (Phanphairoj, 2021). But there is a gap in understanding different languages and ensuring the availability of quality health services and tones and attitude of patients related to diverse cultures. All people have a distinctive nature, and cultural intelligence leads to breaking all barriers in the growth phase of patient health and care developments. It also generates betterment in the relation of patients and health care providers to exercise improvement in the quality of their life. All matter of patient’s delivery of health and quality of life comprises of efficient, acknowledged and concerned. 

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 3 Cultural Competence PS

The impacts of cultural intelligence play a lot in improving patients’ health. It makes available to show their concern and attention to the directions and suggestions of betterment in the level of understanding in improved quality of care. It leads health care settings to improve patient security and safety of health, lower cases in poor efficiencies of health care personnel, low level of understanding of discrimination, and low cost. It lays the foundation for health care providers to know about each symptom of the disease of patients to monitor the background of the disease. It enables health care providers to stay away from misconduct in prescription and diagnosis of the disease. 

Cultural intelligence promotes betterment in the communication level among inpatients and health providers (Tu, Zhang and Chiu, 2019). For instance, patients who lack proficiency in their native language confront many challenges to dealing with health care providers. And they experience more adverse influence on their maintenance of health. An improved version of competency in the skills promotes health care impacts. It has the power to influence broader distinction in previous and latest modes of clinical treatments by using cultural competencies. For instance, the appointment of bilingual expert help inpatients and healthcare providers communicate efficiently; it encourages motivation and willingness to pay attention to health providers’ recommendations and receive health well-being. 

Relationship between Cultural Competence and Teamwork Collaboration

The team management cultural competence is the capacity separate health care professionals setting to maintain better team management and performance relationship with patients and one another that replaces cultural contrast (Fujimoto and Presbitero, 2021). An organization with cultural competence is one with strategies in place to notify variety, generating cultural regard and guide for patients, psychologists, and management staff. According to many intellectual the word cultural competence, it is generally utilized to express the established by healthcare organizations to express the healthcare variations. 

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 3 Cultural Competence PS

Health structure might intently negotiate in the subsequent arrangement to convey the culturally competent care: generate a project to engage and retain staff members who respond to the cultural variations of the community served, structured utilized translator duty, fluent providers for customers and with limited spoken skill, generate cultural competency learning for health care suppliers, frequently utilization cognitively and culturally accurate learning materials, and maintain culturally specific healthcare areas. The health care variation connected to contest and socio-economic position has been made to minimize development in that sector. And despite identifying the role of health equality in gaining high standard health care, it has been explained that health employees recognize it strengthen organizational direction towards classification and patient concentrated then towards cultural competency. These behaviours differ by professional character and contest with a more significant number of executive balances recognizing cultural competence more directly than leading-edge staff.

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 Thus, while executive and compensation recognize their healthcare settings as being performed to notify healthcare variations, they have a more significant gap to fill (Lee, Collins and Simon-Kumar, 2020). The extent variation of population and the healthcare providers, these contrast in discrimination of organizational attitude towards cultural competency might affect other aspects of healthcare executive benefit like teamwork. The variation in the healthcare setting might suggest greater creativity, revolution, and management resolving the problem by combing the knowledge, capabilities, and trained people with multiple thoughts. Moreover, the team containing people with variable thoughts might have more differences of opinion and be minimum collective due to different backgrounds and less understanding.

Distinguish Between Cultural Awareness, Knowledge, Competency and Sensitivity

Cultural differences arise and hamper the level of improvement in health care settings (Jung et al., 2019). In an actual situation of diversity in linguistics, for instance, any pregnant female comes to the health care setting in ICU under a high level of distress. Health care providers consider that placenta is passed out through uterus walls to experience C-fragmentation urgently. And the pregnant woman only says yes to communicate at a low level of understanding. It is proven that competency in health care is required to promote a high quality of care. Low proficiency in the language used in health care settings leads to disrupting the mode of sustainability in health. 

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 3 Cultural Competence PS

Self-monitoring system of respect for diversity increases the reliance on health provision by a systematic procedure of health providers (Jongen, McCalman and Bainbridge, 2018). The resulting rise in patients’ satisfaction results in their attitude because they are interested in pursuing health care providers’ recommendations. And it exhibits in a study that an increase in communication gives rise to the compelling mode of communication in the pace of health development. The cases of frustration rise in the form of a lack of linguistic familiarity among health providers and patients. And they thought that health providers are showing negligence towards the maintenance in the conditions of health and quality of care. 

Misunderstanding between Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

The nature of verbal communication is a matter of complexity and dynamic. It has various dimensions on the environment to explore the impact of communication on the experiences of inpatients and health care providers (Presbitero and Toledano, 2017). The matter of verbal communication lies above the factors of age and race. It promotes reliable and credible sources of communication to know about the happenings and the causes of diseases. It establishes the most substantial level of bonding between the community members, patients, and health care personnel. Verbal communication is the most effective way to explore the surfaces of health and care for the patients in health care settings. It lays the foundation for health care providers and nursing faculty to know about the depth of disease and provide them with an adequate support system to tackle the intensity of the disease. 

The traits of non-verbal communication depend on the people’s attitudes irrespective of the involvement of linguistics. It is a reliable source of communication through unsaid statements and body gestures. By the findings of EBP, it came to view that non-verbal communication serves as the medium of aid in between patients and nursing staff. And it is a fact that nurses speak less to increase their care and safety acts with patients. Still, they continue ion their communication level high by using non-verbal communication. It promotes the perceptions of the thoughts of the patients or nursing staff present in an actual situation. It works along with the involvement of body movement and hands to address others. The extent of non-verbal communication is much different from verbal communication. 

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 3 Cultural Competence PS

Nov-verbal communication plays a critical role in the provision of high quality of care of health to promote elements of respect and care for inpatients and increases the mode of trust, reliability, and empathy among health personnel directed to patients (Shaik, Makhecha and Gouda, 2020). There is a positive interaction between hand and eye coordination body gestures to bring healthy well-being conditions in patients’ quality of life. Nursing faculty’s positive facial expressions give rise to positivity in the health care environment; the patients start to rely upon them and consider them genuine well-wishers. In verbal communication, voice tone also plays a dynamic role because expressions of voice tones are much different to bring success in health and care. Some patients show more resistance through their rigid attitude, mostly old patients, and the rigid attitude hamper growth and development. 


Baranova, T., Kobicheva, A., & Tokareva, E. (2021). The Impact of an Online Intercultural Project on Students’ Cultural Intelligence Development. Knowledge in the Information Society, 219–229. 

Fujimoto, Y., & Presbitero, A. (2021). Culturally intelligent supervisors: Inclusion, intercultural cooperation, and psychological safety. Applied Psychology. 

Jongen, C., McCalman, J., & Bainbridge, R. (2018). Health workforce cultural competency interventions: A systematic scoping review. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 1–15. 

Jung, D., Paek, S., Choe, J. Y. (Jacey), & Kim, J.-Y. (2019). Mediating Effect of Cross-Cultural Competency on International Experiences and Self-Efficacy among Hotel Employees. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 1–22. 

Lee, S., Collins, F. L., & Simon-Kumar, R. (2020). Healthy Diversity? The Politics of Managing Emotions in an Ethnically Diverse Hospital Workforce. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 1–16. 

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 3 Cultural Competence PS

Phanphairoj, K. (2021). The Effect of Institutional Support on the Cultural Intelligence of Nursing Students. The Open Nursing Journal, 15(1). 

Presbitero, A., & Toledano, L. S. (2017). Global team members’ performance and the roles of cross-cultural training, cultural intelligence, and contact intensity: the case of global teams in IT offshoring sector. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(14), 2188–2208. 

Shaik, F. F., Makhecha, U. P., & Gouda, S. K. (2020). Work and non-work identities in global virtual teams. International Journal of Manpower, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print). 

Tu, J.-C., Zhang, X.-Y., & Chiu, S.-P. (2019). Assessing the Impact of Cultural Intelligence on Sustainable Career Competitive Advantage for Students in College of Design. Sustainability, 12(1), 10. 

Wongjarupun, S., Wichitpong, K., Apibunyopas, P., & Napapongsa, K. (2019, October 1). Cultural Intelligence of Healthcare Staff: A Vital Value of Service Operators. 

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 3 Cultural Competence PS

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