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BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 4 Conflict Resolution PS

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 4 Conflict Resolution PS


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BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 4 Conflict Resolution PS
BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 4 Conflict Resolution PS

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 4 Conflict Resolution PS

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 4 Conflict Resolution PS

Conflict Resolution

Conflicts arise when there rises difference in attitude
Conflicts in health care become complicated for inpatients (Silva, 2020)
Conflicts stimulate dissatisfaction due to the high-stress level
There exists a conflict between the concerned nurse and the physician

Conflicts arise when there rises difference in attitude, behavior, discipline, and goals among two or more people. The dispute arises between colleagues and sometimes in staff and management, having both positive and negative impacts in health care settings (Silva, 2020). But the nature of conflicts in Vila health care becomes more complicated for the health of inpatients.
The rise of intrapersonal conflicts stimulates dissatisfaction due to the high-stress level under which nurses perform their duties. The attitude of the head nurse is of autocratic type to disregard staff members. Conflict arose when the physician followed up on a patient suffering from urinary interaction infectious disease. The patient also had diabetes and missed insulin dose also. There was a conflict between the concerned nurse and the physician, and she ignored inpatient safety.

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 4 Conflict Resolution PS


Conflicts arise due to the attitude of the nurse manager (Bai et al., 2016)
Interpersonal conflicts prove dangerous for the health of inpatients
An increase in the ratio of disputes gives rise to dissatisfaction in job career
The autocratic attitude of the nurse manager gives rise to the critical situations
Missing insulin dose creates a red-alert situation for the health of inpatient
Conflicts arise and sustain due to the autocratic attitude of the nurse manager who ignores resolving issues among nurses or nurses to physicians (Bai et al., 2016). Interpersonal conflicts prove dangerous for the health of inpatients and rise in the tendency to leave nurses’ jobs through Vila health care. An increase in the ratio of disputes between the relationship of nurses to the physician gives rise to dissatisfaction in job career and results in poor health quality of patients. And the autocratic attitude of the nurse manager gives rise to the critical situation in health care settings. The missing quantity of insulin creates a red-alert situation for the health of the inpatient and the healthcare staff.

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 4 Conflict Resolution PS

Cultural Competence

Health personnel belong to diverse cultural groups (Pedrero et al., 2020)
The difference in culture and language serve as the barriers
The difference in culture promotes cultural competency
The cultural difference among nurses and physicians
All health personnel working in healthcare belong to diverse cultural groups (Pedrero et al., 2020). Diversity in attitude increases conflicts among nursing staff and physicians in Vila Health Care. The difference in culture and language serve as the barrier to promoting quality of health. The difference in culture promotes cultural competency, which resolves by the adequate communication level among nursing staff and physicians. There are barriers in the native language that enables ethnicity that creates a cultural difference among nurses and physicians.

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 4 Conflict Resolution PS

Communication Techniques

Communication is the only key to success (Pritchard et al., 2017)
Problem-solving attitude gives rise to the peace
Active listening is a key to resolving the conflicts
Lay stress towards the health maintenance goals
Communication is the only key to success, as cultural diversity exists in health care settings (Pritchard et al., 2017). It is suitable for the nurse manager to deal with all issues of diverse nature to let the staff calm down by listening to the case and motivating them to ignore personal conflicts and lay stress towards the health maintenance goals of health care settings. The nature of problem-solving attitude gives rise to the environment of peace and harmony in the health care settings. Active listening is a crucial success to resolve the personal and cultural conflicts between nurses and physician

Communication Strategies

Communication skills play an active role to resolve issues
Two techniques are suitable to experience betterment in health (Croucher et al., 2018)
Techniques are;
Active listening
There are many techniques used by leadership to resolve issues. Still, they can play an active role in resolving conflicts by practically using active listening and problem-solving strategies to experience better results in health care settings (Croucher et al., 2018). The method of active listening promotes the encouragement in staff that they are audible enough to let the management know about their prime issues. Active listening leads the nurse manager to address the root cause of the problem. The techniques of problem-solving open the ways for the nurse manager to tackle the issue effectively and enable the staff to concentrate on the promotion of health of inpatients.

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 4 Conflict Resolution PS

Communication Between Followers and Leaders
Communication skills promote empathy (Negreiros et al., 2017)
Communication promotes the disciplines of self-respect
Better listening skills promote the healthy environment
Leaders and followers listen and understand each other
Communication skills between leaders and followers promote empathy in the environment (Negreiros et al., 2017). Effective modes of communication build relationships between nurses, physicians, and nurse managers. Communication promotes the disciplines regarding self-respect, which enables sensitivity of rights for others. Leaders and followers start to address the communication gap between them and tend to listen effectively and actively. Better listening skills promote the conscious struggles of others to make them able to listen and understand each other and ignore the issues which cause conflicts.

Communication in Teamwork and Collaboration

Communication promotes a collaborative environment
It fosters self-awareness about colleagues (Halawa et al., 2020)
It makes us know the strengths and weaknesses of each other
Collaboration improves the quality of life of patients

Communication promotes the potential of teamwork working in a collaborative and cooperative environment. The collaborative environment fosters self-awareness about colleagues (Halawa et al., 2020). It enhances the knowledge about the strengths and weaknesses of each other. It serves to clarify the images of each other and make the whole staff know about the level of proficiency of each other. Collaboration of teamwork and communication establish genuine relationships to improve patients’ quality of life and make the whole staff work in a healthy environment.

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 4 Conflict Resolution PS

Strategies to Improve Relationships

Improve the relationship between nursing and housekeeping (Kaneko & Lopes, 2019)
The nursing staff promotes trust and better quality of life
call patients politely by their names
Maintain eye contact with patients
There exists a need to improve the relationship between nursing and housekeeping in the settings of Vila health care (Kaneko & Lopes, 2019). The communication between nursing staff and patients promotes trust and better quality of life. Patients feel good if nurses call them politely by their names. It is an excellent measure to maintain patients’ privacy and security between their treatments. Patients feel good when nurses listen to them carefully. It gives a good sense of attention to maintain eye contact with them. But it is essential to take protective care to maintain professional boundaries during communicating with patients.

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 4 Conflict Resolution PS


Issues exist in the health care settings
Conflict management needs to resolve issues
Communication is an ongoing process
Techniques of active listening and problem-solving promote the safety of health
There exist several types of issues in the health care settings. It is human instinct to face problems. But the matter of significance is that conflict management needs to resolve the problems of health care settings to prevent patients’ health care from destruction. Several factors promote the collaboration between nursing staff and patients, but communication is the key to success. It is an ongoing process that needs techniques of active listening and problem-solving to eliminate the barriers in ways of health safety.


Bai, J., Fügener, A., Schoenfelder, J., & Brunner, J. O. (2016). Operations research in intensive care unit management: a literature review. Health Care Management Science, 21(1), 1–24.
Croucher, S. M., Caetano, J. R., & Campbell, E. A. (Eds.). (2018). The Routledge Companion to Migration, Communication, and Politics. Routledge.
Halawa, F., Madathil, S. C., Gittler, A., & Khasawneh, M. T. (2020). Advancing evidence-based healthcare facility design: a systematic literature review. Health Care Management Science.
Kaneko, R. M. U., & Lopes, M. H. B. de M. (2019). Realistic health care simulation scenario: what is relevant for its design? Revista Da Escola de Enfermagem Da USP, 53.
Negreiros, F. D. da S., Pequeno, A. M. C., Garcia, J. H. P., Aguiar, M. I. F. de, Moreira, T. R., & Flor, M. J. N. (2017). Multi-professional team’s perception of nurses’ competences in liver transplantations. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 70, 242–248.
Pedrero, V., Bernales, M., Chepo, M., Manzi, J., Pérez, M., & Fernández, P. (2020). Development of an instrument to measure the cultural competence of health care workers. Revista de Saúde Pública, 54, 29.
Pritchard, D. E., Moeckel, F., Villa, M. S., Housman, L. T., McCarty, C. A., & McLeod, H. L. (2017). Strategies for integrating personalized medicine into healthcare practice. Personalized Medicine, 14(2), 141–152.
Silva, P. S. da. (2020). Simulated scenes: a pedagogical experiment to reflect about conflict management in nursing care. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 73.

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