Healthcare Project About Cloud Computing Assignment
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Write My Essay For MeProject outline Each group has to pick one technological issue in healthcare information field (for example Comparison of two EMR products, Security breaches in health care technology, barriers in creating electronic health exchanges etc. It can be anything that you deem appropriate for this class). You have to work on this paper in a group The following components should be included in your report. Some are optional. 1. Description of project. Why chosen. 2. Overall objective of study 3. It’s application in the Health Care field. 4. History of the subject/facility/issue 5. Background information 6. Organization of study or facility, with appropriate functions. 7. Identification of the problem, or its value to HCIS. 8. Interviews (if applicable) 9. Application (Who benefits? How?) Healthcare Project About Cloud Computing Assignment
10. The technological aspect 11. Benefits and drawbacks. 12. Equipment, personnel needs (if applicable) 13. Cost estimates, if applicable 14. Time requirements and limitations (if applicable) 15. Your analysis. 16. Summary of the study. Sometimes called an executive reprise. 17. Conclusion with pictorial, graphical presentation. 18. References. 19. Turn in electronic form of your paper on Blackboard Details Deliverables 1. Develop a presentation (see details below) for your class. 2. Develop 6-8 page paper (single space, Times Roman font 12) that provides details of how you performed your research, did your analysis and came up with conclusions. Also include a rough script for your presentation, a section including research behind the work – including complete references. Grading criteria Two components: Presentation (25 points) and Report (75 points) Prepare a presentation [25 points] Please note: 1. You can have between 12 (minimum-excluding title and bibliography slides) and 16 slides (maximum). 2. You should have at least 5 other sources (other than your textbook) referred in your work. 4. Please ensure that your work has a professional look and tone to it. Avoid putting inconsistent fonts, colors and size of text. 5. Your analysis and answers should be reflective of concepts addressed in the respective chapter. Please do not provide generic answers/ suggestions (For example a recommendation such as: Everyone should work very hard to increase efficiency in the organization!!! Even though this might be a relevant suggestion, this is a generic recommendation that is not specific to the case provided to you. A more specific recommendation would look like this: the organization should consider using CRM tools (if possible specific vendor name) to overcome customer retention problems). 6. Support all your answers with logic, evidence and assumptions. Do not provide “yes” or “no” as an answer to a specific question. Grading criteria for presentation: (Total 25 points) Healthcare Project About Cloud Computing Assignment
1. Depth of your analysis (correctness, relevance, insightfulness, logical, synthesis) 12 points 2. Number of slides, references, professionalism of the slides (content and form) 5 points 3. Clear link between concepts addressed in the specific chapter and your answer 5 points 4. Going beyond the requirement of the questions at the end and providing additional information pertinent to the project 3 points Report: 75 points Develop 6-8 page report (single space, Times Roman font, Size 12) that provides details of your analysis and answers in this project. Include a rough script for your presentation, a section including research behind the work – including complete references. Also, address how the work was divided in the group. Who was responsible for what portion? This is a group project. Everyone in the group gets the same grade except if there is a consensus in the group about certain member not participating as much as expected. The instructor has the right to decide, based on given situation, the individual grade of that member. Description This research is focussed on how the issue of poor patient care information sharing between health care systems is affecting healthcare and what can be done about it. This topic was chosen because patients are going to multiple facilities for many reasons. For this reason, the patient’s health information needs to be available to any physician they see lest the treatment become dangerous. We researched the use of the cloud to facilitate this information sharing. Objective There are many healthcare systems out there, and even more stand-alone facilities. Many of these facilities are specialized for cancer, women’s health, genetic disorders and many others. Patients prefer specialty hospitals because they get better care for their specific issues, however, this means that patients will be going to several different providers in different facilities. Unfortunately their medical record doesn’t always follow them. This is a problem because providers do not then have the information they need in order to treat their patient safely and effectively. Healthcare Project About Cloud Computing Assignment
The purpose of this research is to provide information on cloud based interoperability of healthcare systems in order to effectively share health records to all patient providers regardless what facility of healthcare system the provider belongs to. The technological aspect Cloud computing has four different forms: public clouds which can be used by the general public. Private clouds which are owned and used by a single company. Community clouds which connects two or more companies into the same cloud. Lastly, hybrid clouds that combine to or more differents clouds, such as private and public, but are linked by standard technologies that enable portability of applications. In the medical field, cloud computing use private clouds and offers great potential for quick access to medical information. Health IT infrastructure is very complex and for this reason organization has taken additional measures to protect the patient’s private data under HIPAA, which maintain confidentiality and integrity of information stored, and providing data backup. Quick access to medical history of each person at any location can accelerate diagnosis and treatment quality, avoiding complications, increasing quality and saving lives. More than ever, healthcare services need cooperation between healthcare units due to high mobility of individuals for work or holidays. It is very important to ensure the availability of medical data to all the locations a patient is present in. [7] According to one source, a scenario is presented to use a cloud-based service for ePrescribing: the physician that uses the application is connected to the PHR (Personal Healthcare Record) system and reads a summary of medical history from the patient’s records and selects a list of drugs. The application validates the selection of drugs based on their interaction with other drugs, patient allergies and medication history of the patient. If there are not incompatibility alerts, the prescription is stored in data centers of Insurance Organization waiting to be processed in Pharmacies Healthcare Project About Cloud Computing Assignment.
These systems are stored in a private cloud because in this way the information can be accessed only by authorized persons. [8] Benefits and drawbacks Using cloud computing in the medical field have shown great advantages for hospitals and patients. One of the most benefits is the electronic records, which improve the healthcare environment and make it far easier to archive and use patient records and medical images. Also, it is possible to storage magnificent data in the cloud, which help to save money by minimizing in-house storage needs, and be more accessible from different facilities. Many physicians find cloud computing makes it easier to collaborate and offer care as a team. Through mobile devices, video conferencing, and applications built specifically for health care organizations, the cloud speeds things up and allows better communication at a distance. [1] Brailer, D. J. (2005). Interoperability: The Key To The Future Health Care System. Health Affairs, 24, 19–21. [2] Landers, D., Buckley, M., & Roantree, M. (2000). An extranet architecture for interoperability among healthcare systems. Health Informatics Journal, 6(4), 1. Retrieved from [3] Eze, B., Kuziemsky, C., & Peyton, L. (2018). Cloud‐based performance management of community care services. Journal of Software: Evolution & Process, 30(7), 1. Retrieved from [4] Cloud Computing and Interoperability in Healthcare Information Systems ems/links/54bcb6200cf253b50e2d5380/Cloud-Computing-and-Interoperability-in-Healthcare-InformationSystems.pdf [5] e-Healthcare Cloud-Enabling Characteristics, Challenges and Adaptation Solutions .289939920.1555611882-1063959140.1555611882 [6]Rethinking the Meaning of Cloud Computing for Health Care: A Taxonomic Perspective and Future Research Directions [7]Security Challenges in Healthcare Cloud Computing: A Systematic Review [8]A Cloud-Based Semantic Wiki for User Training in Healthcare Process Management [9]Opportunities and Challenges of Cloud Computing to Improve Health Care Services Beaming Support. (2014, April 25). What is intranet and how does it work. In Beaming. Retrieved from Healthcare Project About Cloud Computing Assignment
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