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HIS FPX 1150 Assessment 4 Living History PS


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HIS FPX 1150 Assessment 4 Living History PS
HIS FPX 1150 Assessment 4 Living History PS

Assessment 4: Living History

Living History

HIS FPX 1150 Assessment 4 Living History PS

The expectations of women belonging to the 18th and 19th centuries tend to serve their husbands as they are in slavery instead of life partners (Purvis, 2019). They are bound to do all those tasks assigned by their husbands. These women’s lives are hard enough with performing a lot of responsibilities. The current scenario is facing women compelling them to fight against and let them call to start a movement named women suffrages. They remain ready to fight against their troubles and to access their rights on equal footing. They are facing a lot of restrictions in receiving their fundamental rights of education, employment, legitimized rights, and cases of child custody of infants. These hardships attract their attention to stand out and raise a movement on women’s suffrages. 

HIS FPX 1150 Assessment 4 Living History PS

The movement of women’s suffrage brings economic and political reforms accompanying the rights of casting votes for elections, especially in the United (Lange, 2021). In 1840, two women named Cady and Mott came to the United States to conduct a women’s rights session. Their party of women suffrage is getting strengthened by other hardworking and anxious women to make the state able to grant women’s rights at equal footing. They all are passionate enough to fight against the acts of slavery through active conventions. 

Description of Historical Movement

Ancient Greece and Republican Rome prefer to exclude women’s rights in voting in the era of the 18th century (Kitch, 2017). Still, in 1832, women remained deprived of all fundamental rights from the United Kingdom and Europe. In the 19th century, I noticed that access to women’s rights was hard to attain. But women don’t lose heart and remain in struggle residing in Great Britain and the United States. It is a fact that not only Great Britain and the United States play their role in the promotion and approval of acceptance to grant women’s rights as they can receive requests. At the beginning of the 20th century, women received access to cast votes for national elections in the states of New Zealand, Australia, Finland, and the United States.  NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 1 Applying Ethical Principles SJ

HIS FPX 1150 Assessment 4 Living History PS

In the post-world war, I era, there is a rising trend in females’ electoral laws, especially in Europe (Lemay et al., 2019). It is worthy of monitoring that in 28 countries, women avail themselves of the opportunities of voting rights on an equal basis. They stand at equal footing with men and even receive the chances of cast votes at national-level elections. Some names of these countries are Canada, Germany, Austria, Poland, the United States, Hungary, Britain, Burma, Ecuador, South Africa, Brazil, Uruguay, Thailand, Turkey, Cuba, and the Philippines. It is good to see that all the countries, as mentioned earlier, permit the right to vote casting by women at various levels of elections like municipal, local, provincial, and national levels.  

Historical Movement and Personal Impacts

In the post-era of World War II, the women from other countries like France, Italy, Romania, Yugoslavia, and China stand to negotiate about their rights by the movement of women’s suffrage (Bredbenner, 2018). Women of India received their rights in 1949, and the women who reside in Pakistan received their rights in 1956. Now above than 100 countries receive their rights on equal footing, and they avail themselves the right to cast votes at elections levels. The government of Switzerland grants women to cast ballots at the federal level. It prevails in the United States that women have the right to cast votes and participate at the electoral level with equal footing. But the women who belong to the United States and the United Kingdom are playing an influential role in the movement of the commencement of their rights at all levels. 

Slaver Great Depression

The first convention of women’s rights will be held in New York by 1848. It is the time of momentum to raise the movements on social gatherings. The advertisement of convention put forward by the publication of the local newspaper (Germain et al., 2019). The convention schedule is that all women and men are equal for their rights. And women can take participate in each field of life like trade, business, commerce and at a professional level in practical life. The convention plan revolves around the security and protection of rights of all women belonging to the upper class or lower level. Their program includes addressing the issues of land distributions laws for men and women, which are equal for all status of the people. 

HIS FPX 1150 Assessment 4 Living History PS

Potential Impact on Future

19th amendment about women’s rights approves the rights of women to stand alone against wide-ranging movements on political mobility on the history related to the U.S. It leads to an increase in the number of voters at a high level (Kroeger, 2017). The campaign for women’s suffrage aims to broaden the story and potential of women’s rights. It revolves around the widening aspects of women’s rights related to the political and financial levels. The demands of the women by the movement of ballot tends to access the fair and just treatment in politics with broader scale. The plan of women’s rights tends to revolve around the demand to seek their rights as first-class citizens. The program of the movement of women’s suffrage comprises the provision of establishing unity in the women of the world. It remains in operation to maintain political liberty throughout the world. The movement of women’s suffrage served the world’s women as a breakthrough. And it brings changes and innovations in the life of women by having the right of casting votes at all levels of elections without confronting any gender discrimination in most of the states.

HIS FPX 1150 Assessment 4 Living History PS


Bredbenner, C. L. (2018). A Nationality of Her Own: Women, Marriage, and the Law of Citizenship. In Google Books. Univ of California Press.

Germain, M.-L., Robertson, P., & Minnis, S. (2019). Protests, Rallies, Marches, and Social Movements as Organizational Change Agents. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 21(2), 150–174.

Kitch, C. (2017). “A living archive of modern protest”: Memory-making in the Women’s March. Popular Communication, 16(2), 119–127.

Kroeger, B. (2017). The Suffragents: How Women Used Men to Get the Vote. In Google Books. SUNY Press.

Lange, A. K. (2021). Picturing Political Power: Images in the Women’s Suffrage Movement. In Google Books. University of Chicago Press.

Lemay, K. C., Goodier, S., Jones, M., & Tetrault, L. (2019). Votes for Women: A Portrait of Persistence. In Google Books. Princeton University Press.

Purvis, J. (2019). Did militancy help or hinder the granting of women’s suffrage in Britain?. Women’s History Review, 28(7), 1200–1234.

HIS FPX 1150 Assessment 4 Living History PS

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