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Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicator

Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicator


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Greetings! My name is Ashlee Wilson and on the behalf of the staff, I would like to welcome you to this presentation. Today, I’m here to assist you to grasp our advancements in the whole hospital setting, as well as how we’re developing the use of Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators, or NDNQI, to improve the quality and efficiency of quality of care in our healthcare company.  .

NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 3 Care Coordination Presentation to Colleagues

What is NDNQI and the Nursing Quality Indicators 

We are now happy to employ the NDNQI’s strategy or structure to monitor hospital results and evaluate our nursing activities to hospital statistics. This presentation is part of a collection of instructional and outreach activities aimed at enhancing the quality of nursing care. There are three types of quality indicators associated with the NDNQI. For example, we employ structure as a major element of the NDNQI framework as a whole. Then we incorporate procedures and assess the results. To your knowledge, Avedis Donabed, a famous thinker and researcher, was the first to include these three traits or features in the NDNQI system that include patient and nurse-focused results, organization-focused outcomes, and results of procedures and treatments focused by nurses are examples of nursing-sensitive quality indicators.

The Chosen Indicator and its Importance

My chosen quality indicator is Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) Diseases may be contracted and frequently avoided in hospitals, resulting in greater healthcare expenses for both patients and healthcare professionals. In hospitals and other healthcare settings, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers advice on how to limit the prevalence of certain diseases. CAUTI (catheter-associated urinary tract infection) is the most common kind of infectious disease associated with healthcare, accounting for more than 30% of all HAIs (CDC, 2019). The major cause of acquiring this healthcare-associated infection is the negligence and skill of the nurse. The quality of the training of the nurse and their physical aptitude is the major factor in their patient care outcome. The elements that influence their aptitude are discussed in this presentation.

According to Kieft (2018), a key challenge in professional medical institutions is the rising incidence of medical mistakes, which is causing nurses to become stressed and fatigued. This indicates that nurses are performing a growing number of jobs with declining quality. According to Alharbi’s research (2020), nurses do a variety of activities, including specimen collection, monitoring procedures, patient evaluations, and data recording, in addition to interacting with the patient’s relatives. They are frequently pressured by heavy patient responsibilities and obligations, and they require an informatics solution to simplify all of their activities. 

Many hospitals, including ours, were able to establish a relationship between high-quality nursing performance and the structures and procedures in place. This will help the hospital achieve higher quality outcomes while also allowing our nurses to increase patient safety. Therefore, the aim of this presentation is to see the advantages of using certain factors that influence the increased rates of CAUTI to measure it as a nursing-sensitive quality indicator. I’ll go over the specifics of a single nursing-sensitive quality metric that promotes correct quality measures for CAUTI to enhance the correct outcome of the treatment and to promote true and on-time reporting.

Interdisciplinary Role in the Data Management

Now I’ll discuss the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration in data collecting. The data will be gathered by the Quality Assurance department, and nurses will be the ones to engage in it as well as communicate it to the clients. After that, the responses will be handed to management, who will decide what further needs to be done to improve nurses’ happiness and quality care. The company’s administration will take great caution in putting new regulations in place as a result of these polls. 

One of the reasons for this multidisciplinary collaboration is to build communications between the departments of the hospital as we have observed that in most cases the healthcare staff do not communicate with the administration and the management regarding their problems and other queries so we have set this as a part of our desired outcomes. Another reason is to strengthen the bond between the management and the staff as most of the staff is scared and hesitant to report problems they face and other issues due to the reason that they will fire or reprimand them but when these things don’t get reported and gets out of hand it forms a major problem for the management. 

Collection and Distribution of Quality Indicator Data

The NDNQI-managed forms, which present us with information gathering questions for analytic findings and other information that the management may deem necessary for the improvement of the hospital, will be introduced by this institution’s quality assurance department. As a consequence of the information, this firm plan to improve patient well-being as well as the format and distribution of its results.

The NDNQI’s data collection and reporting is essentially the responsibility of nurses. This information will aid nurses in enhancing the efficiency and comfort of patient care as well as clinical outcome, along with their entire experience. Personal questionnaires will be used to obtain data from both clients and relevant staff. Staff members such as nurses, physicians, and administration will be critical in the corporate survey, which will be used to learn about their perspectives on the learning and skills of the nurses. The external survey is done among the patients and their families. This is critical to comprehend the patient’s and their families’ experiences while under our care.

Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) for Nurses to Enhance Patient Safety and Care

Letica-Kriegel et al, (2019) and their associates identified the risk factors for CAUTI and how to overcome it. They analyzed multiple hospital environments and put forward the best practices that should be taken to minimize hospital-associated infections. In research by Krocová, & Prokešová, (2022), they have implemented new and improved strategies to minimize CAUTI and have shown promising results. Their research has shown that the quality indicators have been useful in enhancing the quality of care for the patients as well as any other improvement that may be necessary like training incompetent nurses and how to go about it. On the other hand, factors like fatigue, burnout, and not enough sleep can also influence the efficacy of the work of the nurses no matter how professional and good they are at work as was studied by multiple researchers like Al Ma’mari et al. (2020), Cho & Steege (2021) and Knupp et al. (2018).


Letica-Kriegel, A. S., Salmasian, H., Vawdrey, D. K., Youngerman, B. E., Green, R. A., Furuya, E. Y., & Perotte, R. (2019). Identifying the risk factors for catheter-associated urinary tract infections: a large cross-sectional study of six hospitals. BMJ Open9(2), e022137. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-022137

Merkley, J., Amaral, N., Sinno, M., Jivraj, T., Mundle, W., & Jeffs, L. (2018). Developing a Nursing Scorecard Using the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators®: A Canadian Hospital’s Experience. Nursing Leadership (Toronto, Ont.)31(4), 82-91. DOI: 10.12927/cjnl.2019.25752 

Al Ma’mari, Q., Sharour, L. A., & Al Omari, O. (2020). Fatigue, burnout, work environment, workload, and perceived patient safety culture among critical care nurses. British journal of nursing29(1), 28-34.

Cho, H., & Steege, L. M. (2021). Nurse fatigue and nurse, patient safety, and organizational outcomes: A systematic review. Western Journal of Nursing Research43(12), 1157-1168.

Knupp, A. M., Patterson, E. S., Ford, J. L., Zurmehly, J., & Patrick, T. (2018). Associations among nurse fatigue, individual nurse factors, and aspects of the nursing practice environment. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration48(12), 642-648.

CDC. Background. (2019). Center for Disease and Control Prevention.

Myers, H., Pugh, J. D., & Twigg, D. E. (2018). Identifying nurse-sensitive indicators for stand-alone high acuity areas: A systematic review. Collegian25(4), 447-456.

Alharbi, J., Jackson, D., & Usher, K. (2020). Compassion fatigue in critical care nurses and its impact on nurse-sensitive indicators in Saudi Arabian hospitals. Australian Critical Care33(6), 553-559. DOI: 10.1016/j.aucc.2020.02.002

Start, R., Matlock, A. M., Brown, D., Aronow, H., & Soban, L. (2018). Realizing momentum and synergy: Benchmarking meaningful ambulatory care nurse-sensitive indicators. Nursing Economics36(5), 246-251.

Krocová, J., & Prokešová, R. (2022). Aspects of Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections Associated with Urinary Bladder Catheterisation and Their Implementation in Nursing Practice. Healthcare10(1), 152.

Kieft, R. A. M. M., Stalpers, D., Jansen, A. P. M., Francke, A. L., & Delnoij, D. M. J. (2018). The methodological quality of nurse-sensitive indicators in Dutch hospitals: A descriptive exploratory research study. Health Policy122(7), 755-764. DOI:10.1016/j.healthpol.2018.05.015

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