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MSN FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies

MSN FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies


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MSN FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies
MSN FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies

MSN FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies

Teaching Strategies 

Learning Outcomes

MSN FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies KP

The nursing course is demanding, and it aligns with significant nursing philosophies. Indeed, human beings, who are the audience for the developed nursing course and topic for nursing competency in the contemporary nursing environment, are dynamic, multi-dimensional, open systems that interact continually with the environment. They seek balance in life through their unique abilities that constitute the diversity in their environment. As a health course, nursing is dynamic. Like other health subjects, it involves sophisticated responses between internal and external environmental factors (Cooper et al., 2020). learning the course also involves the interaction of internal and external environmental factors for cognition. Being a practice-oriented field, the nursing course taught in higher learning institutions must meet social goals. The nursing course’s goals lead to health enhancement through promoting health, reducing risks, and preventing diseases. Its goal is to optimize health through interpreting and influencing health and illness responses (Fu et al., 2020). Therefore, nurses must collaborate with clients and professionals from other fields to attain optimal health for society (Homeyer et al., 2018). The nursing course has several learning outcomes that undergraduate nursing students must achieve at the end of their course. The learning outcomes are addressed by the nursing philosophy, goals, practice model, and professional nursing standards. Therefore, the proposed developed nursing course will have its learning outcomes related to this, including ethics, evidence-based practice, and professionalism. 

           The nursing course and the topic for competency will prepare the learners for ethics in nursing. It is a learning outcome for ethical reasoning and actions that promote advocacy, social justice, collaboration, and leadership for nurses as healthcare professionals (McDermott-Levy et al., 2018). Because nurses mainly focus on patients, ethics in this course provides a forum to help them ensure patients’ and fellow healthcare providers’ safety. Ethics as a learning outcome in this course will have several benefits that align with the learners’ expectations (Hoskins et al., 2018). It will help them as nurses in situations they encounter in the clinical setting, including obtaining informed consent, maintaining patient confidentiality, telling the truth, and dealing with beliefs that conflict with empirical knowledge. 

           Nursing is a practice-oriented course and discipline. Hence, evidence-based practice is one of its actual learning outcomes. At the end of the course, a nursing student must demonstrate skills in improving patient health outcomes through accessing, examining, and understanding information from theory, research, or other sources, the family, individual, and community level (Chien, 2019). Indeed, the proposed topic on competency in the course requires that nursing students be proactive in solving problems. Evidence-based practice in nursing will help the nursing students in the course use current research to improve patients’ health and safety while minimizing overall costs and disparities in health results (Chien, 2019). As a learning outcome in this course, it denotes an applied problem-solving approach that combines optimal practices from updated clinical literature with medical experience while considering the preferences and values of the patient under treatment. Indeed, this is one of the outcomes that demonstrate exemplary competency in a nurse, making it suitable for this course.

           Nursing is a profession with nurses as its professionals. Hence, upon completing the course, nursing students must demonstrate significant nursing profession through professionalism. As a learning outcome, professionalism in nursing encompasses several factors in the field that align with learners’ expectations (Labrague et al., 2019). First, it means that the student must provide individual, leadership, and professional development. Here, the learner will practice personal care and personal reflection to gain comprehensive feedback to improve their practice performance. They will also identify leadership theories and principles to recognize the significance of nurse leaders and educators in practice and policy issues(Labrague et al., 2019). Secondly, it means that the learners must establish partnerships with other professionals through collaboration to optimize care reinforce outcomes, and improve the healthcare experience (Labrague et al., 2018). Here, the student will develop their professionalism through identifying and utilizing communication techniques and tools for professional communication, using team dynamics to participate in meaningful teams, and seeking collaboration with other professionals to optimize patient care. They will also learn to communicate in written and verbal formats and use modern communication equipment to manage communication in their profession (Bussard & Lawrence, 2019). Lastly, professional nursing will enable the learners to demonstrate accountability for individual and nursing practice through consistent engagement in life-long learning.

Teaching Strategies

Various strategies could apply to teach this course. However, it is vital to consider the course requirements, teaching topic, and learner population to establish the strategies that best fit teaching the course. Considering that the course is nursing, the topic is competency in the nursing discipline in the modern nursing environment, and the learner population is nursing students with demanding learning outcomes in the course, the teaching strategies must be effective and efficient in meeting the instructional needs of the course and learners expectation. The first applicable teaching strategy is lecturing. This is one of the traditional teaching strategies that have proved effective over the years. Lecturing works best when presenting information to many learners when the instructor wants to cover more material within a short period (Sanaie et al., 2019). Although some people claim that lecturing is boring because it is traditional, modern technology can make it exciting and convenient in teaching. Lectures can incorporate interactive software applications, videos, and polling technology to make them fun in teaching and combat the passive role of students in a lecture hall.

MSN FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies KP

           The second teaching strategy for this course could be high fidelity simulation. Simulation allows instructors and learners to recreate scenarios in an artificial setting. When applied in nursing, the simulation will allow learners to recreate clinical scenarios in artificial environments. The scenarios will represent the patient care environment and allow the learners to apply their theoretical knowledge (Labrague et al., 2019). As a teaching strategy in nursing, simulations provide advanced educational experiences that assist nurses in developing significant clinical competency. Moreover, this teaching strategy improves the learners’ satisfaction for meeting their expectations and improves their confidence even before practicing in natural clinical settings (Shin et al., 2019). Debating could also apply as a teaching strategy in this course. Primarily, it applies when teaching a controversial subject in nursing or discoursing tendencies in nursing education. Debating allows students to become actively involved in learning the course contents, think critically, and improve their verbal communication skills (Tyo & McCurry, 2019). Lastly, using case studies can also be a teaching strategy in this course. Case studies in nursing education are real and complex stories that bridge the gap between theory and practice and the learning environment and the workplace (Tyo & McCurry, 2019). Using case studies in nurse education is practical in teaching cultural competence, clinical diseases, and communication skills.

           The most appropriate strategies among the four above are lectures and high-fidelity simulations. Although many commentators argue that experimental and student-centered teaching strategies should replace lecturing, it remains a fundamental teaching strategy in many disciplines. The strategy fits the current course because nursing has many aspects, including nursing education, history, and nursing trends (Sanaie et al., 2019). Most of these subjects are theoretical, and they are taught best using lectures. The method is also appropriate because the course will have many students, and lecturing is favorable for such a situation. Lecturing has several advantages. First, if conducted effectively, it can communicate the intrinsic interest through enthusiasm. Lectures are detailed, covering the core principles of subjects (Sanaie et al., 2019). Secondly, they can present content and nursing material that students cannot access through other teaching forms. Lastly, instructors can organize lectures to meet the needs of their students based on their diversity. 

           High fidelity simulations are also appropriate for teaching this course because it allows students to simulate the actual clinical setting in the simulation environment. While students cannot access some clinical equipment and infrastructure, simulation allows them to simulate them in the learning environment and learn about them (Labrague et al., 2019). Hence, the strategy will prepare students for competency in the hospital setting before beginning their practical practice. High fidelity simulations have several advantages in the nurse education learner environment. First, it demonstrates enhanced critical thinking, collaboration, and caring behaviors (Labrague et al., 2019). While the student is not in the clinical setting, simulations help them propagate the environment to develop these qualities. Secondly, it provides students with the chance to practice legal, ethical, and practice-based activities. This factor is integral in developing competency among nursing students.

Learning Barriers

Learners may encounter several barriers to learning because of the nature of the learning environment and their course. However, it is imperative to understand that whether students are bored or tired and willing to quit, they start the learning process to complete the course. Hence, the learner and the instructor must develop ways to counter the learning barriers that emerge in the learning environment. Some of the barriers to learning may include resistance to change. All new endeavors produce some change that requires people to get out of their comfort zones. In this learning environment, nursing trends can bring significant changes to nurse education that students would be unwilling to accept (Alexander et al., 2021). For instance, they could be hesitant towards technologies, where they may think some nursing technologies are sophisticated and cannot handle them. The resistance could also be caused by students thinking they know it all. Resistance to change is a preexisting belief that can significantly hinder earning progress in a learning environment (Koc & Demirbilek, 2018). However, it is possible to address this challenge through truth acceptance. If new trends arise in nursing education, it is significant to recognize that they may instigate resistance among learners. Accepting these concerns would allow instructors to address them accordingly.

MSN FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies KP

           Secondly, the fear of failure can be a significant barrier to learning. It is standard practice for people to think that it is safer not to try than to risk unknown results (Zhang et al., 2018). This thought stops many people, including learners, from learning valuable skills and embracing opportunities. Ranging from high achievers and fast learners to low achievers and slow learners, all students may at one point be afraid of failure and become reluctant to practice new knowledge and skills (Zhang et al., 2018). However, understanding that mistakes are inevitable in learning should allow students to relax in the learning process. This learning barrier can be overcome by allowing room for mistakes in learning and using empowering language to assist students in developing positive attitudes towards learning. Here, the instructor can motivate the learners by encouraging them to practice and understand that making mistakes in the learning environment is better than not knowing what to do in a real-life nursing situation (Zhang et al., 2018). The instructor should also help the learners to strengthen their self-correcting skills to learn how to detect and fix mistakes. 

           Thirdly, diversity could also impede learning. Diversity can affect both the instructor and the learners. It becomes a challenge to some students when the learning environment has characteristic domination of a single learning style (Sánchez et al., 2019). For instance, the lecturer could focus on student-centered learning while some students require guidance and close monitoring. When left alone to learn, they lose focus and cannot concentrate on their learning. Diversity also becomes a barrier to learning when the learners are insensitive to each other’s differences. In this case, students discriminate against each other on cultural differences like sociocultural statuses, ethnicity, gender, race, and religion (Sánchez et al., 2019). The students who find themselves being the subject of discrimination lose their self-esteem and cannot concentrate on their learning. They spend most of their time thinking about ways to fit and identify with the other students instead of focusing on their learning. This challenge can be addressed through cross-cultural practices. Indeed, diversity in the learning environment is inevitable (Sánchez et al., 2019). Therefore, the instructor must enhance cross-cultural practices in the learning environment, such as having an inclusive curriculum and lesson plan and sensitizing diversity among students. This strategy will allow students to feel a sense of belonging to the learning environment and the learning process despite their differences from other students. 


Alexander, C., Tschannen, D., Argetsinger, D., Hakim, H., & Milner, K. A. (2021). A qualitative study on barriers and facilitators of quality improvement engagement by frontline nurses and leaders. Journal of Nursing Management.

Bussard, M. E., & Lawrence, N. (2019). Role modeling to teach communication and professionalism in prelicensure nursing students. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 14(3), 219-223.

Chien, L. Y. (2019). Evidence-based practice and nursing research. The Journal of Nursing Research, 27(4), e29.

Cooper, A. L., Brown, J. A., Rees, C. S., & Leslie, G. D. (2020). Nurse resilience: A concept analysis. International journal of mental health nursing, 29(4), 553-575.

Fu, M. R., Kurnat-Thoma, E., Starkweather, A., Henderson, W. A., Cashion, A. K., Williams, J. K., … & Coleman, B. (2020). Precision health: A nursing perspective. International journal of nursing sciences, 7(1), 5-12.

Homeyer, S., Hoffmann, W., Hingst, P., Oppermann, R. F., & Dreier-Wolfgramm, A. (2018). Effects of interprofessional education for medical and nursing students: enablers, barriers, and expectations for optimizing future interprofessional collaboration–a qualitative study. BMC nursing, 17(1), 1-10.

Hoskins, K., Grady, C., & Ulrich, C. M. (2018). Ethics education in nursing: Instruction for future generations of nurses. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 23(1), 1-4.

Koc, M., & Demirbilek, M. (2018). What is technology (T) and what does it hold for STEM education? Definitions, issues, and tools. Research highlights in STEM education, 14-37.,%20Issues,%20and%20Tools_25-12-2018.pdf

Labrague, L. J., McEnroe‐Petitte, D. M., Bowling, A. M., Nwafor, C. E., & Tsaras, K. (2019, July). High‐fidelity simulation and nursing students’ anxiety and self‐confidence: A systematic review. In Nursing Forum (Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 358-368).

Labrague, L. J., McEnroe–Petitte, D. M., Fronda, D. C., & Obeidat, A. A. (2018). Interprofessional simulation in the undergraduate nursing program: An integrative review. Nurse Education Today, 67, 46-55.

Labrague, L. J., McEnroe‐Petitte, D. M., & Tsaras, K. (2019). Predictors and outcomes of nurse professional autonomy: A cross‐sectional study. International journal of nursing practice, 25(1), e12711.

MSN FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies KP

McDermott-Levy, R., Leffers, J., & Mayaka, J. (2018). Ethical principles and guidelines of global health nursing practice. Nursing Outlook, 66(5), 473-481.

Sanaie, N., Vasli, P., Sedighi, L., & Sadeghi, B. (2019). Comparing the effect of lecture and Jigsaw teaching strategies on the nursing students’ self-regulated learning and academic motivation: A quasi-experimental study. Nurse education today, 79, 35-40.

Sánchez, P. A., de Haro-Rodríguez, R., & Martínez, R. M. (2019). Barriers to student learning and participation in an inclusive school as perceived by future education professionals. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research (NAER Journal), 8(1), 18-24.

Shin, H., Rim, D., Kim, H., Park, S., & Shon, S. (2019). Educational characteristics of virtual simulation in nursing: An integrative review. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 37, 18-28.

Tyo, M. B., & McCurry, M. K. (2019). An integrative review of clinical reasoning teaching strategies and outcome evaluation in nursing education. Nursing Education Perspectives, 40(1), 11-17.

Zhang, Y., Dong, S., Fang, W., Chai, X., Mei, J., & Fan, X. (2018). Self-efficacy for self-regulation and fear of failure as mediators between self-esteem and academic procrastination among undergraduates in health professions. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 23(4), 817-830.

MSN FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies

MSN FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies Assessment 1 Learning Theories and Diversity

MSN FPX 6105 Teaching and Active Learning Strategies Assessment 2 Management and Motivation

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