NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 1 Applying Ethical Principles SJ
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Applying Ethical Principles
NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 1 Applying Ethical Principles SJ
Ethical principles are essential for nurses to provide high-quality and safe patient care. As nurses provide direct patient care, nurses must ensure that patients receive a quality of appropriate and safe care. There are resources available for nurses to guide in the right directions, including a code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements and ethical principles. American Nurses Association provides a code of ethics that respectful, humane, and dignified care (ANA, n. d.). Ethical principles and codes will help make the right decision to think through complex moral issues and resolve ethical dilemmas (Levit, 1999).
There are seven ethical principles: justice, beneficence, nonmaleficence, accountability, fidelity, autonomy, and veracity (REGISTEREDNURSING.ORG, 2021). I have selected Incident 9: The Missing Needle Protector ethical dilemma case study for my assignment. In the case study, I found that the medical team is trying to hide the truth from the patient Mrs. Jameson. They do not want to tell her that the needle protector may be left inside the incision. The medical team might be scared that Mrs. Jameson may not like this news, and she may take legal action against the group. Dr. Cutrite performed surgery, but he declined to tell the truth to the patient, and he warned staff not to do anything about this incidence. E. L. Straight, director of clinical services at Hopewell Hospital, is facing an ethical dilemma. Straight is scared that she might lose her job if she reports against Dr. Cutrite as he is politically mighty. Also, Straight found that leaving a small plastic cap in a patient’s belly occasional discomfort but probably no life-threatening consequences. She decided not to take any action on the missing needle protector in the patient’s belly.
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There are a few things that contributed to the incidence. Staff did not count all supplies carefully before and after the surgery. The operating room supervisor should not wait a week to report missing a needle protector. The supervisor should have checked and notified immediately for any missing supplies. Staff should be advised not to bring unnecessary supplies to the surgery table. Dr. Cutrite does not have much experience in surgery.
NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 1 Applying Ethical Principles SJ
Last but not least, a Surgeon’s medical and mental health may contribute to the incidence. To prevent such types of incidence, staffs make sure to count all supplies before and before closing the surgery at least three times. Teams should be advised not to bring unnecessary supplies to the surgery table. Before completing the surgical wound, the staff counts all the equipment and matches the previous count.
rovide high-quality healthcare, effective communication between health care professionals and a patient is essential. We can see that healthcare professionals at Hopewell Hospital are not taking the problem seriously. As a nurse, I have learned that if a nurse finds an error in a patient’s healthcare, a nurse must take action as soon as possible and update the patient, family, and healthcare team. Mistakes can happen, but the healthcare team needs to take action sooner to prevent future errors. Reporting and learning from mistakes can help to provide adequate healthcare that can increase patient satisfaction. Patient satisfaction increased when members of the healthcare team took the problem seriously, explained information clearly, and provided viable options (Institute for Healthcare Communication, n. d.).
A few months back, I found a medication error that I administered when administering a bedtime medication. I notified the doctor of the error and patient’s situation. I wrote up myself a medication error. My co-worker told me not to report the error because nobody will be able to find the error and patient is doing great. I want to learn from my mistake to be a better nurse who can provide a safe and high quality patient care. If you don’t learn from your mistake, you will never get better.
NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 1 Applying Ethical Principles SJ
Ethical principles are utilized in decision-making. Healthcare professionals did not utilized ethical principles in the scenario. I think these ethical principles must have utilized in the scenario and these are Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, and Veracity. Beneficence is doing good and the right thing for the patient. Nonmaleficence is doing no harm. Veracity is being completely truthful with patients. (REGISTEREDNURSING.ORG, 2021). To prevent the future incidence, I would take action according the facility policy against the healthcare team. I have learned from the case study that always tells the truth to the patient. If you do error, please report as soon as possible. Patients have the right to know their healthcare.
ANA. (n. d.). Ethics and Human Rights. The Code. Retrieved from: https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/nursing-excellence/ethics/.
Institute for Healthcare Communication. (n. d.). Impact of Communication in Healthcare. Patient Satisfaction. Retrieved from: https://healthcarecomm.org/about-us/impact-of-communication-in-healthcare/.
Levitt, D. (2014). Ethical Decision-Making in a Caring Environment: The Four Principles and LEADS. Healthcare Management Forum, 27(2), 105–107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hcmf.2014.03.013.
Limentani, A. E. (1999). The role of ethical principles in health care and the implications for ethical codes. Journal of Medical Ethics, 25(5), 394. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/jme.25.5.394.
REGISTEREDNURSING.ORG. (2021). Ethical Practice: NCLEX-RN. Retrieved from: https://www.registerednursing.org/nclex/ethical-practice/.
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