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NR 439 Week 7: Applying and Sharing Evidence to Practice Discussion

NR 439 Week 7: Applying and Sharing Evidence to Practice Discussion

NR 439 Week 7: Applying and Sharing Evidence to Practice Discussion


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After the data have been analyzed, conclusions are made regarding what the findings mean. Then, this information must be shared with your healthcare team. 

  1. Choose one of the articles from the Week 5 RRL assignment, and discuss the findings. Would you apply the evidence found to your practice? Explain your answer. 
  1. Translating research into practice is the final and most important step in the research process. Review information you found your nursing clinical issue and explain ways in which you would share the research-based evidence with your peers. 

After the data have been analyzed, conclusions are made regarding what the findings mean. Then, this information must be shared with your healthcare team.

Choose one of the articles from the RRL assignment, and discuss the findings. Would you apply the evidence found to your practice? Explain your answer, please.

Translating research into practice is the final and most important step in the research process. Review information you found in your Week 3 Assignment, and explain ways in which you would share the research-based evidence with your peers.

You may begin posting in this TD on Sunday for credit

As you evaluate results reported in the articles, consider using the 4 rules that we discussed last week. It is very important to identify the purpose of the study before moving forward with the evaluation of the results. If the study has an intervention or treatment, then it is likely that there will be dependent and independent variables (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2017).

The next step focuses on identification of data collection methods and how investigators measured these variables. Furthermore, discussion and conclusion sections of the report offer an interpretation of study results and may even incorporate investigators’ opinions or speculations regarding the findings (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2017).

A well-written research report contains strengths and limitations. Concerns with study limitations are especially important when investigators report results from a pilot study. Pilot studies are often designed to preliminary test the intervention to identify potential benefits; however, as we acknowledged, results from such a study are very hard to generalize to a greater population.

Pay special attention to the sample selection for the study and resources needed to implement the proposed change. Last week we discovered that even though some results appear to be statistically significant, they may not have any clinical significance. Think about other barriers or challenges you might encounter while implementing a change and how you would overcome those challenges. Thank you, Dr Joy

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Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2017). NR439 Week 7: Reading research literature, credibility, and significance [Online Lesson]. Downers Grove, IL: DeVry Education Group.

  • Choose one of the articles from the Week 5 RRL assignment, and discuss the findings. Would you apply the evidence found to your practice? Explain your answer. 

 The week 5 RRL article I will be discussing on is quantitative balance and gait measurement in patients with Frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer diseases. A pilot study. Fall is one of the leading cause of injury morbidity and mortality in older adults. People with history of falling may limit their activities because of fear of falling. Frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are neuro-generative dementia with a wide prevalence of fall. The purpose of the study was to identify the relationship which gait, balance, and ambulation have with falls in normal aging versus patients with AD and FTD.

Identifying the patterns of gait and balance in these patients helps to put in place appropriate interventions to prevent falls in these individuals. According to the study, balance and gait problems exist in normal elderly as well as patients with AD and FTD during dual tasking indicating the role of divided attention. The study states that patients with FTD have a tendency to tilt forward, while patients with AD have a tendency to tilt backward. These indicates the different patterns of gait and balance in patients with FTD and AD. Differentiating gait and balance in these patients will help in formulating an individualized care plan for preventing falls. Working in long term care, I encounter many patients with dementia.

Often times, it is very difficult to distinguish between patients with FTD and AD. There is no distinction between the types of dementia. The two main diagnoses of dementia that is common are unspecified dementia with behavioral disturbances and unspecified dementia without behavioral disturbances. Before applying the evidence in my practice, it must be a multidisciplinary approach involving every member of the healthcare team. The physician must first diagnose the patient with FTD or AD, and the interdisciplinary team will determine which intervention is appropriate for the patient by applying evidence from the study. 


  • Translating research into practice is the final and most important step in the research process. Review information you found your nursing clinical issue and explain ways in which you would share the research-based evidence with your peers. 

Evidence based research is very important in nursing. Research and evidence based practice go hand in hand with each other. Research leads to new knowledge and nurses use research findings as evidence during their practice. I will share the research based evidence with my peers by conducting meetings and in-services. Publishing the results of the research findings in the organization’s bulletin board, newsletters, and websites. I can also use statistical analysis such as tables, graphs, and pie charts when presenting research based evidence.

Our week 7 lesson states that the research process is terminated by disseminating or communicating information about the research study through publications. An example of a clinical issue is the implementation of an evidence based clinical practice guideline to reduce the number of center acquired pressure ulcers on wheelchair and bed bound patients. Using a quantitative question in the research also provide a stronger level of evidence when sharing research based evidence with my peers. Quantitative research seeks to make conclusions about the effectiveness of an intervention. They can be broken down into PICO elements (population, intervention, comparison, and outcome) for easy understanding (Houser, 2017). 


CCN,( 2017). NR 439 week 7 lesson: Reading research literature, credibility, and significance. Online lesson. Downers Grove, IL: Devry Education Group. 

Houser, J. (2018). Nursing research: Reading, using, and creating evidence (4th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett. 

Velayutham, S. G., Chandra, S. R., Bharath, S., & Shankar, R. G. (2017). Quantitative balance and gait measurement in patients with frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer diseases: A pilot study. Indian Journal Of Psychological Medicine, 39(2), 176-182. doi:10.4103/0253-7176.203132. to an external site. 

How can a nurse evaluate whether the practice change that is implemented based on research was effective? If your project findings showed a clinical significance how would you share these results with your organization?  

Thanks for reading my post and thanks for the question. In response to your questions: 

  1. How can a nurse evaluate whether the practice change that is implemented based on research was effective? 

The nurse can do this by using quantitative and qualitative research studies and by using the SMART acronym. 

Quantitative studies provide strong evidence to support outcome measurement and evaluation (Houser, 2018). By using quantitative research study, the nurse is able to draw conclusions about the relationships between interventions and outcomes. Quantitative research study provides strong evidence about the effectiveness of the intervention. The focus is on the comparing of two groups such as an intervention group and a control group, a group with a risk factor and a matched group without that risk factor, or the same group at baseline and after the treatment. Quantitative studies provide strong evidence to support outcome measurement and evaluation, it allows the nurse to evaluate the expected outcome from a specific intervention. 

Qualitative research is another way which the nurse can use to evaluate whether the practice change that is implemented based on research is effective. It helps the nurse to understand whether the intervention was beneficial to the patient or not. It helps the nurse to understand the response of the patient to the treatment and what affected the patient’s life in an adverse way. Qualitative research enables the nurse researcher to identify rich, interesting, and insightful information about the experiences of patients (Houser, 2018). 

The SMART acronym is also another useful tool which the nurse can use to evaluate whether the practice change was effective or not. According to (, once the nurse is certain about the change that he/she wants to make and how to go about the change, it is useful to set some objectives and outcome measures. The SMART acronym is a commonly used tool: 

  1. Specific – Objectives should refer to specific, detailed outcomes rather than vague or broad statement 
  1. Measurable - It should be possible to monitor whether or not something has changed 
  1. Appropriate - The objectives set should be achievable and realistic 
  1. Relevant – The objectives should make sense in terms of the overall purpose of the project 
  1. Time-bound – The objectives should set clear time frames. 


  1. If your project findings showed a clinical significance how would you share these results with your organization?

I will share this result with my organization by graphically representing superimposing normative group information on a graph showing pretreatment and post-treatment data. This can be done through staff meetings, organization bulletins, and newsletters. This can also be shared through open discussions with staffs and stakeholders on evidenced-based practice. Membership in a nursing organization like the national nurses association is also very important because they’re well placed to disseminate information and key measures about evidence based practice to their members, nurse managers, educators and policy makers.


Closing the Gap: From Evidence to Action. Retrieved from:…/ClosingLinks to an external site. -the-Gap-from-Evidence-to-Action.pdf. 

Houser, J. (2018). Nursing research: Reading, using, and creating evidence (4th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett. 

 Falls in the facility and at private residence can be a danger especially in the elderly. The gait and balance study would be a great intervention for the reduction of some of the problems. When it’s to help patient safety in a facility and make a change it’s pertinent to implement evidence based practice. I think it’s very important that steps are taking to ensure the quality of the research and evidence or safe. As a healthcare provider patients come to us to help get them better. If we were to just implement practices whom have no evidence of significance are patients could potentially suffer. Research is important for our learning and safe patient practice. It’s important that we know how to not only implement the intervention we also need to know how to interpret reliable data. 

Preventing falls is a perfect application for this study.  It would be interesting to add research that shows the fall incidence in each of these patient populations and try to find the connections between balance, gait data and fall patterns.  Current fall prevention interventions could then be individualized based on evidence instead of using generalized risk factors such as a “history of falls”. I agree that Nursing and research goes hand in hand. The information from the study gives evidence on how to prevent falls in patients with subcortical problems. I agree with you on the ways to publish the research.

The post NR 439 Week 7: Applying and Sharing Evidence to Practice Discussion appeared first on Nursing Assignment Crackers.

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