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NR 510 Week 8: Reflection on Achievement of Outcomes

NR 510 Week 8: Reflection on Achievement of Outcomes

NR 510 Week 8: Reflection on Achievement of Outcomes


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Reflect back over the past eight weeks and describe how the achievement of the course outcomes in this course have prepared you to meet the MSN program outcome #4, the MSN Essential II, and the NP Core Competencies #2. 

Program Outcome #4 

Integrate professional values through scholarship and service in health care. (Professional identity) 

MSN Essential II: Organizational and Systems Leadership 

Recognizes that organizational and systems leadership are critical to the promotion of high quality and safe patient care. Leadership skills are needed that emphasize ethical and critical decision making, effective working relationships, and a systems perspective. 

NP Core Competencies 

# 2 Leadership Competencies 

  1. Assumes complex and advanced leadership roles to initiate and guide change. 
  1. Provides leadership to foster collaboration with multiple stakeholders (e.g. patients, community, integrated health care teams, and policy makers) to improve health care. 
  1. Demonstrates leadership that uses critical and reflective thinking. 
  1. Advocates for improved access, quality and cost effective health care. 
  1. Advances practice through the development and implementation of innovations incorporating principles of change. 
  1. Communicates practice knowledge effectively both orally and in writing. 
  1. Participates in professional organizations and activities that influence advanced practice nursing and/or health outcomes of a population focus. 

 I found this course to be very informative in a variety of ways. As a nurse, we learned the different values that we possess, but as a nurse practitioner those may change some. Honestly, the case studies were very helpful. I like to be put into scenarios such as those and have to work through them with the help of classmates. They made me think of ethical decisions that I may have to make as a nurse practitioner. As a nurse, some of those scenarios I have never been in, but obviously as a nurse practitioner, I could be in an uncomfortable situation like some of those that were presented. I had never taken time to figure out HMOs versus PPOs. After reading about them, I feel like they are similar in so many ways, but also have their differences. This information will be helpful when I start practicing.

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I also enjoyed doing the research for the scope of practice for each state. I didn’t realize that each state was so different in the types of MSN they recognized, what they allowed them to do, and their licensure requirements. It was good to look into my state to know what I will be looking forward to once we have completed school. The use of Kaltura was rather difficult to figure out how to get the information uploaded, but the presentation itself was interesting to do. I realized how many times I said “um” when I was speaking! It took me multiple times of recording to be satisfied with my recording! 

I had never heard of curriculum vitae, so that was interesting to learn about and write. It does look more professional than a resume, so I am glad we learned about the use of that. I was stressed out with the practicum information until this class when we started breaking down each class, what was expected for that rotation of clinicals, and the process of setting up clinical rotations. I feel better about this now and am in the process of getting them set up. I am glad you are walking away from the course with more knowledge. The CV is definitely a change from a resume and when you are seeking a professional position, the CV is what employers ask for. Getting one started now is a great way to prepare for job seeking. You can add to it as you go through the program to include papers you have written and honors obtained. Best wishes! 

When I did my report, I actually learned the difference between a resume and a curriculum vitae. I have always heard of a resume and rarely heard about a CV. However, it made me aware of the difference between them. I think I will create two different kinds. I think now I will work on having a curriculum vitae  and also having a resume at hand just in case employers ask for both. I think it makes more sense to also have a CV because nursing is not just a job but an actually career that people stay a long time in. Becoming more marketable and learning different ways to reach employers is extremely important with obtaining a new job. With this educational program, the idea is to start on a new path as a nurse practitioner. It is important to have both when applying for a nurse practitioner job. Also upon doing the paper I was able to learn the difference. Along with the LACE project and learning the CV, it really set the foundation for the path that I decided to take as a nurse practitioner and learning how it is important to have both on file when applying for a new job. This class was amazing and I appreciate everything we learned. Thank you Professor Storms for teaching this class!

I too learned the difference between a resume and CV. During my undergraduate nursing studies, students were directed to create their resumes. This was due in part that many of us did not have enough experience and credentials to create an impressive CV. However, as graduate nursing students, many of us have been in the field for five or more years. The CV would be the better format to reflect our knowledge, skills, and professional strengths. Kawar, Dunbar, and Scruth (2017) state there are three ways nurses can showcase who they are: the resume, the CV, and the portfolio (2017). Kawar et al., (2017) advise nurses to determine the nature of the job and what they are trying to accomplish before summarizing their qualifications into one of these formats. 


Kawar, L. N., Dunbar, G., & Scruth, E. A. (2017). Creating a credible and ethical curriculum 

vitae. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 31(6), 298-303. Retrieved from doi: 


I had to giggle when I read about how many times you said “um”. I did the same thing. Or for some reason I would be talking and trip over a word and would have to record it over. Having 4 kids and a couple puppies in the house made it nearly impossible to find a quiet moment to record. I ended up on the back deck after everyone else was in bed. It’s good to know I am not the only one that struggled with that assignment. I have enjoyed reading your posts and look forward to reading more in future classes. If we don’t end up in a future class together then I wish you the best of luck with the rest of your educational journey and new career.  

Throughout this course we have covered a wide variety of scenarios and experiences we will encounter as novice APRN’s. In particular we learned how important developing our own professional identity is. By using all of our resources when approaching different patient scenarios and case studies backed by evidence based research we were able to support our views on various topics. Some of the topics we touched on included bullying in the workplace, holistic patient care, role development, scope of practice by state and many other areas, which fall under the umbrella of the APRN role. 

 As RN’s continuing our education to APRN’s the number one focus of everything we learned throughout this course was to not forget our underlying goal in everything we do which is to provide excellent, safe, holistic patient care. Early on we worked through ethical dilemmas that put our patients safety at risk when patient information was not relayed in a timely manner. From that specific scenario we delved more into how to lead the office through this commotion and bring it back to our focus on the patient. 

 In our more recent assignments we’ve explored our scope of practice and the vast differences state to state. Going forward as future APRN’s it is vital for our generation of providers to be aware of these differences and know that there are ways for us to get involved in legislature and promote change. As more people decide to become involved the greater chance APRN’s have for unifying state to state and developing a standardized scope of practice across the US. Until this change happens, we will continue to work at the level in which our state allows, and provide quality healthcare for all patients we able to. 

You are correct in saying everyone needs to get involved to improve the scope of practice and continuity from state to state. The compact state agreement is great but it would be nice if more states were on board with it. Good luck in your future courses and career! You will do great! 

Many of the topics we covered gave us insight into what being an APRN is all about. The on the job scenarios gave us an opportunity to engage in a real life APRN situation and to think about our role. I was reminded that nursing is not only about administering care to the patient population but also about getting along with colleagues and understanding the APRNs scope of practice guidelines. The most eye-opening lesson for me was the one about the MA Stephanie and her calling in an antibiotic prescription in my name without my authorization. Office conflicts and issues about job roles and who has the “authority” or “right” are common professional issues that nurses will encounter. The lesson that I took away from it all is to stay professional and adhere to scope of practice guidelines. Nursing is a closely regulated industry, which can cause a high level of stress. However, it is what I love to do, so it is worth it.   

See Also: NR 510 Week 1 Assignment

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