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NR512-11470 Week 7 Narrated Power Point Presentation LT

NR512-11470 Week 7 Narrated Power Point Presentation LT


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NR512-11470 Week 7 Narrated Power Point Presentation LT
NR512-11470 Week 7 Narrated Power Point Presentation LT

NR512-11470 Week 7 Narrated Power Point Presentation LT


The booming technology in telemedicine
Increase uses
The essentials for social distancing
Cost Effective

As technology continues to evolve, and it has play a major role in current and future of heath care. Technology has fill the gaps of in person care services since the novel Corona Virus pandemic happens late in December 2019. Telehealth have allowed more doctors to access information about their patients, despite the distances between themselves and the patients compare to the traditional healthcare settings. The success in telehealth was accomplished after so many decades of spending to refine the technology with the results of today to help ensure professionals to work off site or directly with patient. An application could duplicate the clinical interactions in all specialties despite the distance involved without physical contact.

Why pick Telehealth as HOT topic ?

Relevant to Future Practice
Growth of Technology
Current use of Telehealth
Patient Homecare Services
I choose telehelath as current health IT topic because my specialty track is nursing informatics. Teleheath is relevant to future practice, current use of telehealth has increased from approximately 1 of every 5 physicians presently using telehealth to take care of patients and it has increased 5% since 2015 with soaring figures expected in a short few years (Landi, 2019). There is A significant growth of technology is expected in the use of telehealth within hospitals and healthcare systems ramp up from 54% in 2014 then up to 85% in 2019 to reduce in-person-contact since the pandemic in late 2019 and stay-at-home shelter in placed order (Landi, 2019).

NR512-11470 Week 7 Narrated Power Point Presentation LT

According to the American Telemedicine Association (ATA, 2010) telehealth is defined as the used of encompassing remote health care of videoconferencing, transmission of still images, e-health including patient portals, remote monitoring vital sings, continuing medical education and nursing call centers are all considered part of telemedicine and telehealth
medical education and nursing call centers are all considered part of telemedicine and telehealth. Patient homecare services would benefit from not having to have someone there to monitor vital signs around the clock.

Impact on Practice

Reduce Medical Cost
Less Hospital Re-admissions
Delivery of Care to Underserved Populations
Telehealth service is intended to progress the healthcare self-management and preventive care for those living in the comfort of their own home who have NCD (Uei, et al., 2017). The purpose of telehealth was to assist the non-communicable diseases (NCDs); such as, diabetes mellitus (DM), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart failure (HF), and hypertension (HTN) within patient’s homes. Resulting in less hospital re-admissions and reduce medical cost. Also, delivering care to the underserved populations in the privacy of home. Some forms of NCD medical services are: telephones, mobile phones, emails, instant messages, and online video calls that are used for the distribution of services and/or communication among medical professionals (Uei, et al., 2017).


Pros vs. Cons

Limited contact
Cost Effectiveness
Decompress waiting room
Low adaptation growth
High cost to implement
Potential systems breach
Reimbursement concerns
Some of the advantages and benefits with telehelath are limited contact and cost effectiveness for consumers. To prevent the spread of novel Corona virus pandemic social distancing is the most effective method. Telemedicine allows physicians to continue practice medicine through virtual visit to minimize the viral spread and still able to meet the health care needs. Telehealth has helped to decompress emergency rom visit which hit by the overcrowded population infected by the virus. With the continued need to socially distance, telemedicine can protect both physicians and patients from unnecessary exposure to the virus (Huang, Imam & Nguyen, 2020). To adopt the increase demand of telehealth, hospitals and health care systems have ramped up investment in telehealth technologies as 90% of future organizations investments in telehelath services in the next coming years (Landi, 2019). Telehealth technology is a valuable tool for providing better health outcomes and quality of care at lower cost, saving money for many patients. A telehealth appointment for a non-emergency visit such as colds, flu, earaches, or rash cost about $45 per visit compare to $100 for an in-person visit at a physician’s office, $160 at an urgent care, or $750 and up at emergency department (Beck, 2016).

NR512-11470 Week 7 Narrated Power Point Presentation LT

According to the healthcare’s outpatients telehealth report on survey of 270 physicians and administrators at outpatient facilities, the adoption of telehealth tools are ongoing challenges for outpatient telehealth setting as total adoption growth remained unmovable from 2018 to 2019 at approximately 44%. With the high cost of implementing telehealth, hospital owned practices has adopted telehealth at 55% versus 37% for physicians owned practices. As the telehealth market has matured, the stronger catalyst for consumers demand for the telehealth services, patient access is another concern when it comes to some undeveloped area rural versus urban and the unavailable technology to support telehealth in those area. In addition, there are 13% of uncertainly when it comes to Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement polices and from insurance companies at a national level as a barrier to adopt telehelath transition (Landi, 2019).


Application and Relevance of Informatics to Topic

Application of Skills
Demonstration of Research
Implementation of Advice and Instructions
Delivery of healthcare

For advance nurse practitioners who are in contact with patients in various sites, telehealth can aid an improved delivery of healthcare to underserved populations (Balestra, 2018). The nurse practitioner could implement practical advice and instructions when applying telehealth through the application of skills and research. However, most professional believe that the pros of telehealth outweigh the cons and 52% of hospitals are embracing the trend and utilizing telehealth (Balestra, 2018).
In the light of telemedicine, the roles of nurse informaticists are to train and education health care workers in operating Telehealth and monitoring equipment functionality. As part of the project management role, nurse informaticists endorse a critical role in implementing telehealth by designing and maintaining the system required to treat patients remotely (Cigliuti, 2015).

NR512-11470 Week 7 Narrated Power Point Presentation LT


NI skills utilized

Basic computer
Multiple Search Engines
Utilizing Key Words
Accessing Hyperlinks
In developing this assignment, computer skills and literary are core competencies needed among others nursing informatics skills and knowledge I have learned and developed thus far this course. I have to activate the hyperlink in week 5 assignment overview, that would take me to the Fierce EMR and Fierce Health IT website. From there, I have to select the relevant topic in today information technology, which is telehelath. I was able to access information through search engine in the website. The article by Landi (2019) was chosen to support my cons argument in telehealth. However, this assignment requires some scholarly sources and the Chamberlain library search engine is more ideal search engine for more credited sources. To effectively find what I am looking for, I have to utilize specific key words and the articles support my argument will be found. One of the main pieces of information for this assignment is to cite all my sources in APA format. I know how to cite some basic articles in APA format, but when it comes to more complicated materials such as citing a website document or video then I will have to use the APA generator. Software generates the basic input information into any kind of format such as APA or MLA.

Future Recommendations

Efficient and Beneficial relationship between Patient and physician
Alternative medical expertise in underserved geographic areas
Alternative Intermittent process between physicians and patients
Address all patient needs without disenfranchising disadvantage populations

Telehealth “can potentially be a beneficial and important part of the future of health care delivery” (Daniel & Sulmasy, 2015, p 1)
It is vital to build a framework of established and balanced practice in the healthcare system at full potential and professional telehealth medicine. Future telehealth delivery to those who lack access to relevant medical expertise in specific areas (Daniel & Sulmasy, 2015). Allowing for alternative primary care when necessary to meet immediate acute care needs. Address all needs of patient care regardless of financial status, literacy or low technologic literacy (Daniel & Sulmasy, 2015).


Informatics Plays Key Role
Frequency and Future use of Telehealth
Serving Practitioners
Pros and Cons
Advancing the Healthcare Settings
In conclusion and summarizing, it is obvious that nursing informatics plays a vital role in today’s healthcare. It is indicated that 61% of physicians are likely to start using telehealth representing a half million doctors (Landi, 2019). The professionals currently are utilizing telehealth two times a week or more and this is estimated to grow 50% by 2022. The current healthcare informatic technology assisted with performing simple tasks in researching and discovering further information pertaining to telehealth and the pros and cons on this advancing knowledge. Telehealth is serving practitioners and advancing the healthcare settings, increasing work productivity, cost efficiency, patient engagement and improving quality care. Also, it is bringing attention and awareness for practitioners to remain mindful of regulations, safety breaches and to monitor patients closely.


Beck, M. (2016, June 27). How Telemedicine Is Transforming Health Care. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from articles/how-telemedicine-is-transforming-health-care-1466993402

Cigliuti, M. S. (2015, December 18). What is the role of Nurse Informatics in Telemedicine?. In Linked in. Retrieved from https:// %20educate%20health,want%20to%20evaluate%20their%20status.

Daniel, H., & Sulmasy, L. S. (2015). Annals of Internal Medicine. Policy Recommendations to Guide the Use of Telemedicine in Primary Care Settings: An American College of Physicians Position Paper. DOI: x6388490

Landi, H. (2019, August 12). Telehealth use jumps at inpatient facilities while outpatient adoption remains flat: survey. In Fierce HealthCare. Retrieved from

NR512-11470 Week 7 Narrated Power Point Presentation LT

Landi, H. (2019). FierceHealthIT: Physician telehealth adoption surged since 2015. 1 in 5 physicians use
telehealth. Burnout may drive more adoption, survey says. Retrieved from

McGonigle, D. & Mastrian, K. (2018). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Jones and Bartlett.

Uei, S.-L., Kuo, Y.-M., Tsai, C.-H., & Kuo, Y.-L. (2017). An exploration of Intent to Use Telehealth at Home for Patients with Chronic Diseases. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(12). Retrieved from

NR512-11470 Week 7 Narrated Power Point Presentation LT

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