NR700-60057 Week 4 Analyzing Forms of Nursing Inquiry Presentation Part 1 MP
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NR700-60057 Week 4 Analyzing Forms of Nursing Inquiry Presentation Part 1 MP
Differentiate research, quality improvement, and evidence based practice
Discuss the importance of breastfeeding
Support and assist with promotion of breastfeeding
Gain understanding of the importance of breastfeeding
Attain Knowledge /confirm existing knowledge based on theory to provide better outcomes for patients
Quality Improvement
The purpose is to use a systematic approach to collect data in order to identify areas for improvement
Evidence Based Practice
Purpose is to use the best evidence attained by research to improve quality of patient care
How does DNP apply Research, QI and EBP?
Research is the basis of practice
QI is the evaluation of existing practices
EBP is used by implementing care based on research
NR700-60057 Week 4 Analyzing Forms of Nursing Inquiry Presentation Part 1 MP
NICU Nurses and Lactation –Based Support and Care
Research article
Cohort design
Nicu nurses are providing lactation based support
Nurses attitudes on breast feeding(Froh, Dahlmeier and Spatz, 2017)
A Quality Improvement Initiative : Improving Exclusive Breastfeeding Rates of Preterm Neonates
Quality Improvement
Team evaluated reasons for inadequate breastfeeding
Increase in newborns getting mothers breastmilk
Expression of breast milk within 3h postpartum(Sethi, Joshi, Thukral, Singh Dalal, & Kumar Deorari, 2017).
Maternity Care Practices That Support Breastfeeding: CDC Efforts to Encourage Quality Improvement
CDC Survey
Initiatives for improvement on supporting breastfeeding mothers (Grummer-Strawn, Shealy, Perrine, Macgowan, Grossniklaus, Scanlon, & Murphy,2013)
Outcomes for all Three Studies
Research-between 50.7%-72.9% provided lactation based support
69.1 had positive attitudes towards breastfeeding
QI-All mothers expressed milk within 3h
Outcomes for all Three Studies
Expression of milk on day 1 increased to 86.6%
EBP-Average score for survey was 63 out of 100
Mean score for survey improved between 2009-2011
NR700-60057 Week 4 Analyzing Forms of Nursing Inquiry Presentation Part 1 MP
Impact of evidence
All three studies showed improvement
Information gives Nurses evidence for better care
Impact of The Forms of Inquiry on The DNP
Gives Evidence
Gives Data
Gives resources
Helps improve practice
Froh, E., Dahlmeier, K& Spatz, D. L. (2017.,). NICU Nurses and Lactation-Based Support and Care. Advances in Neonatal Care (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins), 17(3), 203–208.
Grummer-Strawn, L. M., Shealy, K. R., Perrine, C. G., Macgowan, C., Grossniklaus, D. A., Scanlon, K. S., & Murphy, P. E. (2013). Maternity Care Practices That Support Breastfeeding: CDC Efforts to Encourage Quality Improvement. Journal of Women’s Health (15409996), 22(2), 107–112.
Hain, D. J. (2017). Focusing on the Fundamentals: Comparing and Contrasting Nursing Research and Quality Improvement. Nephrology Nursing Journal: Journal Of The American Nephrology Nurses’ Association, 44(6), 541–543.
Sethi, A., Joshi, M., Thukral, A., Singh Dalal, J., & Kumar Deorari, A. (2017). A Quality Improvement Initiative: Improving Exclusive Breastfeeding Rates of Preterm Neonates. Indian Journal Of Pediatrics, 84(4), 322–325.
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NR700-60057 Week 4 Analyzing Forms of Nursing Inquiry Presentation Part 1 MP
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