NR701-10078 Week 7 NR701 Reflection on Learning MP
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NR701-10078 Week 7 NR701 Reflection on Learning MP
- I learned that there are eight national practice problems that affect us on a macro, meso, micro level. Heart disease, obesity, diabetes, COPD, mental illness, cancer, patient safety and addiction. Though they are all important opioid addiction is a growing problem. Opioid addiction has caused 3,333 deaths in 1990 and has increased to 18,238 in 2016 nationwide. The stakeholders related to this practice problem are healthcare providers, social service providers and community organizations. I learned that all the stakeholders need to be involved for change. This knowledge will improve my effectiveness as a practice scholar because it will guide me in creating change while involving all stakeholders.
- The course outcome that I achieved was examining the role of stakeholders in change and translation science. The role of the providers is to not give opioids so freely and when done try to assist with prevention of addiction. Medical providers are using nonopioid methods first to avoid addiction. The key stake holders are patient, family, providers and pharmacist. We use the prescription monitoring. This information is important because it shows the pattern of opioid use. It allows for providers and pharmacist to be aware and assist with prevention of opioid crisis.
- I constantly examine challenges associated with working with vulnerable populations. I work with many patients who are addicts, who are here illegally, and who are just underserved. The challenge that I will face in my research is that many of the people in this population will be afraid to participate. They fear being in trouble and exposure. The benefit to always examining these challenges is that change can be brought forward if you know your challenges. It allows you to find ways to reach and bring change.
- Comparing and contrasting change theories and models in order to find which one I would use for my practice problem. The theory that I will use is the organizational change theory adapted by Rogers. I find this theory most valuable because it lays out the steps in a simple way that people of all intellects can relate to and understand. The 5 stages are knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation and confirmation.
- This week we compared and contrasted differences and similarities in change models, conceptual frameworks, and translation models. The translation model that I fund the most valuable is The Knowledge to action model. This model has seven steps. The seven steps of this model are as follows: Identify the problem, adopt knowledge, assess the barriers, select/tailor and implement interventions, monitor knowledge, evaluate outcomes and sustain knowledge use. I am extremely receptive to embracing change and reform. Especially if it benefits the patient.
- This week I touched on the importance of interprofessional collaboration. I am constantly working in a team and prefer my team discuss their ideas and include them in change. I hold huddles and often discuss what will go on throughout the day and am always open for suggestions. I am always open to change. I usually get excited and want to share that feeling and knowledge with my team. My method is inclusive due to the openness and freedom to express and utilize other practices that are not necessarily mine.
- On a regular day I asses the role of the stakeholder in order to lead evidence translation. I will set goals of researching evidence based articles, sharing them with my team, holding morning and mid-day huddles, reviewing work that the team has completed, discussing outcomes with my manager and accepting and teaching different evidence based practice that will benefit the patient. The course has opened my ways of knowing in a way that allows for us to really work as a collaborative team for the better of our patients.
NR701-10078 Week 7 NR701 Reflection on Learning MP
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