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NR704-60227 Week 7 NR704 Reflection on Learning MP

NR704-60227 Week 7 NR704 Reflection on Learning MP


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NR704-60227 Week 7 NR704 Reflection on Learning MP
NR704-60227 Week 7 NR704 Reflection on Learning MP

NR704-60227 Week 7 NR704 Reflection on Learning MP

Week 1

  • As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objective(s):
  • What strategies will you use to lead culturally and linguistically appropriate healthcare?
  • What do you value most about your learning this week?

One way that I achieved all the weekly objectives was by doing the culturagram and discussing disparities in certain cultures. I learned that learning about different cultures will help treat a diverse group of people. The strategies that I will use to lead culturally, and linguistically appropriate healthcare will be to learn about different cultures. I will always have a translator for languages I do not know. I will always see most Spanish speaking patients since I speak Spanish. The thing I valued most about my learning this week was learning about a culturagram.

NR704-60227 Week 7 NR704 Reflection on Learning MP

Week 2

  • As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objective(s):
  • Share one example of descriptive or analytic epidemiology that you see applied in your practice setting.
  • What do you value most about your learning this week?

I achieved the weekly objective of the role of the DNP-prepared nurse in reporting population health issues. This week I did this at my job while calling the DOH to give positive results of chlamydia. I see descriptive epidemiology when we keep a log of the positive HIV and have a detailed history on these patients. The thing I value the most about my learning this week is understanding the PEPFAR initiative and that they are supporters of PREP which I educate, assess, and approve patients for. I also prescribe the medication for PREP. 

Week 3

NR703-10033 Week 7 Reflection on Learning MP

  • As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objective(s):
  • Professionally, what doubts do you have about the security of health data?
  • What do you value most about your learning this week?

I achieved the weekly objective of identifying the legal and ethical implications of population health surveillance by making sure that I discuss with patients that if results are positive for chlamydia it will be shared with DOH. They sign a consent stating that they understand that this information will be shared. The only doubts that I have about the security of health data is when there is a shared system that allows different hospital /facilities to share patient information. The thing that I value the most about this week’s learning is learning how to use the CDC surveillance. 

NR704-60227 Week 7 NR704 Reflection on Learning MP

Week 4

  • As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objective(s):
  • Which population health interventions did you find the most valuable and why?
  • What do you value most about your learning this week?

I achieved the weekly objective of formulating population health interventions to address the global burden of disease by discussing solutions to the global burden of opioid addiction. The intervention that I find the most useful is the education on opioid addiction to healthcare providers and patients. I also find it extremely useful to be educated on Narcan use and distribution. The thing I value the most about this week learning is the different methods of pain management that should be tried before opioid distribution. 

Week 5

  • As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objective(s):
  • How can you amplify the effectiveness of your decision-making and empower your teams to advance health outcomes?
  • What do you value most about your learning this week?

I achieved the weekly objective of defining the role of the practice scholar in addressing the global burden of disease and the impact on population health by discussing and reviewing with my colleagues the importance of the PMP(prescription monitoring program). The way that I can amplify the effectiveness of my decision making and empower my team to advance health outcomes will be by having presented them with evidence based articles that support what I am trying to do. Facts speak volumes and everyone likes proof that what we are doing or about to do works in the best interest of the patient. The think I valued the most of this week’s learning is that we do have power to make change in ways we address opioid addiction and other global burden of disease. 

NR704-60227 Week 7 NR704 Reflection on Learning MP

Week 6

  • As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objective(s):
  • In and after a disaster, what ethical questions arise regarding the fair allocation of relief funds to help with recovery?
  • What do you value most about your learning this week?

I achieved the weekly object of examining the five phases of emergency management by completing my 3 Fema trainings, passing the test and getting certified. The ethical question is if money is being allocated accordingly. I value the most learning about FEMA responsibility. I enjoyed learning how it operates.

Week 7

  • As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objective(s):
  • Why is causation so difficult to prove and how does it define outcomes?
  • What do you value most about your learning this week?

I achieved the weekly goal of examining the role of social media and social marketing to improve population health outcomes by making my own tweet and going on youtube and realizing how much powerful messages are out there on public health. I started looking up domestic violence on youtube and learned so much through these videos. Social media really does have the power to influence, teach and open our eyes to health problems. Causation is difficult to prove because even though something may seem to be associated with an outcome that is not enough to prove it. The action must be the result of to be causation. The thing I value the most about my learning this week is learning how much information is on social media.

NR704-60227 Week 7 NR704 Reflection on Learning MP

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