NRS 440 VN Topic 4 CLC Leadership Styles and Nursing KR
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NRS 440 VN Topic 4 CLC Leadership Styles and Nursing
My style of leadership: Democratic
Plato defined democracy as a charming type of government. (Furunes, 2020)
Collaborative approach
Shared responsibilities
High employee engagement for steering nursing practice forward
Promotes accountability and responsiveness
Empowers nursing staff
Promotes trust between nurse leaders and healthcare practitioners
Improves work satisfaction
My style of leadership is democratic. Plato defined democracy as the charming type of
government (Furunes, 2020). The democratic leadership style embraces a collaborative approach
in making informed decisions as team members regularly contribute to improving the welfare of
the healthcare services concerning compliance programs (Furunes, 2020). Utilizing a democratic
leadership style, I ensure shared responsibilities, making my team more empowered to speak and
execute their duties as encouraged by team leaders.
I use diverse ideas as evidence-based practice in providing patient-centered care. I respect
my team and share experiences openly, ultimately making a well-informed decision in particular
nursing issues such as nurse burnout. According to Sfantou et al. (2017), a democratic leadership
style has high employee engagement for steering nursing practice forward. As such, I promote
openness and honesty by embracing democratic leadership traits. As a leader, I would vote for
democratic leadership among natural nurse delegators because it promotes accountability and
responsiveness while empowering the nursing staff.
Lastly, I value continuous improvement and provide regular feedback to the nursing staff.
The leadership style promotes trust between nurse leadership and healthcare practitioners,
improving work satisfaction; thus, appreciating the bigger picture of the nursing practice
(Furunes, 2020). On the flip side, the democratic leadership style results in slowed decision-
making when implemented ineffectively. Therefore, leadership traits are significant in making
nursing practice better by rewarding and motivating frontline workers.
NRS 440 VN Topic 4 CLC Leadership Styles and NursingKR
Creativity is encouraged and rewarded
Leader has final say, but group members are encouraged to give ideas
High productivity, strong contributions from the group, and better morale
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
Democratic, participative leadership style describes the way I lead. I am one who does not like to closely supervise my colleagues. I like to allow my employees to take initiative and make their own decisions. I prefer to get my colleagues input prior to decision making.
Transformational leadership is a theory of leadership where a leader works with teams or followers beyond their immediate self-interests
The concept of transformational leadership was initially introduced by leadership expert and presidential biographer James MacGregor Burns (Boamah et al., 2018).
There are four factors to transformational leadership, (also known as the “four I’s”)
Idealized Influence
Inspirational Motivation
Intellectual Stimulation
Individual Consideration
Transformational leaders motivate by increasing self-efficacy in follower
NRS 440 VN Topic 4 CLC Leadership Styles and NursingKR
James MacGregor Burns, a leadership specialist and presidential biographer, was the first to establish the notion of transformative leadership. Transformational leadership may be demonstrated when “leaders and followers push one other to a greater degree of moral and drive,” according to Burns. Individuals must demonstrate four key criteria in order for leaders to undertake transformational leadership. Transformational leadership theory goes beyond simply stating what it is and outlines how leaders may put this sort of leadership into action. The basic concept of transformational leadership is to motivate people to be their best selves. Leaders that adhere to this way of life become change agents who inspire colleagues to become leaders as well(Boamah et al., 2018).
Transformational leadership is defined by four qualities (sometimes known as the “four I’s”): idealistic influence, inspiring motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual concern. Each component will be covered in order to assist managers in implementing this method in the workplace. Idealized influence refers to managers who serve as role models for their employees. Managers who inspire associates to commit to the organization’s mission are described as using inspirational motivation. Managers who stimulate invention and creativity by questioning a group’s usual assumptions or viewpoints are described as engaging in intellectual stimulation. Individual consideration refers to managers who serve as mentors and counsellors to their employees(Boamah et al., 2018).
Transformational Leader Traits Includes (Boamah , 2018):
Keep Their Egos in Check.
Ability to Take the Right Risks.
Make Difficult Decisions.
Entertain New Ideas.
Adapt Quickly and Easily.
Team First Attitude.
Transformational Leadership Practices Includes (Alqatawenh et al., 2019):
Be Comfortable With Experimentation.
Take Personal Responsibility.
Always Look For An Opportunity To Improve.
Ideas Should Be Of Greater Concern Than Processes.
Personal Accountability
Connect With Their Strengths, Purpose And Values
Willing To Experiment With New Behaviors And Take Action.
Transformational leaders work hard to keep their egos in check, putting the needs of their team and company ahead of their own personal benefit. In this way, they also evoke trust, which leads to the highest company-wide performance. Transformational leaders aren’t usually dependent on others to decide their course. They may prioritize, choose a course of action, and be held accountable for the results. They also know how to leverage their personal motivation to excite people around them. These leaders do what they like, and their values are compatible with those of the organizations they represent. His crew is close behind him, completing the required study to properly assess the situation. Transformational leaders never let complacency or self-satisfaction keep them from taking calculated risks. Transformational leaders, like any other management, must make difficult decisions. Unlike transactional leaders, transformational leaders’ crucial choices might cannibalize current company and shift the firm away from its tried-and-true methods(Boamah , 2018).
They establish a vision for the company that is both inspirational and practical. They are skilled in rallying people to effect the essential change that will result in a different outcome. To accomplish so, they must effectively communicate while developing a feeling of purpose, dedication, and belonging. Transformational leaders are able to move the business in a path that will boost the company’s long-term sustainability once they have achieved buy-in to the common goal (Boamah , 2018).
Transformational leaders must prioritize adaptation and be content with adapting their abilities and talents to any environment. Leaders must not take the “this is how we’ve always done it” attitude. As a result, students must experiment with numerous problem-solving approaches. Leaders who are really attempting to change their environment must accept responsibility for both positive and negative changes in management. To truly change a situation for the better, leaders must take personal responsibility for the work their teams and they do. They must feel at ease while searching for methods to improve their team, procedures, and the overall work environment. All adjustments, however, must be made with the best interests of the team in mind(Alqatawenh et al., 2019). If someone comes up with an inventive concept that has a high chance of success, it should be prioritized above a method. Creativity and innovation should be rewarded, not outdated ideas that may no longer serve a function(Alqatawenh et al., 2019).
As transformative leaders, they must be willing to try new things. They must concentrate on adaptation and being content with modifying their abilities and talents to any environment. Leaders must not take the “this is how we’ve always done it” attitude. As a result, students must experiment with numerous problem-solving approaches. When it comes to cooperation and collaboration, it is all too simple to assign blame. Leaders who are really attempting to change their circumstances, on the other hand, must accept responsibility for both positive and negative changes in management. To truly change a situation for the better, leaders must take personal responsibility for the work their teams and they do. Some things are better left alone, but there are times when change is necessary. Leaders must feel at ease searching for methods to improve their team, procedures, and the overall work environment. All adjustments, however, must be made with the best interests of the team in mind.
Transformational leaders constantly manage with their people’ esteem, conviction, and ambition in mind. Their objective should be to inspire people to perform their best job for the benefit of themselves and the organization, with the hope that they, too, can become transformational leaders. If someone comes up with an inventive concept that has a high chance of success, it should be prioritized above a method. Creativity and innovation should be rewarded, not outdated ideas that may no longer serve a function. By providing regular updates, you may increase trust and strengthen leadership communication. Share corporate aims and objectives on a regular basis. Create a status feed that asks, “How did you contribute to the team’s goals this week?” to easily create frequent status updates for your team members. These are all factors that can encourage higher job satisfaction and employee engagement. They are willing to look for opportunity in change. A leader with good leadership abilities can readily encourage and influence the organization’s personnel and implement meaningful changes…. performance, but also impacts the behaviour and attitude of the organization’s employees for the better.
NRS 440 VN Topic 4 CLC Leadership Styles and NursingKR
Creates change in individuals as well as social systems
Identifies strengths and weaknesses
Energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate
Followers become leaders.
Open communication of ideas and opinions
Creativity is encouraged
Everyone is engaged in processes
Leader makes final decisions
Transformational leadership style targets the follower’s weaknesses. Leaders will place followers with tasks that are suitable to them considering their weaknesses to enhance their work performance (, n.d.). Th ese leaders want their followers to be successful and succeed. Democratic leadership is based off of communication and contribution of the followers. Democratic leadership style allows the leader to create a plan and make decision by discussing with the group. Group equality and ideas are encouraged; however, the leader is still available for guidance(Cherry, 2020).
Transformational leadership – (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2021, from—————————.
Cherry, K. (2020, January 6). Is Democratic leadership the best style of leadership? Verywell Mind. Retrieved October 23, 2021, from
NRS 440 VN Topic 4 CLC Leadership Styles and NursingKR
It is important to know your leadership style because:
It plays a vital role in achieving quality healthcare.
Determines nursing intervention outcomes
Assists in closing nursing gaps
“Improves professional expertise and technical assistance for maintaining nursing culture” (Kreps, 2016)
Helps solve healthcare complexities
Able to learn and model effective leadership behaviors
Provides a conducive operating environment
Leadership style plays a vital role in achieving quality healthcare. The kind of leadership style the nurse adopts determines the nursing intervention’s outcome, helping in closing nursing gaps. Balancing leadership skills improves professional expertise and technical assistance for maintaining nursing culture, such as principles of bioethics (Kreps, 2016). For nursing professionals, being aware of one’s leadership styles helps in solving healthcare complexities and uncertainties. In essence, leadership knowledge and skills among nurses allow them to be able to learn, nature, and model and develop effective leadership behaviors, ultimately improving nursing practice and overall patient outcomes. The overall reason for being conscious of leadership styles and traits is improving the quality of life and providing a conducive operating environment.
The success of a leader relies on the trust between them and their staff.
Traits and styles to be an effective leader are:
Effective communication
Active listening
Promoting transparency
NRS 440 VN Topic 4 CLC Leadership Styles and NursingKR
Effective communication is an important trait of a good leader. The success of a leader depends on how they communicate. One of the effective leadership traits that enhance effective communication in nursing practice is active listening. It improves employee engagement and offers amicable solutions to nursing challenges (Sfantou et al., 2017). Promoting transparency is another key trait to effective communication since high accountability and honesty increase trust between leaders and staff (Kreps, 2016). One also needs to embrace empathy to understand the well-being of the nurses, such as motivation and rewarding. The more I understand and acknowledge the experiences and feelings of my nursing staff, the more valued and satisfaction my nurse team register in work. Clarity is also a vital trait that ensures effective communication. According to Kreps (2016), the clearer a nurse leader is, the less confusion there will be around priorities. Communicating with clarity allows team members to understand what they are expected and feel more engaged in the process.
Encourages collaboration
Fosters teamwork
Helps prevent errors
Helps nurses share relevant information on productive conflict management
Allows team member to showcase their interpersonal communication skills
Builds trust and understanding
Working in an inter-professional environment helps nurses share relevant information on productive conflict management and information among community members, vendors, and ancillary departments (Kreps, 2016). As a nurse leader, the ultimate goal is to allow team members to showcase their interpersonal communication skills and allow the best team to form collaborative teams and participate in cooperative relationships. Effective communication among multidisciplinary teams builds trust and understanding, which leads to better patient-focused health outcomes. It encourages collaboration, fosters teamwork, and helps prevent errors.
Servant leadership is a set of practices that qualifies the person’s life and lead a better organization. It encourages leaders to serve with people with the highest priority they need. Servant leaders focus on the growth and wellbeing of patients with power-sharing and develop organizational culture and make favorable employee outcomes, it includes their mental health, job satisfaction, job attitudes, job performance, organization culture and improves interpersonal communication. This empowers changes in organizational behavior and improves and influences the value of care for the patients.
Health care professionals are having challenges to decrease the cost, increasing quality nursing care, making fewer turnover rates decrease medical errors to improve the health care value of patients and stakeholders. They must know how to lead staffs as a leader. Poor leadership causes an adverse impact on organization work and dissatisfaction among staff. Nursing leadership improves the quality of care for patient and organization growth. Leadership can correct the core issues (Spears, 2021). Due to technology innovation and human interaction, it builds effective nurse leadership.
Spears, L. (2021, October 11). Character and servant leadership: Ten characteristics of caring leaders. Regent University. Retrieved October 23, 2021, from
Ways to Practice Servant Leadership are as follows (Crede et al., 2019) :
Focusing on the needs of those they lead before their own
Acknowledging others perspectives
Involving those they lead in decisions where appropriate
Building a sense of community within the team.
Giving them the support they need to meet their work and personal goals.
Practice Stewardship
Servant leadership is about concentrating on the needs of others rather than their feelings. Servant leaders are more likely to have engaged workers and stronger connections with team members and other stakeholders than leaders who prioritize their own interests above the interests of others. Servant leaders want to assist those who are doing poorly get better and those who are doing well do even better.
Leaders who practice servant leadership and have a deep grasp of their personal leadership characteristics may successfully lead others and traverse the particular obstacles of nursing and health care by
Focusing on the needs of people they lead before their own- servant leaders consider and set aside their own emotions and actions in order to evaluate how they influence those they lead. They can exercise stewardship, which entails accepting responsibility for your team’s activities and performance, as well as holding team members accountable for their roles in your business. This will aid in meeting the needs of people they lead, which will aid in the creation of a healthy environment (Crede et al., 2019) .
Recognizing others’ points of view and providing them with the assistance they require to achieve their professional and personal objectives- Servant leaders try to comprehend the objectives and views of people they lead by momentarily setting their own viewpoint aside, appreciating the opinions of others, and approaching circumstances with an open mind (Crede et al., 2019) .
Where appropriate, including those they lead in decision-making and fostering a sense of community within the team. Servant leaders frequently make a genuine commitment to listening to individuals they lead and understanding their ideas by paying close attention to them, observing their body language, not interrupting them when they are speaking before they finish, and providing comments on what they say. Leaders may foster a sense of community within their teams by allowing individuals to communicate with one another throughout the company and encouraging them to take responsibility for their work by reminding them that what they do adds to the organization’s performance and broader goals (Crede et al., 2019) .
NRS 440 VN Topic 4 CLC Leadership Styles and NursingKR
Two Examples of Transformational Leadership are as follows:
Organization of a social event
Encouragement to voice the opinions how to improve organization
A leader might plan social events such as team lunches and barbecues, design his or her workplace to encourage employees to converse informally away from their desks, and devote the first few minutes of meetings to non-work-related topics in order to foster a feeling of community among team members. In the event, leader can motivate and encourage the employees in a productive way by using some quiz games and presenting some work related awards to hard working workers to create a positive environment of competition that will motivate other team members to do even more hard work and helping the company to reach its goal in a faster pace.
The leader can encourage individuals he or she leads to give their thoughts and share their ideas as to how the company can enhance its operation and what instruments would be more beneficial for organization. By doing so, the leader will indeed be embracing other people’s opinions and providing them with the tools they need to succeed in the organization. Leadership entails concentrating on the needs of others rather than personal feelings. Transformational leaders are more likely to have engaged workers and stronger connections with team members and other stakeholders than non-transformational leaders. They seek to assist those who are performing poorly in performing well, as well as those who are performing well in performing even better.
Alqatawenh, A. S. (2018). Transformational leadership style and its relationship with change management. Verslas: teorija ir praktika, 19(1), 17-24.
Boamah, S. (2018). Linking nurses’ clinical leadership to patient care quality: The role of transformational leadership and workplace empowerment. Canadian journal of nursing research, 50(1), 9-19.
Boamah, S. A., Laschinger, H. K. S., Wong, C., & Clarke, S. (2018). Effect of transformational leadership on job satisfaction and patient safety outcomes. Nursing outlook, 66(2), 180-189.
Cherry, K. (2020, January 6). Is Democratic leadership the best style of leadership? Verywell Mind. Retrieved October 23, 2021, from
Crede, M., Jong, J., & Harms, P. (2019). The generalizability of transformational leadership across cultures: A meta-analysis. Journal of Managerial Psychology.
Furunes, T. (2020). Healthcare leadership. Integrating the Organization of Health Services, Worker Wellbeing, and Quality of Care, 135-157.
Kreps, G. L. (2016). Communication and effective interprofessional health care teams. Int Arch Nurs Health Care, 2, 051.
Sfantou, D., Laliotis, A., Patelarou, A., Sifaki- Pistolla, D., Matalliotakis, M., & Patelarou, E. (2017). Importance of leadership style towards the quality of care measures in
Spears, L. (2021, October 11). Character and servant leadership: Ten characteristics of caring leaders. Regent University. Retrieved October 23, 2021, from
Transformational leadership – (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2021, from
NRS 440 VN Topic 4 CLC Leadership Styles and Nursing
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