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NURS FPX 1150 Assessment 5 Living History

NURS FPX 1150 Assessment 5 Living History


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NURS FPX 1150 Assessment 5 Living History
NURS FPX 1150 Assessment 5 Living History

NURS FPX 1150 Assessment 5 Living History

Titanic and the salvage ship are prominently featured in the film, with Titanic serving as one of the two primary locations. The video opens with a series of images of salvage ships captured by the camera. Brock Lovett and the rest of his treasure-hunting crew resumed their quest for a necklace known as The Heart of the Ocean aboard a salvage ship (Ge et al., 2018). The Titanic was located in the Atlantic Ocean, where they reached the ship’s interior. However, they saw a picture of a naked woman wearing a necklace, which they could not believe. The date “April 14, 1912” appears in the bottom right corner of the picture. On this day in 1912, there is absolute doubt that the Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg. 

Summary of the Movie

Old Raw Dawson and her granddaughter boarded the salvage ship and sailed to Brock Lovett to meet with members of his organization to learn more about the RMS Titanic. The interior and exterior of the RMS Titanic are considered when determining its size. A huge, sweeping upper hall housed many businesses on the RMS Titanic. This contained a massive hotel, a chapel, and a VIP-exclusive suite. Titanic’s appearance reveals that affluent individuals visited the area. The RMS’s upper levels seemed well-prepared for the honored visitors. The Titanic’s lowest deck was meant for the ship’s lower-class passengers and had the smallest decorations. Many guests were in the hotel’s basement, and the rooms had double-decker bed sets. Most of the film was filmed outside of the RMS Titanic. The play’s main character, Jack, exclaimed, “I’m the king of the world!” Rose had expressed a wish to commit suicide, and Jack spoke the famous words “You leap, I leap” to dissuade her. Jack reassures Rose that he can fly by soaring over the RMS Titanic and proclaiming, “I can fly!”. 

NURS FPX 1150 Assessment 4 Living History

Analysis of the Movie

This is a film. The success of Titanic’s attempts to captivate the audience continued. The technique’s versatility is a tool for setting the scene. It was the highest-grossing American film of all time for a long period despite being both romantic and a tragic failure (Yip, 2002). Consequently, the American economy had a continual flow of money creation. The filmmakers spent considerable time before shooting, determining which parts of the story would work best as scenes. Films use the best locations available when it comes to scenery, make-up and costume, lighting, and acting techniques. The films depict social inequality as a gulf between the wealthy and the needy. The captivating and authentic portrayal of the story was made possible by the actors’ mesmerizing acting talents (Kajberuny & Makaryan, 2021). 

Titanic made a significant impact due to the use of lighting and the film’s skillful portrayal of the characters’ varied emotions. To communicate the strongest human emotions, mise-en-scene is used. Jack’s deed of pure love for Rose, in which he laid her down on the wood as their ship sank, exemplified the whole spectrum of human emotions (Cahill & Konings, 2019). Jack and Rose are flying into the air as they stand outside the ship. Because of how Jack and Rose perform their roles in the story, we may discover our genuine emotions and become closer to our loved ones. The film’s narrative demonstrates the connection between cinema and society by showing social and political realities that include ideological elements. In Titanic, the hardship of people from diverse socioeconomic origins is shown in an overly dramatic and explicit way. 

Photographs from the film Lower-class passengers aboard the Titanic enjoy performing the ship’s native instruments and songs (Aird, 2020). It is no secret that violins and pianos were the instruments of choice for high-class visitors attending on-deck activities aboard the Titanic. What is the film’s objective? To increase understanding of capitalist concerns and the financial issues that matter most to them. It illustrates the disparity between the affluent and poor regarding dress and living situations. Les costumes of lower social groups were cheaper, but those of higher social classes were more costly. In the past, there were two zones onboard ships: one for individuals with high social rank and one for those with lesser social standing (Aird, 2020). 

NURS FPX 1150 Assessment 5 Living History

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Due to Titanic’s immense effect, numerous films recreated actual events as romantic comedies based on fiction after its massive popularity. Viewing the film on television makes viewers aware that each scene has a unique expression of love and a motivating exhibition of love (Na, 2022). It was presented so well that its energizing plot caught the audience’s thoughts and feelings. The film has some of the most compelling personalities created to captivate viewers and help their personal development. 

Impact of the Movie on Public’s Understanding

The Titanic collided with an iceberg on April 14, 1942, and then sailed across the Atlantic Ocean for more than three hours. When the Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean on her first voyage, about 2200 passengers and crew were on board. They were leaving for the United States. According to the findings of that historical accident, only 705 of the passengers and crew members on the fateful aircraft were saved. Even after catastrophic maritime mishaps, ships have been proven to float above the water’s surface; the Titanic sank within three hours. It was instantly clear to anybody who glanced around that the ship had been constructed with poor materials, leading to its ultimate demise in a vast ocean. In addition, the film prompted government authorities to seek ways to enhance the quality of the ship’s materials. To avert future catastrophes as devastating as those that occurred on the Titanic, it has been considered to improve the production of boats by establishing revolutionary ship safety laws. Consequently, the shipping sector is better positioned to prepare for the future by restricting its existing production practices (HH, 2021). 

After seeing the Titanic sinking catastrophe film, many people were left with the impression that the incorporation of hull steel was to blame for the ship’s devastating defects (Anjirbag, 2019). This notion persisted in the public domain. According to the findings, experts discovered a fractured edge of the Titanic’s steel hull during their testing. In boats, the superior material is tensile steel, which is tough to bend and shape into various shapes. When the ship encountered the iceberg, it was discovered that it had collided with it at a high pace and a much lower water temperature than usual. As a result of the collision with the iceberg, a split in the ship’s hull plates allowed water to enter the damaged regions of the Titanic. The continual saltwater flow caused enormous pressure, but this is not the reason for concern since it happened so quickly. Due to the rapid water flow throughout the ship and its surroundings, it was immediately submerged in the ocean (Anjirbag, 2019). 

Changes to Improve the Movie Titanic

Titanic may need enhancements to increase its overall attractiveness to viewers. It is the reason for worry since the Titanic’s steel originates from manufacturers of double-hull steel, which is known to lessen the danger of marine disasters. Because it is a source of concern, there is an issue to be worried about. The quality of steel plates and rivets must be feasible to the greatest degree. The Titanic’s bulkheads had to be completely watertight to reduce the chance of collisions and other catastrophes in the Atlantic Ocean (Zhang et al., 2022). Changes must be made to the script of Titanic to represent the global and national ship repair system. Despite this, the RMS Titanic has a significant role as the crown gem in maritime history.

As a consequence of the lessons learned from the sinking of the Titanic, survival techniques have been enhanced. These modifications now have a stronger effect. Due to this, the terrible climax of the narrative evokes a horrible picture of people crying, increasing the difficulty of coping with the emotions of individuals already on the verge of breaking down.


Aird, M. (2020). From Illustration to Evidence: Centring Historical Photographs in Native Land Claims. Kronos46(1). 

Anjirbag, M. A. (2019). Reforming Borders of the Imagination: Diversity, Adaptation, Transmediation, and Incorporation in the Global Disney Film Landscape. Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures11(2), 151–176. 

Cahill, D., & Konings, M. (2019). Book Review: The Strong Emotions Provoked by Talking about Neoliberalism: A Reply to Richard Peet. Human Geography12(2), 94–95. 

Ge, B., Sheng, F., Gao, Y., Tsai, S.-B., & Du, X. (2018). “Green Ocean Treasure Hunting” Guided by Policy Support in a Transitional Economy. Sustainability10(2), 445. 

HH, A.-J. (2021). The Oil Shipping Sector in Iraq and its Economic Dimensions. Petroleum & Petrochemical Engineering Journal5(4), 1–3. 

NURS FPX 1150 Assessment 5 Living History

KAJBERUNY, H., & MAKARYAN, A. (2021). ON THE AUTHENTIC PORTRAYAL OF THE CONCEPT “GUILT.” Bulletin of Brusov State University, 235–242. 

Na, L. (2022). The Chinese-style Maternal Love in Lost in Russia. Film,Television and Theatre Review2(2), 55–57. 

Yip, G. (2002). Left ventricular long axis function in diastolic heart failure is reduced in both diastole and systole: time for a redefinition? Heart87(2), 121–125. Zhang, F., Yang, D., & Qiu, W. (2022). Lightweight design and experimental investigation of codirectional corrugated steel fire bulkheads on a cruise ship. Ocean Engineering255, 111483.

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