NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Stakeholder Presentation NB
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NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 2 Determining the Credibility of Evidence and Resources NB]
NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Stakeholder Presentation NB
Identification of issue
The main issue, organization is facing is overcrowding in emergency department
Emergency department overcrowding refers to the situation where ED function is impeded due to :
number of patients exceeds
delayed laboratory and imaging tests
delay of consultants
lack of sufficient inpatient beds
hospitals operate beyond a safe level of 85% bed occupancy
unplanned admission
The main issue, organization is facing is overcrowding in emergency department. ED units are typically one of the most congested departments of a hospital; congestion can result in delays in patient care, which can be unpleasant. This causes patients to stay in the ED for extended periods of time, which is inconvenient for both patients and their caregivers. Emergency department overcrowding refers to the situation where ED function is impeded due to :
number of patients exceeds
delayed laboratory and imaging tests
delay of consultants
lack of sufficient inpatient beds
hospitals operate beyond a safe level of 85% bed occupancy
unplanned admission
It is a multi-factorial problem that occurs across the world as a result of prolonged length of stay (LOS) in the ED, insufficient healthcare professional appointments, delayed response to ED consultations, frequent ED visits (including improper usage), and hospital-specific variables. Overcrowding or emergency ‘access block’ is caused by legitimate demand for emergency admission from patients (especially the elderly) who can only be treated in hospitals: Overcrowding happens when a hospital exceeds a safe threshold of 85 percent bed occupancy and more people require unexpected admission than there are beds available.
NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Stakeholder Presentation NB
Involvement of Stakeholders
Main stakeholders involves policymakers and providers(administration and physicians).
Stakeholders in healthcare play a major role in the direction of the healthcare industry.
support is vital as they provide funding, support, strategic direction, solutions and more to the overall healthcare industry.
Stakeholder engagement is related to :
Comparative effectiveness research
Health care share key concepts
Stakeholders are any individual or group of individuals who have a substantial interest in the services offered or who will be impacted by any planned changes in an organization or local health community. Main stakeholders involves policymakers and providers(administration and physicians). Stakeholders play a critical role in ensuring the successful implementation of evidence-based treatment in healthcare. Their assistance is essential since they supply the resources, skills, and expertise required for the project’s implementation. Furthermore, they impact public perception of anticipated change. They provide their knowledge and viewpoint to a project to assist a business reach its strategic objectives. They can also give materials and resources as needed.
Relevance of an Interdisciplinary Team Approach
An interdisciplinary approach raises team members’ knowledge of individual requirements and facilitates dialogue.
It can improve patient outcomes, healthcare processes and levels of satisfaction.
helps to prevent medication errors, improve the patient experience and deliver better patient outcomes
It can reduce healthcare costs
Utilizing such cohesive teams limits adverse events
An interdisciplinary approach can assist minimize risk-averse thinking by evaluating the risk against the patient’s advantages. An interdisciplinary approach can enhance healthcare quality, healthcare operations, and customer satisfaction. An interdisciplinary approach raises team members’ knowledge of individual requirements and facilitates dialogue. It entails utilizing numerous disciplines (or independent areas of learning or domains of competence) to reframe issues outside of usual limits and arrive at solutions based on a fresh understanding of difficult situations. It has the potential to enhance patient outcomes, healthcare processes, and levels of satisfaction.
NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Stakeholder Presentation NB
Objective of the Plan
The plan’s goal is to address the issue of overcrowding in the emergency department.
Enhancement and improvement of patient outcomes
Improvement in inter-disciplinary collaboration
Use of evidence based practices for resolution of issue
Increment in hospital revenues by solving the stated issue
Ensure that the issue is addressed well and completely eradicated (Norris, et al., 2017)
The plan’s goal is to address the issue of overcrowding in the emergency department. These includes various strategies like Better and faster discharge by transferring patients from acute hospitals to more appropriate institutions. Moreover, Assist Patients and Providers in Establishing Clear Guidelines and Expectations in Order to Enhance and Improve Patient Outcomes. Other objectives includes Use of evidence based practices for resolution of issue. Patients may take an active role in their own treatment since they can express their concerns.
Increment in hospital revenues by solving the stated issue and Ensure that the issue is addressed well and completely eradicated are also some objectives (Norris, et al., 2017)
Evidence Based Approach
Evidence based approach is the most appropriate method for the resolution of the issue.
An interdisciplinary team will be used which will be constituted from all stakeholders of the organization
They will use evidence based practices for solution
These EBP will revolve around enhancing staff relationship and inter-disciplinary collaboration.
health professionals from different disciplines, along with the patient, will be working collaboratively as a team
integration of clinical expertise, patient values and the best research evidence into the decision-making process will be used as main EBP. (Brownson, et al., 2017)
Evidence-based problem resolution is a problem-solving strategy that has been used to a variety of issues, including health, education, and a variety of social issues. As a result, the components of the evidence-based problem-solving method will be examined in terms of health and illness. Minoring in Interdisciplinary Problem Solving will assist stakeholders in integrating information, inquiry methodologies, research abilities, and experience learning from several domains of study. Workgroups with people from many professions can enhance work processes and patient care results. Multiple disciplines are typically engaged in the resolution of complicated patient problems, making cross-disciplinary information sharing essential to good treatment. If a successful and satisfactory outcome is to occur, clinical competence must embrace and balance the patient’s clinical state and circumstances, applicable research evidence, and the patient’s choices and behaviors (Brownson, et al., 2017)
NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Stakeholder Presentation NB
Strategies to be used
Change theories will be used in addition with leadership strategies
These are important and positively associated with increased patient satisfaction and lower rates of adverse health results.
Both strategies will be presented in subsequent slides
Understanding the science of change theory is essential for changing organizational structures. Understanding different change theories can give a foundation for implementing, managing, and assessing change in the context of human behavior. Effective teams are formed by leaders. critical roles in serving as change agents and supporting patient-cantered care Leaders must also successfully encourage team members to collaborate in order for them to work well together and learn from one another.
Implementation of Change theories
Planned Change Theory by Watson and Westley will be used for problem solution
It explains importance of a change agent and their responsibilities and roles compared to the process of change
It will focus more o the role and responsibilities of the change agent
Information will be continuously exchanged in the change process between all stakeholders
It will help all stakeholders in applying the change as well as identification of barriers and sustainability of the solution.
It will help all the stakeholders in better understanding the change
Planned change is a deliberate, measured, and coordinated attempt to enhance dynamic systems with the support of a change agent. This theory has seven stages: diagnosing the problem, assessing motivation, assessing the motivation and resources of the change agent, selecting progressive change objects, selecting the change agent role, maintaining change, and terminating assisting connections. This notion can be utilized to create change in nursing. It boosts morale, productivity, and work quality. Enhances teamwork, collaboration, and communication. A well-planned approach to change decreases stress and anxiety while also encouraging employees to remain loyal to the firm. Employee acceptance of the adjustment has increased.
Implementation of Leadership Strategies
Leadership strategies make a big difference in healthcare issues
It will help in education, handling and setting goals for problem solving process
Demonstration and implementation of leadership skills which include EBP practices will be applied.
Promotion of accountability and transparency will be used
Sharing of ideas will be used to implement the solution to reduce burden on beds in ED.
Leadership Skills Are Important in Healthcare This will enable them to coach, manage, and create goals for each of their team members, as well as offer appropriate feedback. This, in turn, promotes professional growth for the whole team, rather than just a few dedicated individuals in management roles. Transparency is vital in and of itself because it facilitates learning, promotes responsibility, and changes organizational performance. Accountability is a method for ensuring that an organization’s public interest goals are met, and it also leads to enhanced organizational performance. Collaboration among physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals raises team members’ awareness of each other’s knowledge and abilities, resulting in continuous decision-making improvement. Trust, respect, and collaboration are characteristics of effective teams.
Resource Management
Resources will be managed in a way to create an affordable budget for the solution of the problem.
Management will devise a plan to reduce readmissions in ED to reduce cost.
Hospital will make agreement with vendors to reduce maintenance cost of the furniture and wear and tear cost.
Management will reduce the cost of treatment per patient in ED.
Time spent by each physician per patient will also be reduced to overcome the crowing situation
The Budget will be as in table given.
NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Stakeholder Presentation NB
X-Ray budget
Uniforms and cleaning
3.4 %
Oxygen budget
Hospitals may preserve financial solvency — even during a crisis — through hospital resource management, a method through which health care institutions properly divide their resources. This part of the plan incorporates the hospital’s organizational resources in such a manner that a sensible financial budget is developed while keeping the plan’s criteria and goals in mind. Personnel and nurses, for example, should offer a detailed accounting of all expenditures expended in the emergency room, including the cost of supporting the exterior lights. This will aid in the improvement of the hospital’s finances. The administration should establish a strategy to decrease re-admissions to the emergency department. The expense of readmissions might be high due to health insurance.
Five weeks will be spent on the implementation of the plan
Patient outcomes and satisfaction will be used as criteria for the evaluation
Reduction in overcrowding will be used as a secondar criteria
Enhanced collaboration and inter disciplinary coordination will be evaluated as well
Better communication and collaboration will be evaluated between nursing staff and other management as well as with patients for success of the plan
Self-reported patient ratings of many touchpoints during their medical care experience are captured in patient satisfaction questionnaires. Examples of patient satisfaction may include staff response, clinician communication, technical skill, and hospital atmosphere, depending on the element of patient satisfaction being assessed. Measuring nursing outcomes has the ability to enhance and improve nursing practice in all domains. A complete evaluation of nursing practice can help to enhance nursing quality, patient safety, the patient experience of care, and healthcare outcomes.
Success of the plan will require all stakeholders involvement
Change theories and leadership strategies will be important during the eradication of healthcare issue
Success of the plan will be evaluated by assessing the given criteria’s.
Problem will be eradicated permanently and steps will be taken to ensure that issue don’t arise in the future
The more you engage and involve stakeholders, the more risks you will find and decrease on your project. Stakeholders may raise challenges or concerns regarding satisfying original specifications, project demands, and limits while addressing them. Involving competent stakeholders in this approach will be beneficial. Ensuring the success of change in healthcare is critical because if changes in health care fail to provide the desired effects or leave some individuals confused between the “old way” and “new way” of doing things, the costs can be very expensive and have an influence on patient care.
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NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 2 Determining the Credibility of Evidence and Resources NB
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