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NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 4 Improvement Plan Tool Kit CF

NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 4 Improvement Plan Tool Kit CF


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NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 4 Improvement Plan Tool Kit CF
NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 4 Improvement Plan Tool Kit CF

NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 4 Improvement Plan Tool Kit CF

Improvement Plan Toolkit

Improvement Plan Toolkit 

In a complex and competitive healthcare industry today, the culture of creating communication plays a pivotal role in improving the quality of care outcomes and reducing human errors related to medication prescriptions and drug misuse.  Nurses and physicians are accountable and responsible for creating a culture of safety and quality in Prime Health Hospital, United States; however, in the time of crisis and amidst COVID-19 outbreak, the management and administration of drugs has been challenging due to a myriad factor.  The current improvement toolkit represents the decision of the management to devise an appropriate plan to improve and maintain the culture of safety in the chosen healthcare institution in America. The tool contains annotated bibliography related to specific chosen pieces of literature to improve the quality of drug and medication administration and management. This step will ensure that nurses despite having issues with their knowledge and workload can do a better job to reduce such human errors that lead to adverse impacts on patients’ wellbeing and safety. 

NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 3 PICOT Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach PS

Annotated Bibliography

NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 4 Improvement Plan Tool Kit CF

The Best Practices for Safety and Quality in a Healthcare Organization

Fleiszer, A. R., Semenic, S. E., Ritchie, J. A., Richer, M.-C., & Denis, J.-L. (2016). A unit-level perspective on the long-term sustainability of a nursing best practice guidelines program: An embedded multiple case study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 53, 204–218.

The research is a good addition to the best practices used for safety and quality in healthcare units. The study characterized the sustainability of these standards by rating the advantages for patients as the number of drug errors reduce and how the team can adopt these best practices in the long-term. The usefulness of this resource is due to its due to its potential to improve the safety and quality issues that relates to the current medication administration issue prevailing in the Prime Hospital. These resources can be utilized by researchers, healthcare leaders, and nurses to reduce risks to patient’s health and safety in the hospital settings. The best reason to use these resources for this toolkit is the use of the seven key factors to make the program sustainable. 

Kossaify, A., Hleihel, W., & Lahoud, J.-C. (2017). Team-based efforts to improve quality of care, the fundamental role of ethics, and the responsibility of health managers: Monitoring and management strategies to enhance teamwork. Public Health, 153, 91–98.

A large community of scholars lays greater emphasis on the implementation of teamwork strategies to improve the quality of healthcare. By exploring the findings of more than 32 scholarly papers, the research contributes vitally towards addressing the quality improvement issue in the modern healthcare organization by focusing on the self-awareness and teamwork skills of nurses and doctors to reduce drug administration and medication errors. The usefulness of this resource is due to it’s due to its potential to improve the positive leadership and communication practices. This research can significantly improve the status of Prime Hospital by providing valuable knowledge to nursing staff by incorporating teamwork as a key factor of quality enhancement and safety. 

Oster, C., & Braaten, J. (2016). High reliability organizations: a healthcare handbook for patient safety & quality. Sigma Theta Tau.

NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 4 Improvement Plan Tool Kit CF

This resource represents a great book that discusses the strategies of high-performing and reliable healthcare organizations to ensure patient safety and quality in the long run. The book provides greater insights regarding the issues faced by Prime Hospital by discussing the current patient safety drivers such as understanding the patient harm and factors that contribute to patient agitation and harm. The current research is valuable because it discusses organizational culture and the journey to high quality outcomes by using failure mode and effects analysis. 

Ellenbecker, C. H., Samia, L., Cushman, M. J., & Alster, K. (2008). Patient safety and quality in home health care. Patient safety and quality: An evidence-based handbook for nurses.

The current study is vital for the inclusion in this resource-based toolkit because it helps the management of Prime Hospital to understand the patient safety in detail in the context of quality in home healthcare and provides evidence-based discussions to provide recommendations. The researchers focus on nurse-doctor relationships to establish codes to enhance safety and quality outcomes in addition to the role pharmacists play in providing the right medication to the patients at regular and irregular times. Therefore, this research is relevant and crucial for helping hospitals achieve desired outcomes. 

Reasons for drug administration errors

 Van Der Veen, W., Van Den Bemt, P. M., Wouters, H., Bates, D. W., Twisk, J. W., De Gier, J. J., … & Mangelaars, I. (2018). Association between workarounds and medication administration errors in bar-code-assisted medication administration in hospitals. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association25(4), 385-392.

This research is another great resource that deserves to be added into the toolkit. It explores the relationship between medication administration procedures and explores errors in terms of workarounds and other procedures in several hospitals. The researcher’s presents the case of barcode facilitated medicines that are provided to many dementia and heart patients and also find the frequency of workarounds to solve medication administration errors. The study can be crucial in helping people and nurses solve their administration and drug prescription errors. 

Mazer-Amirshahi, M., Goyal, M., Umar, S. A., Fox, E. R., Zocchi, M., Hawley, K. L., & Pines, J. M. (2017). US drug shortages for medications used in adult critical care (2001–2016). Journal of critical care41, 283-288.

This is another vital research study that is important to include in the toolkit because it aims to discover the reasons and factors for drug shortages in the adult criminal care centres in the United States and find out the key factors why so many drugs shortages impacted the criminal care centres. The research provides the issues in terms of devising interventions to manage drug shortages and administration errors. These shortages and misuse of drugs can result in the adverse care outcomes for patients. Therefore, this research provides immense value to researchers for improving the quality of care and develop better drug utilization systems. 

Palmero, D., Di Paolo, E. R., Stadelmann, C., Pannatier, A., Sadeghipour, F., & Tolsa, J. F. (2019). Incident reports versus direct observation to identify medication errors and risk factors in hospitalised newborns. European journal of pediatrics178(2), 259-266.

The research study is a crucial addition to the knowledge base because it aims to provide more analysis of drug related errors that impact the health of infants in the hospitals. The research argues that the effectiveness of medicines in the hospital is based on the identification of several risk factors that help nurses to devise strategies to prevent those medication errors. This research is valuable and crucial for this toolkit because it helps to understand the recording of all medication errors in the record system of the organization and the system can reduce the severity of these issues. 

NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 4 Improvement Plan Tool Kit CF

Fekadu, T., Teweldemedhin, M., Esrael, E., & Asgedom, S. W. (2017). Prevalence of intravenous medication administration errors: a cross-sectional study. Integrated pharmacy research & practice6, 47.

Another good study that has been published in 2017 discusses the prevalence of intravenous medication administration errors through evidence-based practices and helps nurse and decision makers to identify the factors associated with these errors. This study is valuable and crucial because it collects and presents data collected directly from observations using random sampling and identifies well the factors associated with these issues to reduce them in the clinical settings. The best reason to choose this study is its value to finding the reasons for high prevalence of medical drug errors to minimize such errors. 

Reducing Drug Administration Errors and Improving Safety Environments 

 Tan, A. K. (2015). Emphasizing caring components in nurse-patient-nurse bedside reporting. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 8(1), 188–193. Retrieved from w%2F1648623547%3Faccountid=27965

This resource is another vital research that helps to provide more information regarding establishing better relationships between nurses and patients. The source is vital to include as an impactful addition to the knowledge body because it emphasizes teamwork to reduce sentinel incidents in the organizations. The study argues that reporting issues and lack of encouragement of nurses to report such issues can cover their mistakes, but they can also be a threat for the organizations not proactively making plans to improve care outcomes. This study is valuable and reliable addition to the toolkit because prepares the staff of Prime Hospital to get ready for dealing with drug and medication errors. 

Stergiopoulos, S., Brown, C. A., Felix, T., Grampp, G., & Getz, K. A. (2016). A survey of adverse event reporting practices among US healthcare professionals. Drug Safety, 39(11), 1117–1127.

NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 4 Improvement Plan Tool Kit CF

This article discusses the vital problem in many hospitals to improve their quality and safety outcomes related to drug errors and medication management. The study completes a survey of negative and non-productive events in the healthcare organizations in the United States related to drug safety. The World Health Organization also provide greater guidance and realizes the importance of medicine errors occurring in American healthcare institutions and organizations. Since the study reveals a serious figure of more than 7000 deaths of patients each year, this research can be crucial addition to the toolkit to reduce the harmful drug errors in the organizations to achieve better safety outcomes. The results show that a main issue in hospitals in America is the lack of nurses’ trainings related to psychotropic medicines. When patients over-consume them or wrongly take them, they become victims of allergies and other complications. This study can help researchers and healthcare leaders to reduce drug related errors through understanding of these adverse effects using evidence in the real world. 

Lozito, M., Whiteman, K., Swanson-Biearman, B., Barkhymer, M., & Stephens, K. (2018). Good catch campaign: Improving the perioperative culture of safety. AORN Journal, 107(6), 705–714.

This research is another evidnece based article that is peer-reviewed, reliable, and valuable to prevent the adverse situation of drug misuse and misadministration in Prime Hospital in the United States. The study explores the culture of safety in healthcare organizations using the Good Catch Campaign. This is a unique competency highlighted by the authors that measures the skill of nurses to report and identify several medication errors and issues in the organization. If nurses possess and develop these skills through vital interventions, they can have a better control of medication errors. A standard reporting mechanism is recommended by the authors to better get a glimpse of patient risks due to wrong medication. Therefore, using this research as a rouse for the toolkit can be a valuable addition to the knowledge body. 

Mazzitelli, N., Rocco, G., De Andreis, G., Mauro, L., Montevecchi, A., Stievano, A., & Turci, C. (2018). Reducing drug administration errors using” Do not disturb” tabards and signs. Professioni infermieristiche71(2), 95-103.

The study is vital that offers a great insights and knowledge for nurses who can learn from the Italian Ministry Health’s report published in 2018. The report highlights almost 873 events adverse medical event happened and took place between 2005 and 2010 related to mortality and coma and many more harmful diseases and issues in hospitals. The Institute of Medicine in the United States aims to provide recommendations to reduce interruptions in the provisions of medication and how organizations can reduce harmful and adverse events in their settings using these vital recommendations. Hence, this research is vital and valuable resource that aims to explore the disturbing signs in organizations to reduce drug administrating errors. Nurses and healthcare professionals can use this resource as a vital tool to strategically understand this Quasi experiment study and use vests while they are handling and managing drugs. 


Ellenbecker, C. H., Samia, L., Cushman, M. J., & Alster, K. (2008). Patient safety and quality in home health care. Patient safety and quality: An evidence-based handbook for nurses.

Fekadu, T., Teweldemedhin, M., Esrael, E., & Asgedom, S. W. (2017). Prevalence of intravenous medication administration errors: a cross-sectional study. Integrated pharmacy research & practice6, 47.

Fleiszer, A. R., Semenic, S. E., Ritchie, J. A., Richer, M.-C., & Denis, J.-L. (2016). A unit-level perspective on the long-term sustainability of a nursing best practice guidelines program: An embedded multiple case study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 53, 204–218.

Kossaify, A., Hleihel, W., & Lahoud, J.-C. (2017). Team-based efforts to improve quality of care, the fundamental role of ethics, and the responsibility of health managers: Monitoring and management strategies to enhance teamwork. Public Health, 153, 91–98.

Lozito, M., Whiteman, K., Swanson-Biearman, B., Barkhymer, M., & Stephens, K. (2018). Good catch campaign: Improving the perioperative culture of safety. AORN Journal, 107(6), 705–714.

Mazer-Amirshahi, M., Goyal, M., Umar, S. A., Fox, E. R., Zocchi, M., Hawley, K. L., & Pines, J. M. (2017). US drug shortages for medications used in adult critical care (2001–2016). Journal of critical care41, 283-288.

Mazzitelli, N., Rocco, G., De Andreis, G., Mauro, L., Montevecchi, A., Stievano, A., & Turci, C. (2018). Reducing drug administration errors using” Do not disturb” tabards and signs. Professioni infermieristiche71(2), 95-103.

Oster, C., & Braaten, J. (2016). High reliability organizations: a healthcare handbook for patient safety & quality. Sigma Theta Tau.

Palmero, D., Di Paolo, E. R., Stadelmann, C., Pannatier, A., Sadeghipour, F., & Tolsa, J. F. (2019). Incident reports versus direct observation to identify medication errors and risk factors in hospitalised newborns. European journal of pediatrics178(2), 259-266.

Stergiopoulos, S., Brown, C. A., Felix, T., Grampp, G., & Getz, K. A. (2016). A survey of adverse event reporting practices among US healthcare professionals. Drug Safety, 39(11), 1117–1127.

Tan, A. K. (2015). Emphasizing caring components in nurse-patient-nurse bedside reporting. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 8(1), 188–193. Retrieved from w%2F1648623547%3Faccountid=27965

Van Der Veen, W., Van Den Bemt, P. M., Wouters, H., Bates, D. W., Twisk, J. W., De Gier, J. J., … & Mangelaars, I. (2018). Association between workarounds and medication administration errors in bar-code-assisted medication administration in hospitals. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association25(4), 385-392.

NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 4 Improvement Plan Tool Kit CF

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