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NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 3 Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach Essay

NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 3 Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach Essay


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NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 3 Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach Essay

NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 3 Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach Essay

PICO (T) Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach

The term PICO(T) stands for Population, Interventions, Comparison, Outcomes, and Time. The implications of PICO(T) work to develop inquiries to help the researchers for evidence. According to evidence-based practice, the significance of PICO(T) leads the nurses to their start-ups. The element of time allows nurses to seek evidence-based on effective searches. The forms of evidence lead nurses to explore meaningful norms of pieces of evidence during the session of research. Efficient nurses are required to start their professional practice under evidence-based practices to improve the quality of health life to implement health care proposals for the improvement of nurses (Driscoll, 2018). PICO(T) procedure leads a particular intimation for inquiries under evidence-based practices to support real questions. 

NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 3 Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach NR

In the term PICO(T), the patient scenario refers to patients from the population. The term intervention refers to treatments applied to a specific population. The term comparison represents the techniques of particular medications among the residents; the term outcomes refer to the targeted consequences, and the time relates to the access to the specific timeframe to achieve desirable targets. The key to credible online resources is to guide nurses to find out the best techniques for diagnosing anxious treatments in patients (Jahan et al., 2016). 

PICOT Approach within the Patients of Anxiety

The ratio of adults or patients visiting health care settings in case of anxiety is much higher than the past data analysis. Patients with pressure also need effective treatments and medications to receive well-being in the future. In the psychiatry ward, the number of patients subjected to anxiety and depression is high in the health care settings, who are 20 in the relevant control of depression in health care settings. It is the daily practice in nursing to acquire nursing skills to eliminate and diminish the harmful symptoms attached to depression and anxiety under their intensive care to achieve desirable results regarding the health maintenance of patients (Perrin et al., 2015). It is critical of the recovery process checked and applied by nurses to monitor the effectiveness of treatment and medication to compute timeframe to evaluate and assess various techniques to use the practical methods on the patients to access desirable results. The intervention span consists of six to eight weeks depending on the severe conditions subjected to patients’ mental and physical needs. Furthermore, the inquiry psychotherapy approach explains the process of medication and treatment thoroughly to deal with patients with the arousal of symptoms of depression and anxiety (Philip et al., 2021). 

NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 3 Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach NR

The selected problem is anxiety and depression and the PICO(T) question formulated is as follows:
“In elder patients, treatment using pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy as compared to standard treatment interventions is more effective?”

Sources of Evidence

The framework is based on individualized interventions working ahead to monitor the requirements of patients, history, capabilities, and inclinations in finding the best interventions-based policies to eliminate depression and anxiety. In the concerning scenario, the guidelines of patients care and quality of the maintenance of life assure the applicability of right and effective strategies by the nurses who take into consideration the accountability about the concerned scenario who are in contact of treatment with the 20 patients in the relevant ward of depression in health care settings. The nurses who deal with patients with anxiety and depression have significant experience of psychotherapy, psychological medications, and appropriate approaches to lower and cure the symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients (Louw et al., 2011). Furthermore, in the Directed Model of Care Staff, the moves and activities of patients are meaningfully compared to the individualized model of interventions. For example, in the Directed Model of Care Staff, the actions of patients are determined by the pieces of training and education of staff to give justifications for the king behavior and services for the available patients of anxiety and depression. The Directed Model of Care Staff permits nurses to receive an efficient response from the staff members to improve the level of efficiency by nursing practices (PMC, n.d.). 

NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 3 Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach NR

Findings from Sources of Evidence

It is a matter of concern for the psychotherapists and nurses to select proper medication approaches for the treatment of patients. In the case of depression and anxiety, two forms of therapy serve as leading and effective remedial strategies: interpersonal therapy and cognitive-based therapy. Most researchers and practitioners like to adopt and recommend proper medications instead of adopting therapies. Moreover, there is a series of emergence in between treatments of medicines and psychotherapies to receive the best results to improve patients’ health care phenomena (Faghy et al., 2021). 

The objective of acquiring knowledge through evidence-based techniques is to help the nursing faculty utilize the best sources of evidence to enhance the results from the consequences of care of patients. The first and foremost piece of an article published in the press of Cambridge University is the Efficacy of psychotherapies, pharmacotherapies, and their combinations on functioning and quality of life in depression to have a well-settled communication through the process of medication-related to the patients of anxiety and depression. Practitioners lay stress on maintaining patients’ quality of life to deal with the symptoms of anxiety and depression. The recommendations of results came in front to state that effects of psychotherapy generate medium sizes in terms of betterment in quality of life. The consequences attached to the combination of medication and psychotherapy generate more effective results than a single technique’s applicability. The second research, known as Cognitive Therapies vs. Medication in the Treatments of Moderate to Severe Depressions and Anxiety, is preferably used to get rid of the anxiety and depression to deal with moderate to severe modes of depression and anxiety in health care settings (Noonan et al., 2020). The available data and relevant information on the title of cognitive therapy are few. The experts examined 125 patients with 15 days of medication in the health care settings of the University of Pennsylvania. The daily intake of medicines is about 50 milligrams for up to eight weeks, with the output ratio of results being about 50%, and cognitive therapy was up to 25%. The consequences of research through medication and cognitive therapies to receive the treatments of patients to deal with the symptoms of moderate and severe modes of anxiety and depression. The varied ratio of effectiveness relates to the training and education received by the nurses through health care settings. 

NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 3 Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach NR

By the statements of other experts, it came in the view that in case of disorders through anxiety and depression, the medications related to psychotherapy and anti-anxiety showed effective results in the current years. But many experts state that the effectiveness of psychotherapies is exhibited properly in cases of depression because only dealing and treating patients with medications does not prove to have benefits, especially in the treatments of schizophrenia or disorders of bipolar. The patients need to initiate steps for making possible stabilization in health care settings following the needs and requirements of patients and assuring sessions to conduct with experiments based on evidence-based experiences (Snyder et al., 2011). The most relevant study to the scenario mentioned above is Cognitive therapy vs. medications for depression recommended that yielded results of cognitive theory is most fruitful to attain good results on order to deal with symptoms of anxiety and depression and is also deals with reduction in the risks attached with relapse and the theories of nature of cognitive and medications casts its shadow towards exceptional results. 

Relevance of Findings from Chosen Sources of Evidence

The research based on pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy is more effective in dealing with symptoms of anxiety and depression. It is more effective in orienting and attaining decisive decision-making procedures for nurses. And the combination of treatments of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy are both best results-oriented for the achievement of patients’ quality of life. According to the research of experts, it is recommended that cognitive theory generates more effective results in the medication treatment of patients up to an intense level of disease and improvement of rising trends in the progress of the strategies adopted by nurses. It is the most authentic approach to dealing with the symptoms of anxiety and depression (Fencl & Matthews, 2017). 


Time requires dealing in the nursing field by applying PICO(T) to access the most suitable treatment based on evidence subjected to anxiety and depression in patients. The objective of PICO(T) techniques is to check the effective therapies in the clinical sessions of anxiety and depression with patients. The evidence-based results make it possible to benefit from psychotherapy and medications to deal with patients with anxiety and depression in health care settings. 


Driscoll, D. (2018). The New RN and Emergency Patient Care Scenarios: How Simulation Can Help. OALib, 05(01), 1–22.

Faghy, M. A., Arena, R., Stoner, L., Haraf, R. H., Josephson, R., Hills, A. P., Dixit, S., Popovic, D., Smith, A., Myers, J., Bacon, S. L., Niebauer, J., Dourado, V. Z., Babu, A. S., Maden-Wilkinson, T. M., Copeland, R. J., Gough, L. A., Bond, S., Stuart, K., & Bewick, T. (2021). The need for exercise sciences and an integrated response to COVID-19: A position statement from the international HL-PIVOT network. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 67, 2–10.

NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 3 Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach NR

Fencl, J. L., & Matthews, C. (2017). Translating Evidence into Practice: How Advanced Practice RNs Can Guide Nurses in Challenging Established Practice to Arrive at Best Practice. AORN Journal, 106(5), 378–392.

Jahan, N., Naveed, S., Zeshan, M., & Tahir, M. A. (2016). How to Conduct a Systematic Review: A Narrative Literature Review. Cureus, 8(11).

Louw, A., Diener, I., Butler, D. S., & Puentedura, E. J. (2011). The Effect of Neuroscience Education on Pain, Disability, Anxiety, and Stress in Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 92(12), 2041–2056.

Noonan, S., Zaveri, M., Macaninch, E., & Martyn, K. (2020). Food & mood: a review of supplementary prebiotic and probiotic interventions in the treatment of anxiety and depression in adults. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, bmjnph-2019-000053.

Perrin, P. B., Panyavin, I., Morlett Paredes, A., Aguayo, A., Macias, M. A., Rabago, B., Picot, S. J. F., & Arango-Lasprilla, J. C. (2015). A Disproportionate Burden of Care: Gender Differences in Mental Health, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Social Support in Mexican Multiple Sclerosis Caregivers. Behavioural Neurology, 2015, 1–9.

Philip, C., Roy, S., Eiden, C., Soler, M., Georgin, F., Müller, A., Picot, M., Donnadieu‐Rigole, H., & Peyriere, H. (2021). Opioid misuse in community pharmacy patients with chronic non‐cancer pain. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.

PMC, E. (n.d.). Europe PMC. Retrieved February 26, 2022, from

Snyder, C. H., Facchiano, L., & Brewer, M. (2011). Using Evidence-based Practice to Improve the Recognition of Anxiety in Parkinson’s Disease. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 7(2), 136–141.

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