NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 3 Coordination Patient Centered Care
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Care Coordination Presentation to Colleagues
NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 3 Coordination Patient Centered Care
Hello, my name is Nijawa Brooks and today we have come to discuss one of the most critical components of healthcare solutions and facilities, which is care coordination. Care coordination is important in order to enhance the quality of treatment, affordable healthcare, and interaction among healthcare professionals, patients, their spouses, and some other participants (Cranley et al., 2017). Patients commonly experience many medical professionals. Patients having complicated medical conditions, such as hyperglycemia or other chronic health conditions, might have a large medical group. Treatment supply chain management to how medical practitioners collaborate to fulfill the requirements of their patients giving the appropriate treatment, at the correct time, in the correct place. Treatment collaboration is important for the efficient outcome, according to the majority of healthcare practitioners. Interprofessional collaboration decreases the chance of misdiagnosis that can arise when patients see numerous doctors for chronic conditions.
NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 3 Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal
Effective Strategies for Collaborating with Patients and Their Families
Continuum of care is not something that just happens. Communication among healthcare, as defined by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), entails deliberate efforts that “direct the availability of effective, acceptable, and product care.” Prominent attributes of service delivery include collaboration, healthcare administration, and medical technology such as EHR systems (Swan et al., 2019). There following strategies following that nursing staff manage service:
- Communicating healthcare expertise with other colleagues of a medical team
- Trying to make sure that healthcare transfers are as smooth as possible.
- Collaboration among several doctors on a health professional to establish a tailored, adaptive treatment plan for a patient’s treatment requirements.
- Assist patients in achieving their treatment objectives, such as linking them with assistance programs.
NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 3 Coordination Patient Centered Care
The reported outcomes of nursing service delivery, as per the American Nurses Association are:
- Only a few visitors to the emergency room
- Patients’ self-management confidence is enhanced.
- Total expenses are cheaper.
- Surviving rates have increased significantly (Fowler, 2020).
This implies that nursing staff must be familiar with society goods and facilities, as well as the provincial and national moral frameworks that enhance their expertise. I will discuss my results and analyses on a variety of topics and concerns, including culturally sensitive patient collaboration tactics, parts of strategy implementation in our nursing organization, and the justification for the sensible decision.
Culturally Sensitive Strategies for Collaborating with Patients
- According to the research, culturally sensitive communication is implemented in three mechanisms. Establishing a grasp of one’s own with others’ sociological theories, norms, behaviors, and customs; to define honest and empathic interaction; and to define techniques for working with the parents and the child to provide the highest quality of care (Claramita et al., 2016). This insight is necessary as differences in cultures, ideas, behaviors, and traditions might differ markedly, and doctors should recognize and appreciate these differences (Brooks et al., 2019).
- Specific health interactions may necessitate different techniques, which practitioners must be aware of. To win the belief of the patient and relatives, practitioners must assess their capacity to communicate in a culturally sensitive manner. Effective communication and appreciation for an individual’s traditional attitudes and customs are all part of honest and sympathetic communication. Clear conversations, as well as effective listening and compassion, establish a rehabilitative partnership based on trust and respect.
- Exploring the communication styles of the patient and family members from various ethnic origins. For cultural sensitivity to be achieved, it is required to examine both verbal and nonverbal signs, as well as how this analysis may fluctuate inside and among communities. (Fleckman et al., 2015). Patient-centered, society, and scientific proof comprehensive care methods are the most successful techniques for engaging with patients and family members. These strategies are:
- Patients and their families are empowered when they are involved in talks, selection, and healthcare therapy (Baur et al., 2018).
- To develop a stronger patient-nurse-physician interaction, assist in several tongues, society patient based centered care, and demonstrate compassion and consideration (Zlatan et al., 2015).
- Eliminating in-direct conversation in favor of direct interaction. Clear interaction, for example, is useful during the assessment, but in-direct conversation might lead to disputes (Reed et al., 2019).
- Quality care is improved by limiting the use of mobile applications and increasing the use of consultations, systematic and detailed such as medication administration errors, and medicine prescribing, dispensation, and management Portz et al., 2019).
- Just used the EBP approach to execute change and assess outcomes as a group to improve communications and information across HCPs (Dirik et al., 2017).
- Using underlying cause investigation and dispute resolution to solve problems and efficiently handle co-workers (Sfantou et al, 2017).
- Encouraging colleagues and teaching them how to give psychological, intellectual, technical, and integrative assistance is essential because it creates a safer working atmosphere. This helps people become more health-conscious (Cho et al, 2018).
- Being transparent and accountable by swiftly filing complaints and adhering to federal and healthcare rules (Park et al., 2018). Enhance communication between providers, establishing a trusting connection with patients’ family members begins with appreciating their culture and beliefs.
Aspects of Change Management
According to John et al. (2017), by far most organizational change attempts struggle, take too much time, or essentially do not last very long. Radical change management and monitoring in health care services are more difficult than other sectors or fields of life since clinical and administrative employees frequently observe their work as a career path and also a vocation, and they are traditionally dubious of senior management and impervious to position control.
The very first factor which affects organizational change in a standard of healthcare is the evidenced-based model which will be utilized to fix these things and assess the effectiveness of the techniques. For instance, the ACE Model assesses the output and changes or updates the strategic plan. The second aspect is good leadership and managerial qualities, that is essential in inspiring and enabling nursing staff to enforce integrated care techniques because it influences how nursing staff interprets the methods and how impactful interaction and cooperation between both the multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary group is.
NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 3 Coordination Patient Centered Care
The 3rd aspect is the economic ideology in use, and the assets supplied to build a strategy because changes necessarily involve resources and money to be developed and implemented. The fourth factor is the level of mentoring as well as expertise of the nursing staff. The greater the areas of expertise in culture-based treatment, patient-centered strategy, nurse-patient correlation, patient security and stability, and patient family and community management, the improved the final result.
The fifth fact is that populations encompass patients from cultural diversity, so care must be provided in numerous languages. Failure to assist in various languages reduces positive patient outcomes and makes it hard for patients to ensure their quality of healthcare. The 6th factor is the ratio of nurses as compared to patients because as lower will be the ratio, the greater will be the risk of exhaustion and discrepancies. Medication discrepancies, authoritative inconsistencies, and record mistakes all lower the standard of patient healthcare and harm the public image of treatment centers (Stellefson et al., 2015).
Rationale for Ethical Decision Making in Coordinated Care Plan
The care coordination strategy is founded on appropriate moral and ethical decisions-
making process because it identifies the central ethical elements of fairness, equality, justice, obligation, truthfulness, belief, approachability, and honor, as well as disclosure.
The nursing staff is in charge of guaranteeing that medical care system incentives and responsibilities are shared equally across the community. The imbalance of medical resources is linked to social and economic injustices as well as individual biases. Direct interaction was used to discuss the element of fair play, and all patients have been handled with kindness, inclusion, and encouragement. Nursing staff uphold basic human rights, nurture care multilateralism, and identify public health care disparities in partnership with many public health care specialists.
Nurses are made accountable for the treatment they offer to their patient populations. They should make sure that their treatment adheres to guidelines and principles, ethical considerations, and the privileges of patient populations. (Marsden et al., 2018) The financing and assets associated with implementing the change will be given; all ethical and moral elements will be accompanied; as well as the strategy will be efficient and could be executed with minimal interference or obstacles or barriers.
NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 3 Coordination Patient Centered Care
Impact of Health Care Policy Provisions on Outcomes and Patient experiences
Now, I will talk about how healthcare policies influences care quality and care objectives in healthcare settings for nurses. The acceptance of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010 laid the foundation of a comprehensive retooling of the medical system. A few states broadened Medicaid, users started to purchase care and health coverage through fed and state engagements and healthcare workers began to demonstrate care coordination. The emergence of the health insurance marketplace, by which individuals with limited income could procure insurance coverage at a minimal cost, was among the direct consequences of the ACAs passing. As a consequence, the ACA facilitated those that could not earlier avail of health coverage to obtain protection. As per a 2016 Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) survey, ACA made earlier uninsured individuals extra personally accountable because of their health coverage. Furthermore, the Health insurance portability and accountability act, as well as compensation claims and scam preventative measures, encourage better paperwork, electronic health records, and patient data security in hopes of improving insurance settlement consequences and data security (Naraghi & Gopal, 2018).
Nurse’s Role in Coordination of Care
Efficient coordination of health care is essential for performance enhancement and economic reduction. Nursing staff plays an important role in coordinated care all across the care continuum. Care coordination focusing on the needs & interests of patients including their spouses can result in better health care efficiency (Cho & Han, 2019). Nursing professionalism connects these techniques, improving performance, protection, and effectiveness in treatment, leading to better healthcare impacts that are compatible with nurses’ comprehensive, patient-centered paradigm of care. This care coordination paradigm acts as a reference for both primary care nursing staff as well as others in specialist collaborative care roles.
The ANA recognizes and actively promotes nurses’ essential role in the integrated care procedure to enhance medical users’ care effectiveness and consequences across patient communities and care facilities, while also ensuring the effective and productive usage of healthcare expense. The nursing staff has exhibited expertise and creativity in the development, administration, and assessment of effective team-based care coordination systems and approaches in collaboration with other healthcare workers (Park et al., 2018). To guarantee proper economic and structural benefits for the professional support at coordination position, the accomplishments of nursing staff conducting care coordination operations must be recognized, assessed, and acknowledged.
The nursing staff has been shown to have a favorable impact on the capacity of care coordination in health care transformation projects centered on the coordinated delivery of services. Nursing staff has created and executed care coordination guidelines, procedures, and strategies that focus on improving outcomes for patients while reducing expenses, proving the efficacy of patient-centered coordinated care (Reed et al., 2019).
Baur, K., Smith, T., & Wendler, M. C. (2018). What is it like to experience improved care coordination through a community outreach program? a qualitative, descriptive study. The Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, 41(3), 204–212.
Cho, H., & Han, K. (2018). Associations among nursing work environment and health-promoting behaviors of nurses and nursing performance quality: a multilevel modeling approach. Journal of Nursing Scholarship: An Official Publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, 50(4), 403–410.
Claramita, M., Tuah, R., Riskione, P., Prabandari, Y. S., & Effendy, C. (2016). Comparison of communication skills between trained and untrained students using a culturally sensitive nurse-client communication guideline in Indonesia. Nurse Education Today, 36, 236–241.
Cranley, L. A., Cummings, G. G., Profetto-McGrath, J., Toth, F., & Estabrooks, C. A. (2017). Facilitation roles and characteristics associated with research use by healthcare professionals: a scoping review. BMJ Open, 7(8), e014384.
Dirik, A., Sandhu, S., Giacco, D., Barrett, K., Bennison, G., Collinson, S., & Priebe, S. (2017). Why involve families in acute mental healthcare? A collaborative conceptual review. BMJ Open, 7(9), e017680.
Fleckman, J. M., Dal Corso, M., Ramirez, S., Begalieva, M., & Johnson, C. C. (2015). Intercultural competency in public health: a call for action to incorporate training into public health education. Frontiers in Public Health, 3, 210.
Marsden, E., Craswell, A., Taylor, A., Coates, K., Crilly, J., Broadbent, M., Glenwright, A., Johnston, C., & Wallis, M. (2018). Nurse-led multidisciplinary initiatives to improve outcomes and reduce hospital admissions for older adults: The care coordination through emergency department, residential aged care and primary health collaboration project. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 37(2), 135–139.
Park, M., Giap, T. T., Lee, M., Jeong, H., Jeong, M., & Go, Y. (2018). Patient- and family-centered care interventions for improving the quality of health care: A review of systematic reviews. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 87, 69–83.
Portz, J. D., Bayliss, E. A., Bull, S., Boxer, R. S., Bekelman, D. B., Gleason, K., & Czaja, S. (2019). Using the technology acceptance model to explore user experience, intent to use, and use behavior of a patient portal among older adults with multiple chronic conditions: descriptive qualitative study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(4), e11604.
Reed, M. E., Huang, J., Brand, R. J., Neugebauer, R., Graetz, I., Hsu, J., Ballard, D. W., & Grant, R. (2019). Patients with complex chronic conditions: health care use and clinical events associated with access to a patient portal. PloS One, 14(6), e0217636.
Sfantou, D. F., Laliotis, A., Patelarou, A. E., Sifaki-Pistolla, D., Matalliotakis, M., & Patelarou, E. (2017). Importance of leadership style towards quality-of-care measures in healthcare settings: a systematic review. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 5(4), 73.
Stellefson, M., Alber, J., Paige, S., Castro, D., & Singh, B. (2015). Evaluating comparative effectiveness research priorities for care coordination in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a community-based EDELPHI study. JMIR Research Protocols, 4(3), e103.
Yaraghi, N., & Gopal, R. D. (2018). The role of HIPAA omnibus rules in reducing the frequency of medical data breaches: insights from an empirical study. The Milbank Quarterly, 96(1), 144–166., I., Anderson, D., Coman, E., Khatri, K., Tian, T., & Fifield, J. (2015). Development and validation of the medical home care coordination survey for assessing care coordination in the primary care setting from the patient and provider perspectives. BMC Health Services Research, 15, 226.
NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 3 Coordination Patient Centered Care
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