NURS FPX 6017 Assessment 2 Attempt 2 Course Development and Influencing Factors
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NURS FPX 6017 Assessment 2 Attempt 2 Course Development and Influencing Factors
An Appropriate Course to Include in a Selected Curriculum
NURS FPX 6017 Assessment 2 Attempt 2 Course Development and Influencing Factors KP
A Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) increases a registered nurse’s (RN) job options significantly. Whereas all caregivers, without education or talent, are assumed to provide basic nursing services, a BSN qualifies the RN for subsequent senior roles with heavy workloads (Pinilla et al., 2021). An online RN to BSN course of study allows a caregiver to study while working. The curricula include a large number of courses designed to provide RNs with the skills and information they need to take on more responsibility and progress in their professions. Students were enrolled in Maryville’s RN to BSN program following a set of learning both core curriculum and nursing-specific courses (Online RN to BSN Curriculum | Maryville Online, 2022). Nursing courses educate registered nurses on skills with a focus on health promotion, family evaluation, healthcare management and nursing care. Following is Maryville University’s BSN nursing appropriate course:
NUR 340 Culture & Communication in Nursing, a 3-credit hour registered nurse course, would enrich Maryville University’s curriculum. The course will help learners achieve cultural knowledge, effective evaluation strategies, good communication skills, and therapeutic approaches for people of various ethnic and cultural backgrounds (Online RN to BSN Curriculum | Maryville Online, 2022). This course would assist learners if it was the first subject in the program. Presently, it is Nursing Informatics because it will teach students the information and abilities needed to deliver culturally sensitive care, which will significantly affect their views, behaviors, and perspectives on the other nursing courses in the program (Online RN to BSN Curriculum | Maryville Online, 2022). This course will also equip students to be successful communicators in the healthcare profession by teaching them how to interact with people who have a variety of impairments. This program offers the information, learning, and application of helping abilities needed in a social service agency setting. Paperwork, report writing, monitoring, crisis response, and competence incorporation are among the skills taught. Students will display critical, ethical, and cultural understanding, caring, and acting in connection with course content, discussion, and assignments to aim for an appropriate treatment clinical setting.
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A Rationale for Adding a Course to a Selected Curriculum
A cultural evolution is taking place in India and other areas of the world, challenging all medical practitioners to begin a new path in the pursuit of cultural awareness and culturally and linguistically appropriate treatment for all patients (Pinilla et al., 2021). Modifications in population trends, variable reproduction rates, a growth in the number of interracial and diverse ethnic people, and enhanced innovation are all leading to a cultural evolution that will raise the demand for cultural competency healthcare staff. Various political developments around the world have culminated in hordes of people migrating to India, and minority communities are growing faster than other Indian demographics (Pinilla et al., 2021). Because of the growth in cross – cultural and cross- ethnic groups, nurse educators will need to face the problem straight on and build curricula that represents the varied patient population and also student multiplicity.
NURS FPX 6017 Assessment 2 Attempt 2 Course Development and Influencing Factors KP
Good communication is a baccalaureate nursing competence required to provide greater and effective patient care (Button, 2021). Baccalaureate caregivers must be prepared to integrate written, oral, and visual communication. To successfully communicate, use gestural and modern technological approaches. Formal writing can play an important role in nursing profession because it enables caregivers to take an active part in academic debate in which evidence-based practise is the foundation of nursing care. Academic writing abilities are essential to convey healthcare information to the larger nursing community. Although standard baccalaureate nursing (BSN) schools claim that research writing is not often offered. RN-BSN programmes report that students feel difficulty in understanding professional prospects for scholarship outside of the position of the healthcare professional (Pinilla et al., 2021). Even though researchers talk about the importance of writing/critical conceptual understanding to care and nursing healthcare. However, research on the magnitude to which nursing programs are altering to fulfill the requirement for improving students’ writing and critical thinking abilities outside of English classes is scarce.
Suggest a Topical Outline for a Course to be added to a Selected Curriculum
While addressing the core curriculum, the faculty member should be conscious of their level of convenience, expertise, and competence to create a logical and understandable course outline. It must be noted that teaching staff frequently use commonly associated teaching methods, perhaps unwillingly choosing to ignore or ignoring what is contemporary and reliable with the program’s frameworks and ideology; thus the proper consideration of development must be continuously encouraged, both academically and socially (Ignite, 2019). Academic staff should evaluate the ethical and pedagogical frameworks that match with the program and the school’s objective while developing a curriculum and curriculum structure.
The framework should be prepared in a straightforward, deliberate, and fragmentation manner, so the pupil may understand course teaching and stay mindful of their tasks with the accompanied capacity to plan ahead of time. A very well course outline integrates course objectives, abilities, and results, as well as methods for igniting education (Linton et al., 2019). Because the coursework seems accessible and deliberately prepared, an outline, if effectively prepared, will be relevant and encourage the pupil to commit their time and efforts toward achievement. The NUR 340 course also provides an introduction to human interaction and how it influences an individual’s behavior. It also introduces students to socio-cultural anthropology. This program’s course outline is as follows:
Module 1: Fundamentals of Social cultural and Anthropological Concepts
- Evaluate sociology as a science, its ideas, and techniques at the end of this unit.
- Explore the importance of sociocultural anthropology and its impact on health.
- Describe the idea of culture.
- Discuss the notion of society at both the local and global level
Module II: Social Institutions and Groups
- Delineate the differences between Social Institutions, such as: function, marriage, caste, family relationship, divorce, etc.; o
- Describe each of the following groups: in-group, out-group, primary group, and secondary group.
- A collaborative, a caste, an ethnic group, a campaign group, a special interest group,
Module III: Culture and Health Socialization
- Describe the effects of culture on sickness, cultural shock, and mental instability by the conclusion of this lesson.
- Explain Sickness and the function of the sick, Childbirth, and Mortality.
- Discuss the cultural differences in symptoms. How do the ill act?
- Examine the notion of collaboration in various cultures.
- Describe food taboos in various cultures.
- Define the following in-group behaviours: reputation, transgression, estrangement, and assimilation.
Module IV: Indian Society A Cultural Standpoint Briefing
- Analyse the origins and evolution of Indian society.
- Explain the fundamental transition.
- Discuss the features of India’s primary social units.
- Discuss social standards and traditions.
- Describe Indian culture.
Module V: Health, Illness, and Disease/Healing System Concepts and Perceptions
- Explain the view of health, sickness, and disease after this unit
- Analyse how various groups and cultures see health and sickness.
- Examine health and disease as a result of group interactions.
- Distinguish between different therapeutic systems and professionals.
- Explain the fundamental concepts of Eastern and Western medicine.
- Identify integration concerns between traditional healthcare approaches and contemporary medicine.
Module VI: Population and Demography
- Define Population – research India’s population.
- Examine the Specific Module
- Examine the urbanization and migration processes.
Module VII: Concepts and Assessment of Transcultural Nursing
- Describe the idea of cross-cultural nursing
- Describe the idea of cross-cultural nursing
- Integrate trans-cultural nursing care principles across the life span
- Recognize healthcare frameworks and ideas that are relevant to intercultural communication.
Module VIII: Unique Issues in Transcultural Nursing Care Delivery
- Analyse culturally unique features of a traumatic event
Discuss various pain therapies by the conclusion of this unit (home remedies)
- Investigate the nutritional attitudes and behaviours of customers from various cultures.
- Develop ways to encourage dietary modification.
- Show that you understand health maintenance and illness prevention models.
- Apply the health belief model to client care.
- Ensure that employees are aware of societal views on marginalized illnesses.
- Describe religion and its connection to health and sickness.
Module IX: Sexual identity Violence Perceptions in Society
- Define gender as a sociological concept after this unit
- Examine ethnic and national attitudes regarding gender
Module X: Human Rights
- Identify fundamental human rights
Module XI: Migrant Families and Health
Module XII: Social Issue after Disasters
- Present the various consequences of catastrophes after the unit
- Examine the psychological and societal consequences of catastrophes
Collaboration of Faculty Members when Considering a New Course
NURS FPX 6017 Assessment 2 Attempt 2 Course Development and Influencing Factors KP
To verify that the course outline is appropriate and fits core requirements, the course designer/coordinator should collaborate with fellow, faculty members and incorporating professionals who work with pupils on a daily basis (Linton et al., 2019). Cooperation between the teacher collaboration faculty and the nursing faculty depended on the TC faculty’s competence in writing strategy and education, while the RN-BSN faculty’s knowledge in nursing should be called upon to design course outlines. A curriculum facilitator may head a curriculum committee or lead a team. A dean, chairman, registered nurse program director serving as an admin, curricular leader, or highly workable may serve as the presenter. The head of the curriculum committee can suggest or accept the curricula, organize effective cooperation, and assure successful curriculum development results. A faculty team is often chosen from a group of teachers who are renowned as specialists in the subject or who are active in teaching. Curriculum development relies heavily on instructors. Curriculum development necessitates foundational knowledge and comprehension (Linton et al., 2019). Nurse educators who are active in the development of curriculum should be able to evaluate, create, execute, monitor, and assess curriculum. When designing curricula, curriculum members must be cognizant of future changes in the nursing field. Curricular developers should also be conversant with the legal problems that are driving curriculum modifications. For such considerations, continuing education is required to equip faculty members to manage curriculum development. Allowing learners to execute activities based on their talents and expertise may help them contribute to the curricula design process (Linton et al., 2019). A s a consequence, strengthening an educator’s trust in curricula creation is an important part of the approach for including nursing professionals on the local curriculum committee. A curriculum expert is in charge of putting ideas into practice. Curriculum professionals collaborate with educators to develop and enhance curriculum. From defining a school’s concept to assessment, organizing, developing, execution, and assessment, the specialist should go over each stage of the curriculum process. The expert has the opportunity to promote curriculum-related research. Furthermore, by studying the dynamics of local educational institutions, the curriculum expert should aid instructors in their decision-making (Linton et al., 2019). An assessment expert gathers and analyses data, as well as assesses the outcomes of instructional materials. Formative and summative evaluations are two types of assessment that generate data. Formative assessment collects data throughout the year, whereas summative assessment collects data at the conclusion of the school year. Both entail assessing a student’s achievement and performance. The data gathered can be used to evaluate the educational programme and determine future objectives. Instructional performance evaluation provide educators with comments, assist them in evaluating the course, and help them improve their classroom instruction in accordance with requirements. Evaluation experts play an important role in curriculum planning since they are in charge of transmitting data among curriculum committee members.
Internal Factors Affect Curriculum Design
All healthcare institutions have frameworks, which are typically administrative. Faculty should study the corporate institution’s structure and the nursing program’s structure to explain the patriarchal and formal channels of communication that assist the staff in establishing and updating programs. Coursework recommendations and modifications must first be authorized locally by the nursing curriculum committee and instructors then shifted to another organizational level, such as a college curriculum committee and vice-principal, and eventually to university-wide advisory board, with specific suggestions going to the executive council (or something similar) for formal confirmation (Juniata et al.,2019).
Simultaneously, it is beneficial to engage key participants from the clinical and professional organizations to discuss the goals and justifications for planned model programs or curriculum adjustments. Earlier engagement with these important persons can assist to ease the path when the ideas are ready to join the official domain, as they can provide feedback on adjustments that may improve acceptance or advice on the best presentation styles that promote comprehension of the proposal (Juniata et al., 2019). These meetings might be official or casual; nevertheless, to prevent tragic outcomes, never surprise an administrator or decision-maker. It is appropriate to keep them informed of new ideas or potential modifications to position them as supporters as the approval process moves through the process.
NURS FPX 6017 Assessment 2 Attempt 2 Course Development and Influencing Factors KP
External Factors Affect Curriculum Design
External frameworks are those that impact program development outside of the parent institution. There are numerous elements both within and outside of the program that might influence the nursing course and its performance. External impacts include monetary funding, rules and regulations, certification, clinically applied to the scenario, and organizational factors. Funding for public nursing programs is frequently based on NCLEX pass rates, which indicate if patient care services and critical thinking abilities are enough for success as a caregiver within a hospital system. A nursing program’s finances can have a significant influence. It may result in smaller class sizes and lower participation each term, contributing to the lack of staff. External factors have encouraged for further BSN qualifications in the nursing field, leading to many professional positions going to such initiatives. Other programmes, such as ASN or diploma programmes, have few alternatives and are frequently obliged to seek clinical expertise outside, in complement clinical time with simulation. While simulation may be a fantastic learning tool, it is a significant endeavour for any nursing programme. The equipment itself is highly expensive to buy and maintain. Furthermore, effort and faculty training are required to construct effective and interesting simulations. This can place a significant burden on instructors to build these scenarios and learn how to operate the technology (Sassanian & Shandi, 2018). Regional, provincial, and municipal governments’ regulatory frameworks can all influence nursing programs and the care that nursing students can deliver. Global health care challenges such as healthcare coverage and security frequently impact these policies and regulations. As the access to health care evolves, safety concerns emerge, and regulatory bodies’ roles and responsibilities become apparent, the rules and regulations must develop to keep up. This can raise the effort of instructors, who must modify a set of learning activities to match the proper level of understanding.
Mission, Philosophy, and Framework of a Program and Parent Institution Impact Curriculum Design
Education, service, and scholarship/research are three main initiatives of higher education institution’s objectives (Omura et al., 2021). To define its role within these three essential tasks, nurse must study the goal and philosophy of its parent institution. A state-supported university, for example, may include as component of its objective and philosophy the education of state residents for technical, professional, and community responsibilities (Omura et al., 2021). As a result, the nurse program’s objective and philosophy may be centred on preparing caregivers for senior roles and providing national healthcare services to the people of the country. Whereas if the national system prepares more caregivers in the state than independent institutions, the extra aim or goal may be to produce appropriate health workers for the country.
Autonomous or corporate schools and universities, on the other hand, may have catholic purposes and ideologies, like training students with strong liberal arts backgrounds for government service or employment in the healthcare profession (Sassanian & Shandi, 2018). Similarly, the objective of a registered nurse is frequently aligned with this objective. Another example of nursing’s connection to health disciplines is Academic medical centres since they are located in one organization and have the aim of preparing persons for the medical specialties. The goals of state universities and junior colleges are often focused on higher training or required preparation for entry into upper-division level schools and universities. Whereas the argument about the role of nursing education programs in these institutions continues, there is little doubt that they suit the objective of the 2-year college because most graduates are expected to work as registered nurses (RNs) and continue their studies at the bachelor and higher level.
Collaboration Between External and Internal Stakeholders
Stakeholder participation levels in nurses’ curricular initiatives vary, as is true in the community development sector. A wide range of tactics and strategies. Participation of both internal and external Stakeholders in Nursing Curriculum are always included community partners in a variety of projects, such as discussion meetings and community centres, groups, as well as offers to assume leadership roles (Button, 2021). External stakeholders taking casual responsibilities and duties is a recurring topic that was defined mostly by short-term discussions at various stages of nurse’s curricular programmes. This conclusion is consistent with the findings of (Button, 2021) who documented the widespread use of surface-level tactics, such as interviews and focus groups, to elicit stakeholder feedback on project choices. The usage of codified roles and functions was also prevalent in the literature, and it frequently represented the persistent participation of external stakeholders working in collaboration with academic staff from beginning of the project until final choices were reached and, in some instances, executed. These immersion possibilities included participation in creating broad visions and policy objectives, crafting course content, student objectives, and aspirations, and constructing deployment and assessment systems. The use of defined duties and responsibility appears to be the most effective in instilling a feeling of ownership among stakeholders (Sassanian & Shandi, 2018). Stakeholder involvement in registered nurse curriculum creation and revision is crucial. Given the oscillations in the health-care system, as well as the growing difficulty and sensitivity of patients and community health threats, stakeholder knowledge may be used to build and enhance nurses’ curricula to maintain its effectiveness and usefulness. Stakeholders can take on responsibilities and duties that reflect official management positions focused on high-level planning process as well as informal chances for feedback through consultation and participant observation. Ongoing involvement and the development of collective and individual capability of stakeholders may be best encouraged via constant and real participation from the beginning to the completion of the work. Identifying the variables related to positive stakeholder experiences in curricular initiatives may drive the use of practical tactics for effective and collaborative management, managing power differentials, developing motivation for engagement, and nurturing stakeholder ownership. Professors and officials in nursing education programmes must also respect and prioritise stakeholder input in curriculum creation and updating, as well as provide enough capabilities and services, including professional learning, to facilitate effective community engagement.
NURS FPX 6017 Assessment 2 Attempt 2 Course Development and Influencing Factors KP
Lack of endurance in maintaining a program’s essential ideas and values is caused of insufficient coordination among stakeholders in curriculum development. Internal stakeholders (Teachers) frequently have an imperfect vision of the design work and require assistance in building a clear sense of what is required of them under the methods and the output. Second, external support may activate instructors’ pre-existing information and ideas, serving as a medium of knowledge. Third, instructors have poor conceptual knowledge of curriculum planning, which causes them to miss critical stages of the curriculum planning process, such as evaluation and understanding, resulting in low-quality curricula. Collaboration between internal and external stakeholder during curriculum development is not always without difficulties, and one must be intentionally ready to cope with potential hurdles such as variations in aims and customs, misconceptions, various emphases and goals, and a lack of communication (Button, 2021). A lack of desire, as well as a lack of knowledge or a perceived lack of competencies in the possible mate, might be barriers to collaboration. According to study, business leaders feel that academics are inexperienced with new information and, as a result, lack faith in professors (Button, 2021). Situations can also be competing, and communication between universities and employers can be problematic, for example, due to specific employers’/professions’ differing perspectives and wants.
To overcome the impediments to collaboration, universities and colleges are concentrated on the better application of research, the focused utilization of research facilities, and more effective communication (Sassanian & Shandi, 2018). Effort is required consistently in order to foster confidence. Academics may help by making themselves more available and visible, communicating their findings to the general public, and giving presentations in a language and manner that the population appreciates. Trust and confidence are also demonstrated by spending enough time with the partner and having a good approach toward collaboration. It has also been shown that prior creative experience aids in the removal of obstacles and those organizations should give equal coverage to the structural, cultural, and language components of interacting with stakeholders.
To summarize, working with stakeholders is a mutually beneficial activity during curriculum development, although there are hazards, as with any communication. It is a significant difficulty to consider both your own and your colleague’s interests while maintaining the connection. Because the elements most impacting cooperation are connected to the internal capabilities of the organizations and the mutual trust of the partners, collaboration activities may be regarded as a long process of creating mutual understanding.
Button, L. (2021). Philosophical Foundations of Curriculum.; Pressbooks.
Sassanian, Z. M., & Shandi, K. (2018). Nursing and midwifery students’ perceptions of educational environment and grade point average: a comparison between nursing and midwifery students. Electronic Physician, 10(7), 7107–7114.
Ignite. (2019). Getting Organized: Topical Course Outline for Nursing Education and Development. Ignite; Ignite.
Juniata, N., Fuller, J., Zanetti, L., & Grant, J. (2019). Conceptual framework of the nursing center for the integration of community health nursing practice, education, and research. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 20, e99.
Linton, M., Dabney, B. W., Knecht, L., & Koon men, J. (2019). Student Expectations of an RN-to-BSN Program: A Qualitative Analysis of Student and Faculty Perspectives. SAGE Open Nursing, 5, 2377960819897250.
NURS FPX 6017 Assessment 2 Attempt 2 Course Development and Influencing Factors KP
Online RN to BSN Curriculum | Maryville Online. (2022). Maryville Online.
Omura, B., Lass, E., Lazor, J., Zuccaro, L., & Hamza, D. M. (2022). Vitalizing the evaluation of curricular implementation: a framework for attending to the “how and whys” of curriculum evolution. Advances in health sciences education: theory and practice, 27(2), 553–572.
Pinilla, S., Antisana, A., Klippel, S., Strike, W., Nissen, C., & Wendie, S. (2021). Curriculum development with the implementation of an open-source learning management system for training early clinical students: an educational design research study. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 12, 53–61.
NURS FPX 6017 Assessment 2 Attempt 2 Course Development and Influencing Factors
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