NURS FPX 6026 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Letter to the Editor: Population Health Policy Advocacy
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NURS FPX 6026 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Letter to the Editor: Population Health Policy Advocacy
Care Quality Present Condition and Gaps
NURS FPX 6026 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Letter to the Editor: Population Health Policy Advocacy KP
Dear Editor,
I hope this email will find you in good health. I am writing to you about the introduction of fresh policies and actions needed to assist address specific CVID illness management in senior patients at Vila Health Hospital. Carl’s unique and crucial medical issue was covered in my earlier position paper with the aim of improving the organization’s quality outcomes and the well-being of the targeted disadvantaged group. This study will offer data that is based on evidence to examine the current state of policy recommendations and results, and also provide reasons for creating such a system to help the underprivileged population. The Food and Drug Administration classifies CVID in older adults aged 50 to 70 as a dangerous disease. This happens as a result of a lack of antibodies, but important experts and medical professionals still need to study and investigate its clinical importance. It occurs as a result of the varying immuno-deficiency phenomenon such that the patient Carl requires a new policy that will allow our nurses and clinicians to better treat the target medical concern (O’Farrill et al., 2017). This study will help determine whether the patient’s health is being negatively impacted by the current performance (Yakaboski et al., 2020).
Since we found that a genetic abnormality has a crucial role in the formation of CVID, it affects genes with lower body levels of IgG and leads to issues. It produces a persistent cough, ear problems, and diarrhea. The finest interventions and therapies recommended in the previously established policy show that a prevention strategy is always a successful method of preventing sickness in the first place. This indicates that the condition can quickly and easily spread from a family member who has it and can linger throughout a person’s lifetime. It is very difficult to prevent this genetic disease, and people who have a family history of CVID almost surely have a high chance of passing it on to the next generation. In order to reduce the incidence of CVID, the best course of action is to seek medical help right away after seeing symptoms in senior people.
NURS FPX 6026 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Letter to the Editor: Population Health Policy Advocacy KP
Furthermore, according to the Yakaboski et al, (2020) study, avoiding CVID becomes quite challenging because clinicians are frequently unable to accurately identify what produces these genetic abnormalities in patients in the first place. Yet, in the instance of Carl, the family record reveals no evidence of CVID disease, making it difficult for doctors to determine the true cause and assist the patient in preventing it from spreading to other family members. Additionally, there is a lot of ambiguity in the most recent studies. Yazdani et al. (2020) claim that there are no effective treatments for CVID illness. However, specialists might advise continuing treatment to help many individuals get back to an active and healthy lifestyle. CVID can be fatal if the individual refuses to obey the nurses’ instructions, and it may take weeks of therapy to make the body recover. As a consequence, the current standard of care shows that it helped manage the patient’s chronic infections. The patient’s health has improved thanks to the antimicrobial’s therapies. The patient’s recovery from severe hepatitis, granulomas and other potential risks also shows the effectiveness of current programs.
Health Policy Development and Advocacy
The rise in immune system illnesses in the United States has presented several issues for nurses and other healthcare providers. Patients with CVID disease do not retain adequate antibody levels for their bodies to function normally. The incidence and severity of diseases and infections both rise as a result of this. Our medical specialists must focus on halting the spread of CVID because it cannot be completely cured or even avoided under normal circumstances when transmitted from one member of the family to the next. As there is no accepted therapy for CVID sickness in individuals over 50, doctors are unable to prevent it (O’Farrill et al., 2017). In order to help patients, restore antibodies, Vila Health Hospital urgently requires a novel, tech sophisticated approach, and treatment. Clinicians need to be trained in immunoglobulin infusions and have experience administering the right medications and therapies to patients with CVID in order to effectively use updated and better treatments. Obviously, there is still a need to modify the policy, and changes might be made if the patient’s condition does not improve in the next three months. Practitioners will need to do further study in academic journals on the frequency and severity of common variable immunodeficiency illness (Yazdani et al., 2020).
Why The Developed Policy is Vital for Improving the Quality of Care and Outcomes
Healthcare policy has an important role in defining the well-being of the aging population in the US healthcare system. The policy affects issues and concerns such as medical costs, poor nursing services, privacy and security concerns, and ineffective methods of delivery to give a set of requirements and recommendations to experts (Dey et al., 2020). These policies are developed using standards supplied by regional, municipal, and state-level organizations. Moreover, the disease limited the patient’s ability to exercise and go for walks, which had a detrimental effect on his health and physiology. After putting the new policy recommendations into practice for two months, the nurses were happy to report that the patient had a newfound enthusiasm for taking a regular 30-minute walk and four additional sessions of light exercise. Encouraging people to pursue care and prognosis as early as possible since this can assist to prevent the illness is a good intervention. It is extremely naive for patients and their families to believe that CVID is a happenstance disease or a condition of life. The longer it goes untreated, the more complex concerns might occur (Ameratunga et al., 2019). As previously recommended, medication and antibody treatment have stopped the structural degeneration of the lungs.
Advocacy for Policy Development in Other Care Settings
Since it pertains to and addresses the methods and goals required to properly plan the care and treatment of CVID sickness in older patients, the CVID care management medical policy is essential in every aspect. This approach is also essential for improving the quality of treatment since it may assist to lessen mistakes and fully utilize modern technologies to enhance interdisciplinary professional teamwork (Manias, 2018). Healthcare professionals and nurses may ensure that they can put their expertise to use to improve the hospital’s development, productivity, and efficiency by being aware of the mandates.
The ultimate objective of policy development is to improve the quality of care for CVID patients over the age of 50. The patient care processes outlined in this new policy suggest that CVID patient treatment will vary from prior management and treatment approaches and that new standards would be followed to lessen the hereditary illness in patients. The organization in care settings will be able to improve patients’ situations in a couple of weeks or months with the help of rehabilitative treatments and the strategy of using cutting-edge technologies to promote antibody activity.
NURS FPX 6026 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Letter to the Editor: Population Health Policy Advocacy KP
Along with ensuring that CVID patients adhere to rigorous rules about alcohol and cigarette use, these requirements will also ensure that staff members wear gloves and masks to reduce their exposure to hazardous chemicals. In the absence of an assessment, policy creation in the healthcare setting guarantees that nurses can respond quickly and take the necessary precautions to avoid errors. Therefore, CVID therapy and preventive healthcare are crucial to serve both the patient and the institution by establishing standards to help prevent genetic disorders from arising and discover them quickly to protect the patient’s life.
One of the issues in policy is medical coverage. The Affordable Care Act’s implementation and an increase in the number of people insured by it are lawmakers’ top priorities because 92 percent of Americans have health insurance. The leaders have divergent opinions since some will not favor the use of expensive technologies for treating CVID and covering Medicare insurance expenses.
Interprofessional Aspects
Inter-collaboration and interaction are critical in healthcare organizations to keep CVID patients from spreading and proliferating. The inter-professional interactions of the established strategy will aid in the accomplishment of targeted goals since professional teamwork has been shown to increase the quality and safety of care. According to Market et al. (2021), in order to properly treat chronic illnesses, the involvement of research and policy is critical to improving patient and nurse contentment. Additionally, this will ensure that healthcare professionals follow the law, learn new knowledge from publications, hone new abilities, and put their own development first.
There will be a conflict of interest during interprofessional treatment plans where one health care professional may disagree with another’s opinion (Manias, 2018). However, these conflicts will not only help improve the policies due to disagreements but also give an insight to all the members of the team on each other’s perspectives and professions.
Ameratunga, R., Ahn, Y., Steele, R., & Woon, S. T. (2019). The natural history of untreated primary hypogammaglobulinemia in adults: implications for the diagnosis and treatment of common variable immunodeficiency disorders (CVID). Frontiers In Immunology, 10, 1541.
Dey, A. B., Bajpai, S., Pandey, M., Singh, P., Chatterjee, P., Sati, H. C., & Pandey, R. M. (2020). Healthcare policies and programs for older persons: Exploring awareness among stakeholders. Journal of Healthcare Quality Research, 35(6), 391–401.
Manias E. (2018). Effects of interdisciplinary collaboration in hospitals on medication errors: an integrative review. Expert Opinion on Drug Safety, 17(3), 259–275.
Market, M. A., Glaser, R. L., Moran, C. E., & Tucker, K. P. (2021). A creative model for an interdisciplinary approach to service-learning. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 61(3), 1028–1038.
NURS FPX 6026 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Letter to the Editor: Population Health Policy Advocacy KP
O’Farrill-Romanelli’s, P. M., Herrera-Sánchez, D. A., Hernández-Fernández, C., & López-Rocha, E. G. (2017). Immunodeficiencies Coman variable en adults [Common immunodeficiency variable in adults]. Revista Alegria Mexico (Tacamahac, Puebla, Mexico: 1993), 64(4), 452–462.
Yakaboski, E., Fuleihan, R. L., Sullivan, K. E., Cunningham-Rundles, C., & Feuille, E. (2020). Lymphoproliferative disease in CVID: a report of types and frequencies from a US patient registry. Journal of Clinical Immunology, 40(3), 524–530.
Yazdani, R., Habibi, S., Sharifi, L., Azizi, G., Abolhassani, H., Olbrich, P., & Mexico: A. (2020). Common variable immunodeficiency: epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, classification, and management. Journal of Investigational Allergology & Clinical Immunology, 30(1), 14–34.
Appendix 1
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NURS FPX 6026 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Letter to the Editor: Population Health Policy Advocacy
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