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Chapter one
1.1 Background of the Study
Viral hepatitis is a disease that has existed throughout the history of medicine. Hepatitis was documented in the Babylonian Talmud in the 50th century BC and was mentioned by Hippocratic around 2000 years ago. Despite this old understanding, the first human Repetitious virus, Hepatitis B, was identified in 1963.
Hepatitis A was easily purified in 1973, and viruses C, D, E, and G were isolated more subsequently. These viruses are known to infect the human liver (Anderson et al., 2001). However, more than twenty different viruses can infect the human liver.
These are not considered “Repatitis viruses” because the other viruses attack organs other than the liver more seriously. These include common viruses like Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Mumps, Rubella, and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), as well as uncommon ones like Rassa fever and yellow fever viruses.
Repatitis refers to any infection that causes inflammation of the liver. Interestingly, not all “hepatitis” is caused by viruses. “HEPATITIS” means “inflammation of the liver” and can be caused by different types of infection (bacteria, fungi, etc.), toxic medications, poisons, drunkenness, and so on (Drexott etal; 2005).
One Repatitis virus, Hepatitis B, is of particular relevance because it is one of the most common infectious diseases, causing an estimated 1.5 million deaths worldwide each year. Hepatitis B is caused by the Repatitis B virus (HBV), a double-stranded circular DNA virus with complex structure.
Hbv is classified as an orthopadnavirus in the family Hepadnaviridae. HBV was initially identified as the age-related or serum Repatitis, the most prevalent type of partially transmitted viral Repatitis and a major cause of acute and chronic liver infection.
This is why hepatitis B is sometimes referred to as seum Repatitis. The virus was previously referred to as the Australian antigen. The reason for this is that it was initially found in the blood of an Australian aborogie and is linked to HBV. (Procott et al. 2005).
Despite a thorough understanding of its transmission and prevention, Hepatitis B remains one of the leading causes of human suffering around the world. Serum from people infected with hepatitis B contains three types of antigen particles: a spherical 22nm particle, a 42nm spherical particle (including DNA and DNA polymer able) known as the Dane particle, and tubular or filamentous particles of varying length.
The Dane particle, the virus’s infective form, is made up of small spherical and tubular particles that have not been assembled. Unassembled particles. Contain hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), whose presence in the blood is (a) an indicator of Repatitis B infection, (b) the basis for large-scale screening of blood for the hepatitis B virus, and (c) the basis for the first vaccine for human use developed using recombinant DNA technology (Evans, 1997).
The Hepatitis B virus is typically spread through blood transfusions, contaminated equipment, drug users’ unsterile needles, or any body secretion (saliva, soren, perspiration, breast milk, urine). The virus can also pass from an infected mother’s blood through the womb and infect the foetus.
Every year, an estimated 200, 000 persons in Nigeria become infected with Australian Antigen (HBV); approximately 1000 people die from hepatitis-related cirrhosis, and approximately 5000 die from HBV-related liver cancer. (HBV ranks second only to tobacco as a known cause of rumen cancer).
More than 200 million people worldwide are infected with HBV. The clinical indications of Repatitis B vary greatly; the majority of cases are symptomless.
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