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Response to Sports Training Concepts Essay Paper

Response to Sports Training Concepts Essay Paper


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The principle of specificity connotates the adage stating that practice makes perfect. In sports training, this principle is used to utilize approaches and tools that target specific muscle areas of the body that align with the training objectives (Kasper, 2019). For example, in volleyball training, the coaches must plan activities that revitalize strength intermittently with rest (Junior, 2020). Accordingly, the coach and the athletes must rally behind the activities that build strength while augmenting other key areas in the volleyball sports practice. For this reason, aerobics is taken as the ideal metric to enhance the training system. The specificity principle forms a routine that galvanizes muscle areas in the preparation phase. Therefore, aerobic exercise must cover the hamstrings based on squats and deadlifts, calves utilized through jumping ropes, and the back enhanced through push-ups and deadlifts (Junior, 2020). In other words, the training for volleyball sports targets the back, hamstrings, and calve muscles by incorporating specific aerobic activities. The specificity principle in preparations prepares the muscles required during the main activity. Response to Sports Training Concepts Essay Paper


The principle of specificity in personal fitness training determines the equipment and objectives of training. According to Kasper (2019), incorporating specific objectives in personal fitness training intensifies the body’s muscle reactions to improve the specificity of the structure required. In other words, training for strength, flexibility or power becomes the training goal. Therefore, the cumulative resonance for specificity is wrapped in all activities that target each goal of an exercise (Kasper, 2019). In the case of strength training, the athlete requires activities that induce neuromuscular and metabolic adaptions. The activities include lifting medium to heavy weights, push-ups, sit-ups and squats, and heavy farm duties such as digging. Because strength training weaves together resistance training, the training goals become one unless one opts to lose weight or remain flexible. Either way, the simplistic definition of what is targeted with this principle is that training must be in tone with specific targets on the muscle, without which outcomes cannot be equated to desired goals and objectives.

The specificity of rehabilitation in sports is to safely return an injured athlete or player to training or competition. As denoted in the definition of the principle, efforts, activities and functions of sports programs should align towards achieving similar objectives on the muscle or an area with defect from injury (Kasper, 2019). For example, a volleyball player can develop a shoulder injury during competitive games. In this case, the objective becomes the safe return of the player on the pitch, as described by Junior (2020). To determine the security of good health, the injured player works with physical therapists to improve the area muscle functionalities. The therapy accounts for the severity of the injury and the associative tasks for treatment, such as stretching for motion enhancement and mild exercise for strength. The role of the physical therapist becomes in tandem with an assessment of muscle imbalance, making the rehabilitation program range among cases of injuries. The underlying relevance of the principle of specificity in rehabilitation is identifying, evaluating and planning for ways in which the athlete returns to the pitch for practice or competition.


Learners with intellectual disabilities can be instructed or taught through the provision of course outlines before the start of the course. Intellectual disability is defined as a condition where a learner finds mild to severe difficulty in learning new or complex information (Knight et al., 2019). Therefore, as provided in the Individuals with Disability Education Act, teachers can provide proactive techniques in dealing with these issues. For example, giving the learners with this type of disability outline of what will be covered in the forthcoming semester prepares them for what to cover. Their practice before and after induction to the course becomes easier and more effective. Moreover, when teaching learners with this type of disability, the language used and adopted throughout the program should be clear and straightforward (Knight et al., 2019). Clarity provides association with previously acquired concepts. It also builds on expectations of what the teacher will likely mean when drilling on newer concepts. In summary, giving learners an outline of the course and using simple language to explain new and complex ideas and topics prepares them to participate and gain from instructed teaching. Response to Sports Training Concepts Essay Paper

Moreover, teachers can use diversified content delivery models reinforced by real-life examples to enhance classroom engagement when dealing with learners with intellectual disabilities. Diversified delivery models include charts, videos, audiotapes, vocalization and overheads. The idea behind these formats is individual differences among this type of learners. Intellectual disability is caused by genetics and environmental factors and has different severity levels (García-Redondo et al., 2019). Therefore, appealing to individual needs within the class is achieved by mixing the methods of content delivery. A learner with an intellectual disability can have better visual memory than another person. All these aspects also help to keep them engaged, active and included. Besides, real-life examples also reiterate what the learners know, building a culture where previously acquired ideas extend the culture of incorporating additional ideas.

Using serious video games and evidence-based activity motivates outcome-based learning among students with learning disabilities. The essence of serious video games is the maintenance of the traditional entertainment of video gaming while enhancing the achievability of learning objectives. García-Redondo et al. (2019) postulate that the activity increases the motivation, attention and cognitive functionalities of learners. For learners with intellectual disabilities, the activity solidifies how a teacher influences social interaction based on content, assessment procedures, and targeted skills while guaranteeing the model’s aesthetics (García-Redondo et al., 2019). Objectives and uses of these games are the definitive distinctions between ordinary video games and those used in learning contexts. Additionally, singing and music support concept retention while engaging the learners in an inclusive activity (Klang et al., 2020). Singing enhances the retention of rhythm and lyrics, hence conceptualizing relatively newer and complex ideas. Whether the learners play educational video games or sing, their efforts demonstrate inclusion with the teacher and classmates.


As a kinesiology student, incorporating at least five whole fruits daily during meals will help prevent obesity and additional chronic conditions. Research shows that whole fruits have low calories compared to other meals while rich in fiber hence low insulin resistance cases (Guyenet, 2019). For this reason, their digestion is easier while supporting the energy retention from the fibers they contain. In this case, a person has reduced chances of gaining weight compared to eating ordinary meals. Eating at least five whole fruits daily should replace consuming processed foods. Frontiers in Nutrition suggest that to maintain or reduce weight for 3 to 24 weeks, there should be increased consumption of fruits (Guyenet, 2019). The essentiality of fruit intake focuses on lowering energy intake, which causes weight gain. The weight gain outcomes also emphasize risks of attracting hypertension, heart disease and high blood pressure. In summary, integrating daily fruit intake will maintain the current weight and reduce the risk of other underlying conditions in children, adolescents and older adults. Response to Sports Training Concepts Essay Paper

Innovating a culture of exercise and physical activity for at least thirty minutes daily will help prevent obesity and additional underlying conditions. Physical activities promoting weight loss include brisk walking, jogging, intermittent stretching breaks during working hours and workouts, as Faienza et al. (2020) illustrated. According to public health surveys on the impacts of physical exercise on chronic diseases, bone metabolism during exercise enhances the adaptability of body size, shape, weight and strength (Faienza et al., 2020). Therefore, to maintain a balance in the body mass index, it is convenient that people develop plans for incorporating any form of activity that induces musculoskeletal balance. For children and adults whose attraction rates for obesity are 16.2% in the United States, physical exercise can range from walking to school, depending on the environment, to mandatory extracurricular activities. On the other hand, adults whose attraction rates are relatively higher can enroll in fitness programs or take voluntary daily walks and jogging. Ideally, the strategy towards defeating obesity is acculturating any applicable physical activity. In conclusion, people require both internal and external motivation to engage in exercise and physical activities.

Kinesiology borrows principles of sports training to advance the maintenance of human health. The principles of sports training include specificity while aligning the aims of training the human body and muscles to achieve predetermined outcomes (Kasper, 2019). Ideally, when one is obese, regardless of demographic and sociocultural characteristics, one can train their body muscle to reduce that weight and maintain a desirable fitness standard, as per sporting principles (Kasper, 2019). Therefore, in this case, the intervention provides people with information about what to do to reduce weight, hence reducing the chances of attracting underlying conditions. For example, an adolescent with obesity can take weight training classes, yoga, jogging, walking, or cycling to become as fit as they desire. The activities involve the sporting principle of specificity (Junior, 2020). Analytically, most teenagers with overweight conditions face social stigma, so their preoccupation with gaining information about the specificity principle is reduced. They need people such as kinesiologists to inform and persuade them. Consequently, information sharing alone offers wide-ranging insights that can change people from attracting life-threatening chronic disorders.


Motivating athletes for excellent performance and a positive relationship with the coach is value driven. Values such as mutual respect, trust and administration provide sporting stakeholders, especially the coaches and their athletes, with a culture-driven pivot for positive relationships. Everyone in the field is motivated to perform excellently when they know their audience watches and trusts their abilities. According to Vygotsky’s theory of sociocultural development, social and personal attributes that affect the development of children can become motivation that flows when the relationships shared are built on support and a culture of admiration (McLeod, 2020). For this reason, many children insist that their parents be available during school extracurricular activities. If the social setup around the coach and the sports environment support values that promote positivism, young or old athletes can flourish in the disciplines they pursue. Values such as respect mean implementing a training exercise even when the odds do not permit or promote the same (McLeod, 2020). The theory applies similarly among the coaches and athletes based on the sociocultural factors impacting both parties. Therefore, coaches and athletes mutually agree about their interaction, operations and objectives on and off the field. In this case, exemplary performance is sustained throughout the active periods of the athlete. Response to Sports Training Concepts Essay Paper

Transparent and honest communication inspires positive relationships and excellent performance between coaches and athletes. Communication embodies leadership, management and implementation of all set objectives (Dar & Gulhane, 2021). It also creates a culture of mutual understanding between sponsors, coaches, apparent suppliers and athletes in the sports sector (Dar & Gulhane, 2021). However, to have a mutual understanding of elements that break communication, such as lack of feedback, parties face reduced conflicts. Athletes, particularly those who have gone pro-level, have difficulty listening to others and instructions and taking moral responsibilities when faults occur (Dar & Gulhane, 2021). To deal with issues arising from immoral behaviors, the coach and support staff must be transparent about situations. Their opinions must reflect the interest of the team. Transparency and honesty are values tagging together to champion good communication culture. Plans are equally implemented in ways that depict the contribution of everyone involved. Consequently, dealing with verbal communication, as coaches sustain all that the athletes follow and adopt, they must reflect transparent and honest opinions.

Stress management approaches in sports range from deep breathing to guided therapeutic exercises. The context of managing stress requires interpretation based on the environment, although the aim is to improve the mental and physical health of the participants (Dar & Gulhane, 2021). If anxiety and the stress-related event occurs on the pitch, it becomes self-reflective that the coach teaches the player how to take deep breaths, among other measures, to deal with it. However, the issue originates from the higher powers, such as sponsoring organizations cutting ties with the player. In that case, it is efficient to use guided therapeutic approaches such as counseling, meditation and management of social media influence (Dar & Gulhane, 2021). The underlying proposition is that the coach and the player must train selves on stress management as part of the agile preparation for the future. The stress-causative factors such as busy schedules, lack of personal time and over-expectations should be predetermined by both parties (Dar & Gulhane, 2021). They are issues that can affect the relationship between the player and the coach and also despair the performance of both parties. In conclusion, the relationship between the coach and the athlete must be based on values permeating through interpersonal and professional relationships.


As COVID-19 impacted people mentally, physically and emotionally, engaging in physical fitness at any stressful time reduces disease infection rates. Staying physically active during the recent pandemic helped millions of people boost their immunity against underlying diseases and COVID-19. Although secession of movements and social distancing was the surest ways to avoid contracting the disease, remaining in one place impacted many with mental disorders ranging from anxiety and stress to depression (Gloster et al., 2020). The mental disorders impacted millions of people with varying coping mechanisms, which included in-door workout sessions. Therefore, personal physical activity saved many from plunging into mental disorders. It provides reflective retraction from mental anguish (Symons et al., 2021). Involving the self in physical activity during global lockdown delineates a proactive approach towards stress management. It sensitizes people against falling prey to underlying conditions such as hypertension and high blood pressure which are caused by stress. Medical experts publicized that the global pandemic was particularly killing people with underlying conditions (Symons et al., 2021). In this case, the conditions are managed with physical activity.


The recommended physical activity for children during the lockdown imposed to contain COVID-19 helped them acquire and retain sporting hobbies that remained long after the pandemic. Children learn and construct knowledge out of experiences they have in their settings. With many children staying at home and having ample time to watch documentaries and physical exercises on social media platforms and engage with parents, they formed a rich knowledge base about implementing complete workouts at home (Symons et al., 2021). For those with a better socioeconomic upbringing, physical fitness was approached by regular gymnastic exercises, while others read and implemented the dietary skills that enabled them to remain fit. According to research conducted among the nationals of the United Kingdom, the motivating factors to begin physical fitness scaled from having dissatisfying body image, weight and irregular eating habits (Robertson et al., 2020). For the children, physical activity skills developed into hobbies that remain poignant to future experiences of the children. Remaining active during the pandemic was utilized by taking part in non-physical lessons that promoted clean health against disease infections and mental health issues. In a nutshell, the impacts of remaining active and holistically healthy among children during the pandemic include acquiring and retaining newer fitness and dietary skills.

In conclusion, the physical activities for children and adults at home detail types of exercises and supporting resources to complete a physical exercise. The activities for children, men and women include yoga, dancing, ball games, jumping, lifting weights, jogging, and squats. Depending on age, objectives of the physical exercise and availability of resources, everyone can choose which exercise works for them (Symons et al., 2021). However, the resources include jumping ropes, modified step benches, gliding discs, exercise mats, resistance bands and virtual trainers through the internet sites. While it is important to note that exercising during the pandemic was largely attributed to desired break from the monotony of negative news about infection rates and deaths among many people, it is also noteworthy to state that it was part of the routine for many physical exercises enthusiasts (Robertson et al., 2020). The nature of physical exercises that boost the stability of the muscle and the body parts often is limited to zealous people in the sporting, film and physical education industries. However, engaging in workout activities during the pandemic through the methods listed required much-needed extra force for many (Symons et al., 2021). Ideally, when it comes to life and death-situations, people learn to utilize resources that often are ignored. The nature of people to save selves through every means was demonstrated by the increased infection and death rates globally. In summary, exercising remains important beyond the times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Response to Sports Training Concepts Essay Paper

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