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Sample Research Paper on Effects of Sleep on Health

Background and clinical significance of sleep disorders


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Immense cases of chronic sleep disorders and sleep loss have been reported. The clinical
industry being the primary affected sector in public health has not impacted awareness to the
general public despite the increasing opportunities in scientific research and the global expansion
of clinical activities (Dijk et al., 2019). Talking of the 20 to 40 percentage of an adult affected by
SDB and the 25 per cent of the U.S adults facing insufficient sleep can be termed as the
insignificance of clinical practices ("Sleep Health | Healthy People 2020", 2020). This takes my
interests in pointing the question; of what importance or sense has this problem been considered
in the clinical setting?
The problem reveals how the clinical workforce or in healthcare provision is insufficient
to support the diagnosing processes and treat individuals directly affected by sleep disorders.
Further, the problem calls for advancement of knowledge-based practices in a clinical setting and
improves the effectiveness and efficiency of public awareness through recognized and developed
academic and federal health sleep programs (Dijk et al., 2019). According to Alharbi et al.
(2017), the problem is significant to the clinical environment through attempts to call for an
interdisciplinary approach that will ensure integrated and coordinated efforts of not only major
medical fields associated to sleep clinical care but also other disciplines like nursing,
neuroscience, pharmacology, and dentistry.

The effect of the issue/topic for the patient and community

Sleep is essential for both learning and the overall well-being of a person. Insufficient or
lack of sleep reduces an individual’s ability to think and solve problems effectively. Individual

wellness remains a crucial thing to consider no matter the tight schedules most people pencils.
When one’s well-being is affected by sleep, it means the person is prone to limitless diseases that
come about as risk factors of sleep disorder.
According to "Sleep Health | Healthy People 2020" (2020), an individual who is a victim
to sleep disorders is not strong enough to fight off infections like diabetes, heart disease, obesity,
and the SDB. This reduces the performance of such patient as the level of fatigue, decreased
alertness and disorientation increases as more costs are incurred in the treatment of the associated
disease risks. The effect on the community showcases itself in the productivity level and
increased accidents. Poor performance due to anxiety and stress of the diseases one is a victim to
causes decreased alertness on making intelligent decisions at the workplace or other social
places; this, in turn, reduce performance and if one was operating delicate machines or
equipment accidents arises resulting in losses to the general community.
Effect of the issue/topic on the health care system

The higher the degree of sleep deprivation, the higher the adverse impact on the health
care system (Alharbi et al., 2017); when an individual develops sleep-related disorders like
depressed mood, obesity, diabetes, symptoms of anxiety, substance use and CVD or
hypertension, it is upon the health care system to mitigate these effects which is more costly
(Dijk et al., 2019). For instance, healthcare professions need to be increased in number; this
translates to training costs, hiring and salary costs. Further, the promotional campaigns on sleep
health and the general process of diagnosing, treating and preventing these disorders occur as a
result of the effect of sleep health on the health care system.



Alharbi, A. A. M., Alotaibi, T. M., Almalki, A. M., Althekri, M. S. H., Alshadokhi, O. A.,
AlDossary, F. H., … & Altowirqi, M. Y. (2017). Sleep Disorders and its Effect on
Community. Health Science Journal, 11(4), 1 from
Dijk, D. J., Beersma, D. G., van den Hoofdakker, R. H., Duffy, J. F., Kiel, E., Shanahan, T. L., &
Czeisler, C. A. (2019). Sleep deprivation: An unmet public health problem. Washington,
DC: Institute of Medicine: National Academies Press.
Sleep Health | Healthy People 2020. (2020). Retrieved 20 January 2020, from

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