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Teaching Plan: Nursing and Healthcare Education



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Create a complete teaching plan for your course that fuses together all previous course components and includes the addition of a detailed assessment plan.
Your complete teaching plan should provide:
An overview of the course topic, environment, and learner population.
An explanation of the learner outcomes for the course as well as the learning theory or theories that are the foundation of the course.
An incorporation of evidence-based best practices to enhance learner motivation in your selected learning environment and format.
An integration of appropriate teaching strategies, techniques, and learner outcomes for nursing and healthcare education for use in specific situations and populations and of evidence-based best practices for classroom and learner management.
A consideration of barriers to learning when designing and developing educational programs and an integration of cultural competence in nursing and healthcare educational offerings.
A logical, well-designed assessment plan that addresses these points:
A selection of assessment types that are most appropriate for the content, environment, and learner population.
An explanation of how you will evaluate whether or not learning outcomes were accomplished in the course, and how assessments will demonstrate that learners have learned as intended.
An analysis of how your selected assessment types support cultural competence as well as fit for learners with varied learning styles.
Organize your plan as follows:

Title page.
Table of Contents.
An overview of your course (topic, setting audience, and so on).
Learning Theories and Diversity (Assessment 1).
Teaching Strategies (Assessment 2).
Management and Motivation (Assessment 3).
Assessment Strategies (designed in this Assessment).
Your completed plan should be clear and flow together well. It should show cohesion, understanding, and the application of best practices, and all writing should be professional and free of errors.

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