The Quality Improvement Project Proposal Paper
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Write My Essay For Me1 Quality Improvement Project Proposal Student’s Name(s) Institutional Affiliation(s) Course Details Instructor’s Name(s) Date 2 Quality Improvement Project Proposal Introduction and the Background of the Problem Through a previously done thorough research, it was deducible that medication administration errors are prevalent in the health care facilities. However, these challenges are rampant in the in-patient settings, linked to health practitioner’s burnout and the inefficiencies in nursing or health care. In numerous studies, it is revealed that medication administration errors, especially in the in-patient care unit, are a concern of safety being linked to significant mortality and morbidity rate The Quality Improvement Project Proposal Paper.
The Need Assessment In a study by Hammoudi et al. (2017), medication errors by nurses relate to poor communication, workload, staff rotation, and unclear medication orders. As a result, patients in the in-patient care unit encounter life-threatening sentinel events, mostly related to allergy reactions. Other outcomes resulting from medication administration errors include skin disfigurement, itches, or rashes, linked to potentially severe injuries or death. As a result, achieving a safe culture for the in-patient client safety remains a priority, to curb incidents of lengthy and costly hospitalization, build trust with the healthcare system, inhibit injuries, and ensure that the right patients get the correct drug in the dose and route and at the right time The Quality Improvement Project Proposal Paper
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