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Week 4 Assignment Professional Paper Worksheet YH

Week 4 Assignment Professional Paper Worksheet YH


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Week 4 Assignment Professional Paper Worksheet YH
Week 4 Assignment Professional Paper Worksheet YH

Week 4 Assignment Professional Paper Worksheet YH

Reference for Assigned Article:  

Create a reference for the assigned article (see announcement) using correct APA format including: author(s), year, article title, journal name, volume number, issue number, page numbers, italics, parentheses, punctuation, double line spacing, and hanging indent. Include DOI if available. 

[See pages 316-317 in APA 7th Edition Manual] 

Type the reference for the assigned article here beginning on the line below:  

Rajamohan, S., Davis, C. R., & Ader, M. (2020). REST: Break through to resilience. Nursing50(8), 53–56.

  1. Quotation and Citation:  

Type the assigned quotation from the assigned article (see announcement) using correct APA citation including quotation marks, names of author(s), year, page abbreviation, page number, and parentheses, and punctuation.  

[See pages 261-262, 266, and 270-272 in APA 7th Edition Manual] 

Type the assigned quotation and citation here beginning on the line below:  

To bring the better patient outcomes, “It is vital for nurses to recognize the emotions they feel when they face stressful situations in school, home, or work. Being aware of one’s true emotions is the first step toward building resilience” (Rajamohan, Davis & Ader, 2020, p. 54).  


Rajamohan, Davis & Ader (2020) noted that “It is vital for nurses to recognize the emotions they feel when they face stressful situations in school, home, or work. Being aware of one’s true emotions is the first step toward building resilience” (p. 54).  

  1. Paraphrased Area and Citation:  

Type appropriately paraphrased version of the assigned sentence (see announcement) using correct APA citation including names of author(s), year, and parentheses, and punctuation.  

[See pages 261-262, 266, and 269 in APA 7th Edition Manual] 

Type an appropriate paraphrase and citation of the assigned sentence here beginning on the line below:  

Creating a balance sleeping schedule is indispensable to achieve good academic outcomes; yet, several sleeping habits can adversely affect the quality of sleep (Rajamohan, Davis & Ader, 2020, p.54). 

  1. Assigned Article Summary:  

Summarize the assigned article using 175-200 words. Include all of the main ideas from the assigned article. The Summary must contain the assigned sentence for quotation and citation as noted in the announcement, the assigned sentence for the paraphrased area with citation as noted in the announcement, several additional paraphrased areas, and appropriately formatted citations.  You may also include one more short quotation if you wish. 

Week 4 Assignment Professional Paper Worksheet YH

Type your 175-200 word summary of the assigned article here beginning on the next line:  

The article emphasizes the importance of a balanced sleep schedule for nurses and students enhance resilience and reduce burnout. Since 40% of nurses suffer from burnout that effects patient care outcomes, the evidnece suggests improvign quality of sleep and using              REST mnemonic as a tool to balance sleep can build resilience. Resilient nurses and students can face adverse life events with healthy internal coping. The REST stands for relationships, exercise, soul, and transformative thinking that lead to positive action. That means nurses should express their emotions and show geniue kindness towards self-care. They should invovle in regular physical exercise to take care of mind, body, and spirit. Since nurses are in caring profession, they need to face difficult situations, they should constant enhance their learning and thinking to achieve a transformative mind. A transformative attitude encourages people to keep the bigger picture in mind and to find hope in all situations. The writer emphasized the importance of relationships of nurses, “It is vital for nurses to recognize the emotions they feel when they face stressful situations in school, home, or work. Being aware of one’s true emotions is the first step toward building resilience” (Rajamohan, Davis & Ader, 2020, p. 54). Creating a balance sleeping schedule is indispensable to achieve good academic outcomes; yet, several sleeping habits can adversely affect the quality of sleep (Rajamohan, Davis & Ader, 2020, p.54). Another quote that expresses this article’s meaning is “Educators may consider partnering with the counselling department or wellness center, or the college’s learning or student success centre, to provide workshops on a regular basis, either weekly or bimonthly during the first year of college ((Rajamohan & Davis & Ader, 2020, p.56). The article focuses on implanting REST for students by suggesting educationists to partner with counsellors to enhance students’ success.

NR714-60286 Week 6 Evidence Synthesis and Tables MP

Week 4 Assignment Professional Paper Worksheet YH

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