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Writing Strong Conclusions for Ethics Nursing Essays

Ethics are integral within nursing, guiding crucial decisions and obligations. Nurses regularly face dilemmas involving conflicts between core ethical principles.


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Ethics nursing essays allow students to demonstrate applied ethical reasoning on dilemmas nurses commonly encounter in practice. This article provides detailed guidance on composing impactful closing sections for ethics nursing essays.

The Vital Role of Ethics in Nursing Practice

Ethics are central to how nurses advocate for and protect patients. Nurses have an ethical duty to promote each patient’s welfare, rights, and interests while balancing competing considerations. Key elements of ethics in nursing include:

  • Upholding patient dignity, wellbeing, and rights
  • Ensuring informed consent, truthfulness, and confidentiality
  • Weighing conflicting responsibilities and values
  • Allocating resources in a just, fair manner
  • Maintaining professional integrity and boundaries

Nurses encounter dilemmas where two or more ethical values or duties conflict. By systematically analyzing options through ethical frameworks, nurses can determine the most principled course of action, fulfilling their moral obligations.

Common Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Nurses

Nurses regularly confront dilemmas involving ethical dimensions, such as:

  • Whether to comply with patient treatment refusals that contradict medical advice
  • How to allocate scarce medical resources, technology, or transplants equitably
  • What to do when patient autonomy conflicts with promoting health or preventing harm
  • When breaching confidentiality to protect others is ethically justified
  • Where to draw the line between paternalism and respect for autonomy
  • How to address errors, negligence, or inadequate care ethically
  • How to balance transparent truth-telling with avoiding maleficence
  • How to weigh patient rights versus family requests

Applying ethical reasoning helps nurses make sound choices when moral questions arise.

Key Elements of an Ethics Nursing Essay

Ethics nursing essays require analyzing a morally complex dilemma through an ethical lens. Key sections include:

  • Introduction: Introduces the dilemma and ethical significance to nursing.
  • Body: Applies ethical models like deontology, justice, care ethics to analyze the dilemma. Weighs considerations, duties, rights, harms. Evaluates stakeholder perspectives.
  • Conclusion: Synthesizes analysis into recommended resolution and insights gained. Discusses implications.

A strong conclusion is vital to demonstrating reasoned ethical problem-solving tailored to nursing values and contexts.

How to Write an Impactful Ethics Nursing Essay Conclusion

Follow these tips when crafting the conclusion section:

Briefly Recap Key Points

Succinctly remind readers of the central dilemma, frameworks applied, and the focus of preceding analysis without introducing new information.

Synthesize Your Evaluation

Trace how evaluating ethical dimensions, principles, and stakeholder views collectively informed your interpretation to develop reasoned conclusions.

Restate Your Final Stance

Articulate your concluding position or recommended resolution regarding the primary dilemma.

Explain Significance for Nursing

Discuss why your analysis and proposed resolution approach matter for nursing practice and ethics.

Address Potential Implications

Explain likely real-world impacts if your resolution approach was adopted widely in similar situations.

Provide Recommendations

Suggest specific ways nursing education or professional organizations could better equip nurses with ethical decision-making skills and resources.

Suggest Areas for Further Inquiry

Propose logical follow-up areas to research, investigate, or analyze to expand insights on the dilemma.

Briefly Discuss Broader Relevance

If suitable, relate the dilemma briefly to larger ongoing conversations in nursing ethics, bioethics, or healthcare.

Impactful Closing Sentence

End with a memorable statement encapsulating the profound takeaway you want readers to ponder.

Avoid Pitfalls

Don’t introduce new ideas, simply repeat content, omit to reinforce your viewpoint, or end abruptly without closure.


Nurses often face a tough ethical choice: respecting a patient's wish to keep a terminal diagnosis secret from family. This essay discusses the clash between patient autonomy and the duty to ensure informed consent, using ethical frameworks like deontology and utilitarianism. I argue that, as a last resort, nurses should try persuading the patient to reconsider before breaching confidentiality. 

While patients have a right to make healthcare choices, it has limits when causing harm. Withholding vital information can lead to improper treatment and emotional distress. 

Yet, coercive tactics are not the answer. Nurses should provide counsel, involve the care team, and seek ethics consultation. If the patient remains adamant, breaching confidentiality may be justified as the lesser evil, balancing harm prevention and respecting personal liberty. 

This approach aligns with nursing duties and ethical principles, highlighting the importance of training and approved protocols for such situations. This case demonstrates the need for contextual ethical analysis in nursing practice.

Final Thoughts

An effective ethics nursing essay conclusion should synthesize multifaceted analysis into meaningful new insights. Nurse educators assess your ability to apply ethical reasoning tailored specifically to the nursing profession’s values, duties, and contexts. A strong closing section demonstrates comprehension, critical thought, and skill in determining ethically sound resolutions to healthcare dilemmas.

Our experts have skillfully navigated the intricate terrain of nursing ethics throughout this essay conclusion. Now, it’s your turn to excel. Place your order here, and let us craft a top-notch nursing essay that showcases your understanding of ethical principles and earns you the academic success you deserve. Seize the opportunity – order now and elevate your nursing career

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